HPlogo X25/9000: X.25/9000 Programmer's Guide



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call acceptance
controlling, Controlling Call Acceptance
CALL ACCEPTED, Using BSD IPC and X.25 with the Client/Server Model
packet format, CALL ACCEPTED/CONNECTED Packet
and D bit, Setting the D Bit in CALL ACCEPTED Packets
packet format, CALL ACCEPTED/CONNECTED Packet
packet format, CALL REQUEST/INDICATION Packet
CALL REQUEST, Using BSD IPC and X.25 with the Client/Server Model, Addressing Options for Servers, Using Wildcard Addressing, Setting a Wildcard Protocol ID Local Address Mask
packet format, CALL REQUEST/INDICATION Packet
CALL REQUEST packet, The ioctl(X25_WR_USER_DATA) Call
and D bit, Setting the D Bit in CALL REQUEST Packets
call user data available, Getting Next Message Status
call-matching, Addressing Options for Servers
interface name, Call-Matching by X.25 Interface Name
protocol ID, Call-Matching by Protocol ID
subaddress, Call-Matching by Subaddress
X.121 address, Call-Matching by Called X.121 Address Only
call-user data, Preparing Address Variables, The ioctl(X25_WR_USER_DATA) Call
changing send and receive buffer sizes, Changing the Size of Socket Buffers
child process, Strategies for Server Design
circuit state
and socket state, Syntax for close()
circuit status, Obtaining Status Information Programmatically
circuit table index, The ioctl (X25_RD_CTI) Call
CLEAR, Closing a Socket Descriptor, OOB_VC_CLEAR
out-of-band event, Receiving Out-of-Band Events
packet format, CLEAR REQUEST/INDICATION Packet
CLEAR packet
and clear-user data, Syntax for close()
and facilities data, Syntax for close()
packet format, CLEAR REQUEST/INDICATION Packet
clear-user data
reading, The ioctl(X25_RD_USER_DATA) Call
clear-user data available, Getting Next Message Status
clearing a switched virtual circuit, Clearing a Switched Virtual Circuit
client, Using BSD IPC and X.25 with the Client/Server Model, Getting Started with X.25 Programmatic Access, Addressing Options for Clients
addressing, Addressing Options for Clients
establishing connection, Connection Establishment for the Client Process
client specifying protocol ID
example, Example (client specifying the protocol ID)
model, Using BSD IPC and X.25 with the Client/Server Model
summary, Using BSD IPC and X.25 with the Client/Server Model
close(), Closing a Socket Descriptor, Clearing a Switched Virtual Circuit
and clear-user data, Syntax for close()
and facilities data, Syntax for close()
parameters, Syntax for close()
syntax, Syntax for close()
vs. shutdown(), Syntax for shutdown()
socket descriptor, Closing a Socket Descriptor
closing a connection without losing data, Syntax for close()
connect(), Requesting a Connection
and nonblocking I/O, Nonblocking Behavior of System Calls
example, Example (client specifying the protocol ID)
parameters, Syntax for connect()
syntax, Syntax for connect()
accepting, Accepting a Connection
establishing for client, Connection Establishment for the Client Process
establishing for server, Connection Establishment for the Server Process
requesting, Requesting a Connection
terminating, Terminating a Connection
reestablishing, Reestablishing Terminated Connections
D and Q bits, Controlling the MDTF, D, and Q bits
controlling call acceptance, Controlling Call Acceptance
creating a socket, Creating a Socket, Creating a Socket


D and Q bits
controlling, Controlling the MDTF, D, and Q bits
D bit, Controlling the MDTF, D, and Q bits
and connect(), Syntax for connect()
CALL ACCEPTED packet, Setting the D Bit in CALL ACCEPTED Packets
CALL REQUEST packet, Setting the D Bit in CALL REQUEST Packets
data message, Setting the D Bit in a Data Message
D bit acknowledgement, Detecting D Bit Arrival and Confirmation
D bit and connection establishment, Setting the D Bit in a Data Message
D bit confirmation, OOB_VC_DBIT_CONF
D bit status, Getting Next Message Status
X25_NEXT_MSG_STAT ioctl(), Detecting D Bit Arrival and Confirmation, Getting Next Message Status
packet format, DATA Packet
sending, Sending Data
sending and receiving, Data transmission requirements
data loss
and closing a connection, Syntax for close()
data message
and D bit, Setting the D Bit in a Data Message
DCE, X.25 Configurations
declaring socket address variables, Preparing Address Variables
destination address
specifying, Preparing Address Variables, Addressing Options for Clients
DTE, X.25 Configurations
obtaining address of remote, Obtaining Status Information Programmatically


interface name, Call-Matching by X.25 Interface Name
specifying, Preparing Address Variables, Addressing Options for Servers
Interprocess Communication
address family, Preparing Address Variables
AF_CCITT, Preparing Address Variables
BSD IPC connections, Using BSD IPC
client, Using BSD IPC and X.25 with the Client/Server Model
client-server model, Using BSD IPC and X.25 with the Client/Server Model
creating a socket, Creating a Socket
library routines, Using BSD IPC
nonblocking I/0, Syntax for connect()
receiving data, Receiving Data
requesting a connection, Requesting a Connection
sending and receiving data, Data transmission requirements
sending data, Sending Data
server, Using BSD IPC and X.25 with the Client/Server Model
setting up the server to wait for connection, Preparing a Listen Socket
using shutdown, Shutting Down a Socket
writing the client process, Connection Establishment for the Client Process
writing the server process, Connection Establishment for the Server Process
INTERRUPT, OOB_INTERRUPT, Sending Interrupts on a VC
out-of-band event, Receiving Out-of-Band Events
packet format, INTERRUPT Packet
packet format, INTERRUPT CONFIRMATION Packet
interrupt data
sending, Sending Interrupts on a VC
sending and receiving, Receiving Out-of-Band Events
interrupt data, receiving
example, Example of an X.25 Signal Handler
FIOSNBIO, Using Nonblocking I/O
X25_GET_IFSTATE, The ioctl (X25_GET_IFSTATE) call
X25_NEXT_MSG_STAT, Getting Next Message Status, The ioctl(X25_RD_USER_DATA) Call
X25_RD_CTI, The ioctl (X25_RD_CTI) Call
X25_RD_HOSTADR, The ioctl (X25_RD_HOSTADR) call
X25_RD_LCI, The ioctl (X25_RD_LCI) Call
X25_RD_USER_DATA, The ioctl(X25_RD_USER_DATA) Call
X25_RESET_VC, Resetting a Virtual Circuit, The ioctl(X25_RESET_VC) Call
X25_SET_FRAGMENT_SIZE, Setting the Read Message Fragment Size, Syntax for ioctl(X25_SET_FRAGMENT_SIZE), OOB_VC_MSG_TOO_BIG
X25_SETUP_PVC, Preparing a PVC for Use
X25_WR_CALLING_SUBADDR, Reestablishing Terminated Connections
X25_WR_CAUSE_DIAG, Clearing a Switched Virtual Circuit, The ioctl(X25_WR_CAUSE_DIAG) Call, Resetting a Virtual Circuit
X25_WR_FACILITIES, Clearing a Switched Virtual Circuit, The ioctl (X25_WR_FACILITIES) Call
X25_WR_MASK_DATA, Setting a Wildcard Protocol ID Local Address Mask, Syntax for ioctl (X25_WR_MASK_DATA)
X25_WR_THRESHOLD, Setting the Write Buffer Threshold
X25_WR_USER_DATA, Clearing a Switched Virtual Circuit, The ioctl(X25_WR_USER_DATA) Call
X25_WR_WTHRESHOLD, Setting the Write Buffer Threshold
IPC connections, Using BSD IPC


read(), Data transmission requirements, The M bit versus the MDTF bit
and nonblocking I/O, Nonblocking Behavior of System Calls
Reading incomplete messages, The M bit versus the MDTF bit, Setting the Read Message Fragment Size, Syntax for ioctl(X25_SET_FRAGMENT_SIZE), OOB_VC_MSG_TOO_BIG
receive buffer size
default, Changing the Size of Socket Buffers
receiving data, Receiving Data
receiving interrupt data
and nonblocking I/O, Nonblocking Behavior of System Calls, Building a Signal Handler
example, Example of an X.25 Signal Handler
receiving interrupt data quickly, Example of an X.25 Signal Handler
receiving out-of-band data, Signal Reception
example, Signal Reception, Example of an X.25 Signal Handler
M bit, Syntax for ioctl(X25_NEXT_MSG_STAT)
recv(), Data transmission requirements, The M bit versus the MDTF bit, Receiving Data
and nonblocking I/O, Nonblocking Behavior of System Calls
parameters, Syntax for recv()
syntax, Syntax for recv()
example, Example of an X.25 Signal Handler
reestablishing connections, Reestablishing Terminated Connections
requesting a connection, Requesting a Connection
out-of-band event, Receiving Out-of-Band Events
sending, The ioctl(X25_RESET_VC) Call
packet format, RESET CONFIRMATION Packet
packet format, RESET REQUEST/INDICATION Packet
RESET out-of-band event, The ioctl(X25_RESET_VC) Call
RESET packet, Resetting a Virtual Circuit
packet format, RESET REQUEST/INDICATION Packet
resetting a virtual circuit, Resetting a Virtual Circuit
reverse charging, The ioctl(X25_RD_FACILITIES) Call


select(), Call-Matching by X.25 Interface Name
write threshold, Setting the Write Buffer Threshold
send buffer size, Setting Buffer Thresholds and Sizes
default, Changing the Size of Socket Buffers
send(), Data transmission requirements, The M bit versus the MDTF bit
and nonblocking I/O, Nonblocking Behavior of System Calls
parameters, Syntax for send()
syntax, Syntax for send()
sending and receiving data, Data transmission requirements
sending and receiving interrupt data, Receiving Out-of-Band Events
sending data, Sending Data
sending interrupt data, Sending Interrupts on a VC
on CCITT 1980 interfaces, Sending Interrupts on a VC
sending multiple messages, Syntax for setsockopt()
sending out-of-band events, Transmitting Out-of-Band Events
server, Using BSD IPC and X.25 with the Client/Server Model, Getting Started with X.25 Programmatic Access, Addressing Options for Servers
design, Strategies for Server Design
establishing connection, Connection Establishment for the Server Process
setsockopt(), Changing the Size of Socket Buffers, OOB_VC_MSG_TOO_BIG
parameters, Syntax for setsockopt()
syntax, Syntax for setsockopt()
shutdown(), Shutting Down a Socket
parameters, Syntax for shutdown()
syntax, Syntax for shutdown()
vs. close(), Syntax for shutdown()
shutting down a socket, Shutting Down a Socket
signal handler
building, Building a Signal Handler
example, Example of an X.25 Signal Handler
signal handling, Signal Reception
SIGURG, Syntax for send(), Receiving Out-of-Band Events
socket, Creating a Socket
creating for client, Creating a Socket
creating for server, Creating a Socket
preparing, Preparing a Listen Socket
setting buffers, Changing the Size of Socket Buffers
shutting down, Shutting Down a Socket
socket address
binding, Binding an X.121 Address to a Socket
socket address variables
declaring, Preparing Address Variables
socket descriptor, Syntax for ioctl (X25_WR_MASK_DATA), Syntax for socket()
socket state
and circuit state, Syntax for close()
and VC state, Syntax for close()
socket write threshold, Setting the Write Buffer Threshold
parameters, Syntax for socket()
syntax, Syntax for socket()
sockets, Using BSD IPC
circuit, Obtaining Status Information Programmatically
x25addrstr, Levels of Addressing
subaddress, Preparing Address Variables
subaddress storage, Reestablishing Terminated Connections
SVC, Overview
Switched Virtual Circuit, Overview
switched virtual circuit
clearing, Clearing a Switched Virtual Circuit
establishing and fast select, Establishing an SVC in Response to a Fast Select Call
system calls
introduction, Using BSD IPC


using BSD IPC, Using BSD IPC


VC state
and socket state, Syntax for close()
virtual circuit
resetting, Resetting a Virtual Circuit


address, Levels of Addressing
sub-address, Levels of Addressing
X.121 addresses, Getting Started with X.25 Programmatic Access
X.25 interface name, Preparing Address Variables, Call-Matching by X.25 Interface Name
extended features, Overview
X25_CALL_ACPT_APPROVAL, Controlling Call Acceptance, The ioctl (X25_CALL_ACPT_APPROVAL)
parameters, Syntax for ioctl (X25_CALL_ACPT_APPROVAL)
syntax, Syntax for ioctl (X25_CALL_ACPT_APPROVAL)
x25_family, Preparing Address Variables, Addressing Options for Clients
X25_GET_IFSTATE, The ioctl (X25_GET_IFSTATE) call
example, Syntax for ioctl (X25_GET_IFSTATE)
parameters, Syntax for ioctl (X25_GET_IFSTATE)
syntax, Syntax for ioctl (X25_GET_IFSTATE)
x25_host, Addressing Options for Servers, Wildcard Addresses in the x25_host[] Field
x25_host[16], Preparing Address Variables, Addressing Options for Clients
X25_MDTF_BIT, Syntax for ioctl(X25_SEND_TYPE), Using the MDTF Bit, Syntax for ioctl(X25_NEXT_MSG_STAT), Setting the Read Message Fragment Size, DATA Packet
X25_MR_CAUSE_DIAG, The ioctl(X25_WR_CAUSE_DIAG) Call
parameters, Syntax for ioctl(X25_WR_CAUSE_DIAG)
syntax, Syntax for ioctl(X25_WR_CAUSE_DIAG)
X25_NEXT_MSG_STAT, Syntax for accept(), The ioctl(X25_RD_USER_DATA) Call
and D bit status, Detecting D Bit Arrival and Confirmation
X25_RD_CTI, The ioctl (X25_RD_CTI) Call
parameters, Syntax for ioctl (X25_RD_CTI)
syntax, Syntax for ioctl (X25_RD_CTI)
X25_RD_FACILITIES, OOB_VC_CLEAR, The ioctl(X25_RD_FACILITIES) Call, Using Fast Select
parameters, Syntax for ioctl(X25_RD_FACILITIES)
syntax, Syntax for ioctl(X25_RD_FACILITIES)
when to issue, The ioctl(X25_RD_FACILITIES) Call
X25_RD_HOSTADR, The ioctl (X25_RD_HOSTADR) call
example, Syntax for ioctl (X25_RD_HOSTADR)
parameters, Syntax for ioctl (X25_RD_HOSTADR)
syntax, Syntax for ioctl (X25_RD_HOSTADR)
X25_RD_LCI, The ioctl (X25_RD_LCI) Call
example, Syntax for ioctl (X25_RD_LCI)
parameters, Syntax for ioctl (X25_RD_LCI)
syntax, Syntax for ioctl (X25_RD_LCI)
X25_RD_USER_DATA, The ioctl(X25_RD_USER_DATA) Call, Using Fast Select
example, Syntax for ioctl(X25_RD_USER_DATA)
parameters, Syntax for ioctl(X25_RD_USER_DATA)
syntax, Syntax for ioctl(X25_RD_USER_DATA)
when to issue, The ioctl(X25_RD_USER_DATA) Call
X25_RESET_VC, The ioctl(X25_RESET_VC) Call
parameters, Syntax for ioctl(X25_RESET_VC)
syntax, Syntax for ioctl(X25_RESET_VC)
when to issue, The ioctl(X25_RESET_VC) Call
X25_SEND_CALL_ACEPT, Controlling Call Acceptance, The ioctl (X25_SEND_CALL_ACEPT) Call, Setting the D Bit in CALL ACCEPTED Packets
parameters, Syntax for ioctl(X25_SEND_CALL_ACEPT)
syntax, Syntax for ioctl(X25_SEND_CALL_ACEPT)
X25_SEND_TYPE, The ioctl (X25_SEND_CALL_ACEPT) Call, Controlling the MDTF, D, and Q bits, Syntax for ioctl(X25_SEND_TYPE)
parameters, Syntax for ioctl(X25_SEND_TYPE)
syntax, Syntax for ioctl(X25_SEND_TYPE)
X25_SET_FRAGMENT_SIZE, Setting the Read Message Fragment Size, Syntax for ioctl(X25_SET_FRAGMENT_SIZE), OOB_VC_MSG_TOO_BIG
parameters, Syntax for ioctl(X25_SETUP_PVC)
syntax, Syntax for ioctl(X25_SETUP_PVC)
when to issue, Preparing a PVC for Use
X25_WR_CALLING_SUBADDR, Reestablishing Terminated Connections
parameters, Syntax for ioctl (X25_WR_CALLING_SUBADDR)
syntax, Syntax for ioctl (X25_WR_CALLING_SUBADDR)
when to issue, Reestablishing Terminated Connections
X25_WR_CAUSE_DIAG, Resetting a Virtual Circuit
X25_WR_FACILITIES, The ioctl (X25_SEND_CALL_ACEPT) Call, The ioctl (X25_WR_FACILITIES) Call, Using Fast Select
parameters, Syntax for ioctl(X25_WR_FACILITIES)
syntax, Syntax for ioctl(X25_WR_FACILITIES)
when to issue, The ioctl (X25_WR_FACILITIES) Call
X25_WR_USER_DATA, Addressing Options for Clients, Syntax for connect(), The ioctl (X25_SEND_CALL_ACEPT) Call, The ioctl(X25_WR_USER_DATA) Call, Using Fast Select
parameters, Syntax for ioctl(X25_WR_USER_DATA)
syntax, Syntax for ioctl(X25_WR_USER_DATA)
when to issue, The ioctl(X25_WR_USER_DATA) Call
X25_WR_WTHRESHOLD, Setting the Write Buffer Threshold
x25addrstr, Levels of Addressing
x25hostlen, Preparing Address Variables, Addressing Options for Clients
x25ifname, Addressing Options for Servers, Call-Matching by X.25 Interface Name, Wildcard Addresses in the x25ifname[] Field
x25ifname[13], Preparing Address Variables, Addressing Options for Servers
x25pid[8], Preparing Address Variables, Addressing Options for Clients
x25pidlen, Preparing Address Variables, Addressing Options for Clients