HPlogo X25/9000: X.25/9000 Programmer's Guide > Chapter 1 Introduction to X.25 Programmatic Access

Getting Started with X.25 Programmatic Access


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Before you begin designing your application:

  1. Finish reading this book so you have a good idea as to how processes establish a connection, exchange data, handle asynchronous (out-of-band) events, and terminate connections.

  2. Ensure that your node or system manager has installed and configured the X.25 product on your local host.

  3. The x25check(1M) command can be used to test that X.25 is running and connected.

  4. Obtain the X.121 addresses and interface names of the X.25 interfaces you intend to use.

  5. The x25stat(1) command returns this information.

  6. Determine which role your application will play in connection establishment: client or server.

  7. If your application program will play the role of the client in connection establishment:

    • Obtain the addressing information for the remote hosts and servers to which your application will establish a connection. To a large degree this information is application dependent and may only be available from an authority on the remote host.

    • Obtain the strategy for information exchange between your process and the remote. This usually, but not necessarily, is an extension of the client/server model, with different formats for requests and responses.

  8. If your application program will play the role of the server in connection establishment:

    • Define the range of addresses at which you will receive connection requests and make them known to the designers of client processes. This is dependent on the X.25 interfaces which are connected to your local host, the addresses used by existing servers, and the flexibility and connectivity of the clients from which your program will be accepting connections.

    • Develop a strategy for information exchange. Typically this implies that one side of the connection requests and the other services. Often the client/server model is retained during this phase of the connection but is not required.

Example Programs

Several pairs of programs are shipped with the X.25 product. These programs are in the /usr/netdemo/x25 directory. Appendix B “ Program Examples” gives a brief description of the example files.