STM: Support Tools for HP-UX Computers (logo)

Logtool Reference: Summary

The Logtool Utility in the Support Tool Manager (STM) allows you to monitor recoverable errors detected by the computer, such as single-bit memory errors, and I/O device errors. By analyzing this information, you can troubleshoot failures before they become acute.

Error information is contained in system log files. Since the raw files are hard to read, Logtool allows you to format the files and to filter them for desired entries (for example, for all entries related to SCSI disks).

Unlike other support tools, this utility program is not device specific and does not require selection of a device to run.

The following topics provide a full set of reference materials for Logtool:

Procedures Step-by-step procedures for running logtool, viewing a log, and troubleshooting disk and memory problems. (xstm, mstm or cstm).

Commmands Command reference: a complete description of each of the logtool commands. (Commands are given in their xstm format, but descriptions apply to the equivalent mstm and cstm commands as well.)

mstm commands List of logtool commands and menus for mstm.

cstm commands List of logtool commands for cstm.

Troubleshoot Troubleshooting tool-related problems.

Background Background theory for logtool: the logging daemon, logging, logging control, logtool and the logging process, raw log files, formatting the data, filtering the data, the memory log, log entry types.

mstm commands
cstm commands
All the files
Diagnostics HOME

Last updated: Thu Oct 26 15:45:11 PDT 2000