1963 to 1976 A Jaunt Through The History of
Hewlett Packard and AICS Research

A short while ago Hewlett-Packard ran a trivia game on their home page where you were asked to "guess" the function of the products shown. Can there ever be a better measure of the fact that you're getting old than to have people ask in a trivia game what function these various products served, especially when you don't have to guess, and indeed you can remember the serial numbers of the devices you owned?

HP has listed a number of products that they consider to be revolutionary. In general, I agree their selections. However, several products of equal stature are missing, most notably the HP2645 terminal and the HP3000.

Perhaps what is more extraordinary yet, the first three products following immediately behind the famous 1939 audio oscillator are products that each have personally had a profound effect on my life and the prehistory of AICS Research. I've included short vignettes about each of these HP products and my personal association with them.

What follows begins in 1963, when I was first introduced to the extraordinary quality of HP instrumentation, and proceeds until 1976, when AICS Research was officially founded.

Wirt Atmar

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