HPlogo MPE/iX System Utilities Reference > Chapter 17 NLUTIL


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To display a table showing the currently configured languages and their character set types, enter:




NLUTIL displays information in columnar format and then prompts you to request a full listing. For example:

   Lang   Lang                      Char   Char
     ID   Name                        ID   Name
      3   DANISH                       1   ROMAN8
      5   ENGLISH                      1   ROMAN8
     12   SPANISH                      1   ROMAN8

   Do you require a full listing of the
   current configuration? (Y/N)

Enter Y to print a full list of the current Native Language Support configuration. Enter N to print information about only a single language. For each language set included in the list, NLUTIL reports:
  • character attributes

  • character collation

  • EBCDIC translation tables

  • upshift and downshift translation tables

  • date and time information

  • miscellaneous data on YES/NO indicators

  • numeric formats

  • monetary symbols

Additional Discussion

For more information refer to the Native Language Programmer's Guide.

Chapter 17 NLUTIL

Chapter 18 PATCH