HPlogo MPE/iX System Utilities Reference > Chapter 12 LINK EDITOR/XL


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To invoke LINK EDITOR/XL for interactive use enter:


LINK EDITOR/XL displays the LinkEd prompt, where you may enter any LINK EDITOR/XL command.

You may also invoke LINK EDITOR/XL with an info string that contains a LINK EDITOR/XL command as follows:


For example, to link the object modules from the compiled object file LINEDRAW and place the executable module into a file name GRAF, enter the following:



The following tables list LINK EDITOR/XL commands in alphabetical order within function.

Table 12-1 Miscellaneous Link Editor/XL Commands

EXITQuits an interactive Link Editor session.
LINKCreates an executable program file.
LISTOBJLists the contents of an object file. The listing shows the symbols contained within the file.
LISTPROGLists the contents of an executable program file. The listing shows the symbols contained within the file.

Table 12-2 RL Link Editor Commands

ADDRLAdds all object modules from a named object file into a relocatable library.
BUILDRLBuilds and initializes a file as a new relocatable library. This library becomes the current relocatable library for subsequent interactive commands.
CLEANRLRebuilds a relocatable library by removing any fragmentation and leaving room for 25% expansion within its internal tables.
COPYRLCopies selected object modules from one relocatable library to another.
EXTRACTRLExtracts selected object modules from a relocatable library, placing them into a new object file. Modules may be selected by name, locality set, or entry point.
HIDERLHides a symbol so the symbol can no longer be used to resolve external references between other modules.
LISTRLLists the contents of a relocatable library. The listing shows the names of each object module and the symbols within the library.
PURGERLDeletes selected object modules from a relocatable library.
REVEALRLReveals a symbol that was previously hidden by the HIDERL command.
RLSelects an existing file as the current relocatable library for subsequent interactive commands.
SHOWRLDisplays the name of the current relocatable library.

Table 12-3 XL Link Editor Commands

ADDXLAdds all object modules from an object file or a relocatable library to an executable library.
BUILDXLBuilds and initializes a new executable library. This library becomes the current executable library for subsequent interactive commands.
CLEANXLRebuilds an executable library by removing any fragmentation and leaving room for 25% expansion within its internal tables.
COPYXLCopies selected object modules from one executable library to another.
LISTXLLists the contents of an executable library. The listing shows the names of each object module and the symbols within the library.
PURGEXLDeletes selected object modules from an executable library.
SHOWXLDisplays the name of the current executable library.
XLSelects an existing executable library to be the current executable library for subsequent interactive commands.

Additional Discussion

For more information refer to the HP Link Editor/XL Reference Manual.


Chapter 13 LOGTOOL