HPlogo MPE/iX System Utilities Reference > Chapter 11 LANGINST


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The system manager initiates the LANGINST utility by entering:


When the LANGINST main menu appears, you choose one of the following functions:

   0.  EXIT

Listing Supported Languages

To list languages that are configurable on the system, select option 4 from the LANGINST main menu. You'll see a display like the one below.


    0 NATIVE-3000          using          USASCII
    1 AMERICAN             using          ROMAN8
    2 CANADIAN-FRENCH      using          ROMAN8
    3 DANISH               using          ROMAN8
    4 DUTCH                using          ROMAN8
    5 ENGLISH              using          ROMAN8
    6 FINNISH              using          ROMAN8
    7 FRENCH               using          ROMAN8
    8 GERMAN               using          ROMAN8
    9 ITALIAN              using          ROMAN8
   10 NORWEGIAN            using          ROMAN8
   11     .                  .              .
   12     .                  .              .
   13     .                  .              .

   press any key to continue ...

Adding a Language

To add a language, select option 1 from the LANGINST main menu. When the Add Language to LANGDEF menu is displayed, enter:
  1. The language name or language ID number.

    • The addition is aborted if one of the following conditions is met:

      • Entering a language that is already configured on the system.

      • Entering a language not supported by NLS.

      • Pressing Return.

    • The addition continues if a language is requested that is supported but has not been previously configured. LANGINST configures the language and displays a message.

  2. When the addition is completed, the LANGINST main menu is displayed.

Deleting a Language

LANGINST allows the system manager to delete any configured language except NATIVE-3000 (which is hard-coded and therefore always configured) and the system default language.

To delete a language, select option 2 from the LANGINST main menu. When the Delete Language from LANGDEF menu is displayed, enter:
  1. The language name or language ID number.

    • The deletion is aborted if one of the following conditions is met:

      • Entering a language that is not configured on the system.

      • Entering the system default langauge.

      • Pressing Return.

    • The deletion continues if the language requested is configured but is not the system default language.

  2. When the deletion is completed, the main menu is displayed.

Modifying Local Formats

As the system manager, you can modify the following local formats for any configured language:
  • Date format (dateline format).

  • Custom date format (short).

  • Time format.

  • Currency sign/name.

  • Decimal and thousands indicator.

  • Month names.

  • Abbreviated month names.

  • Weekday names.

  • Abbreviated weekday names.

  • Yes/no indicators.

  • Direction of text.

  • ASCII/EBCDIC translation tables.

  • National date table.

If the language supports a special national table containing date information ( such as KATAKANA), the last option lets the user modify the date information.

To modify local language formats, select option 3 from the LANGINST main menu. When the Modufy Native Formats menu is displayed, enter:
  1. The language name or language ID number.

    • The modification is aborted if one of the following conditions is met:

      • Entering a language that is not configured on the system.

      • Entering NATIVE-3000.

      • Pressing Return.

    • The modification continues if the language requested is configured.

  2. If a configured language is entered, the user dialog is displayed:

       1.  Long calendar format
       2.  Date format         (Calendar format)
       3.  Custom date format  (Short)
       4.  Time format         (Clock format)
       5.  Currency sign
       6.  Currency name
       7.  Decimal and thousands separator
       8.  Alternate numeric format
       9.  YES and NO equivalents
      10.  Month names.
      11.  Month name abbreviations
      12.  Weekday names
      13.  Weekday name abbreviations
      14.  Direction of text
      15.  ASCII/EBCDIC translation tables
      16.  Handle truncation in date format
      17. Process the national date table
      18. 16-bit Asian ASCII to EBCDIC translation table
      19. 16-bit Asian EBCDIC to ASCII translation table
      Enter selection number        : 5
      Business Currency sign        : F
      Enter the new value           : Return
      Fully qualified Currency sign : FF
      Enter the new value           : Return
      The currency sign currently follows the number, 100DM.
       The following currency codes are available:
       <CR> to retain the existing value.
       0 - The currency symbol precedes the number, $100.00.
       1 - The currency symbol succeeds the number, 100.00DM.
       2 - The currency symbol replaces the decimal point, 100$00.
       Enter the required currency codes (0, 1, or 2) :Return
       There are to be no blanks before or after the currency symbol.
       The following blank-control codes are available:
       <CR> to retain the existing value.
       0 - No blanks before or after the currency symbol.
       1 - A blank is to precede the currency symbol.
       2 - A blank is to succeed the currency symbol.
       3 - A blank is to precede and succeed the currency symbol.
       Enter the required code (0, 1, 2, or 3):Return
    After you make a selection, the current value is displayed and you are prompted for a new value. If you enter a new value, LANGINST validates and replaces the old value with the current one.

    After you have made changes to the file, a new copy of it is saved under the name LANGDEF and the old (unchanged) version of the file is saved under the name LANGDxxx. The number xxx increases by one each time a new copy of LANGDEF is saved. This allows the user to return to a configuration that existed before LANGDEF was changed. To return to the previous configuration, PURGE or RENAME the current LANGDEF then RENAME the LANGDxxx with the highest number LANGDEF.

Modifying ASCII/EBCDIC Translation Tables

To modify the ASCII/EBCDIC translation tables for any language other than NATIVE-3000, select option 3 from the LANGINST main menu. When the Modify Native Formats menu is displayed, enter:
  1. The language name or language ID number.

    • The modification is aborted if one of the following conditions is met:

      • Entering a language that is not configured on the system.

      • Entering NATIVE-3000.

      • Pressing Return.

    • The modification continues if the language requested is configured.

  2. If a configured language is entered, the following user dialog is displayed:

       1.  Long calendar format
       2.  Date format         (Calendar format)
       3.  Custom date format  (Short)
       4.  Time format         (Clock format)
       5.  Currency sign
       6.  Currency name
       7.  Decimal and thousands separator
       8.  Alternate numeric format
       9.  YES and NO equivalents
      10.  Month names.
      11.  Month name abbreviations
      12.  Weekday names
      13.  Weekday name abbreviations
      14.  Direction of text
      15.  ASCII/EBCDIC translation tables
      16.  Handle truncation in date format
      17. Process the national date table
      18. 16-bit Asian ASCII to EBCDIC translation table
      19. 16-bit Asian EBCDIC to ASCII translation table
      Enter selection number        : 15
       Input ROMAN8 character to be changed (HEX please) : 04
       The current EBCDIC value is : 37
       Enter the new EBCDIC value : 44
       The ROMAN8 to EBCDIC table was updated
       The EBCDIC to ROMAN8 table will be updated too
       ASCII/EBCDIC table inconsistent for 44 <== 04,C8   (*)
       The tables are inconsistent for ROMAN8 character C8   (**)
       The current EBCDIC value is : 44
       Enter the new EBCDIC value : 37
       The ROMAN8 to EBCDIC table was updated
       The EBCDIC to ROMAN8 table will be updated too
       Input ROMAN8 character to be changed (HEX please): Return
       Do you want to save the changes (Y/N) : Y

    There are two ASCII characters mapping to the same EBCDIC character.


    Change the mapping of C8 to its new EBCDIC value.

    To display the translation tables, return to the main menu and enter option 7. Then enter the language ID number and the table you want to display.

Modifying 16-Bit Asian ASCII/EBCDIC Translation Tables

To modify the 16-bit Asian ASCII/EBCDIC translation tables for any language other than NATIVE-3000, select option 3 from the LANGINST main menu. When the Modify Native Formats menu is displayed, enter:
  1. The language name or language ID number.

    • The modification is aborted if one of the following conditions is met:

      • Entering a language that is not configured on the system.

      • Entering NATIVE-3000.

      • Pressing Return.

    • The modification continues if the language requested is configured.

  2. If a configured language is entered, the following user dialog is displayed:

       1.  Long calendar format
       2.  Date format         (Calendar format)
       3.  Custom date format  (Short)
       4.  Time format         (Clock format)
       5.  Currency sign
    6. Currency name 7. Decimal and thousands separator 8. Alternate numeric format 9. YES and NO equivalents 10. Month names. 11. Month name abbreviations 12. Weekday names 13. Weekday name abbreviations 14. Direction of text 15. ASCII/EBCDIC translation tables 16. Handle truncation in date format 17. Process the national date table 18. 16-bit Asian ASCII to EBCDIC translation table 19. 16-bit Asian EBCDIC to ASCII translation table Enter selection number : 18 The current default translation value is 0000 Enter the new value (HEX please) : 0000 Input Asian character (HEX please) : c1c4 (*) Current translation value is (in HEX) : 0000 (*) Input new translation value (HEX please): a1a1 Input Asian character (HEX please) : a1b2 (*) Current translation value is (in HEX) : 4FE3 (**) Input new translation value (HEX please): 4fe3 (***) Input Asian chracater (HEX please) : 00a5 (****) *** The character (00a5) is not defined. (****) Input Asian chracater (HEX please) : RETURN 1. Long calendar format 2. Date format (Calendar format) 3. Custom date format (Short) 4. Time format (Clock format) 5. Currency sign 6. Currency name 7. Decimal and thousands separator 8. Alternate numeric format 9. YES and NO equivalents . . . . . .

    If adding a new character, the current translation value is 0000 (in HEX).


    What is currently being mapped.


    Change to indicated new value.


    Invalid input was entered.

    To display the translation tables, return to the main menu and enter option 7. Then enter the language ID number and the table you want to display.

Table 11-1 LANGINST Error Messages

Message Cause Action
A NONNUMERIC GRAPHIC CHARACTER IS EXPECTED... An alphabetic or special character (not numeric) is expected. Enter a valid character.
ATTEMPTING TO ADD TOO MANY CHARACTER SETS. Adding this language would exceed the maximum configurable character sets. Do not configure languages from so many character sets.
BUILDING AN EMPTY LANGDEF ... There was no existing LANGDEF file; a new, empty one is being built. None. If you have already configured languages, find LANGDEF.PUB.SYS on a backup and restore it; or else, reconfigure the languages with this program.
DELETION TERMINATED ... ATTEMPTING TO DELETE NATIVE-3000. The language NATIVE-3000 cannot be deleted from the list of configured languages.None.
ERRONEOUS STARTING YEAR NUMBER. EXPECTED A NUMBER BETWEEN 0 AND 99. The year number entered is not valid. Enter the year number again. It must be a number between 0 and 99.
INPUT TOO LONG ... PLEASE REENTER: The program does not expect this much input in this context. Re-enter the data correctly.
INTERNAL ERROR ... PLEASE REPORT. Internal error. Contact your Hewlett-Packard representative.
INVALID DATE FORMAT. EXPECTED MM/DD/YY. The entered date is not valid. Enter the date again in the from MM/DD/YY.
langname IS ALREADY CONFIGURED. The language selected has already been configured. None.
langname IS AN ILLEGAL LANGUAGE NAME (OR NUMBER). The language name or number entered is not valid. Enter the language again.
langname IS AN INVALID SYSTEM DEFAULT LANGUAGE. The language selected is not configured on the system. Add the language to the list of currently configured languages with this program.
langname IS NOT A CONFIGURED LANGUAGE. The language selected is not configured on the system. Add the language to the list of currently configured languages with this program.
langname IS NOT CONFIGURED. The language selected is not configured on the system. Add the language to the list of currently configured languages with this program.
langname IS NOT IN THE CHRDEF FILE. One of the CHRDEFxx files is not consistent with the NLSDEF file. Restore all CHRDEFxx files and NLSDEF from your master backup.
NATIVE-3000 IS ALWAYS CONFIGURED. NATIVE-3000 cannot be added to the list of configured languages; it is always configured. None.
NATIVE-3000 MAY NOT BE MODIFIED. The language definition of NATIVE-3000 cannot be modified. None.
THE CHRDEFxx FILE IS MISSING. THE ADDITION HAS BEEN CANCELLED. The character definition file for the selected language is missing. Restore the missing file from your master backup.
THE DECIMAL SEPARATOR AND THOUSANDS SEPARATOR SHOULD BE DIFFERENT. The decimals and thousands separators have been defined the same. Change the decimal and/or thousands indicator.
THE EXPECTED NAME SHOULD CONTAIN ALPHABETIC CHARACTERS ONLY. Only alphabetic characters are allowed in this context. Please re-enter the value, restricting the input to alphabetic characters.
THE FILECODE FOR CHRDEFxx.PUB.SYS IS INCORRECT. The character definition file for the selected language has a bad file code. Restore the missing CHRDEFxx file from the master backup.
THE FILECODE FOR LANGDEF.PUB.SYS IS INCORRECT. The current language definition file has a bad file code. Restore LANGDEF.PUB.SYS from a backup copy. Or purge it, and re-create it by reconfiguring the desired languages with this program.
THE FILECODE FOR NLSDEF.PUB.SYS IS INCORRECT. The master NLS definition file has a bad file code. Restore NLSDEF.PUB.SYS from the master backup.
THE LANGUAGE YOU ARE ATTEMPTING TO DELETE IS THE SYSTEM DEFAULT LANGUAGE. The system default language cannot be deleted from the list of configured languages. To delete this language, first change the system default language to another language.
THERE IS NO MORE ROOM FOR ADDITIONAL DATE PERIODS. PLEASE REPORT. There is no room for additional entries in the national date table. Contact your Hewlett-Packard representative.
TOO MANY LANGUAGES HAVE BEEN CONFIGURED. Adding another language would exceed the maximum configurable languages. Don't configure so many languages on one system.
UNABLE TO RENAME LANGDEF TO LANGDnnn. THE EXISTING LANGDEF WILL BE PURGED. The old LANGDEF file cannot be renamed; all files LANGD000 through LANGD999 already exist. Purge some or all of the files LANGD000 to LANGD999 so the most recent changes to LANGDEF can be saved in the future.
UNKNOWN OPTION ....PLEASE REENTER. The option selected is not valid. Enter the number corresponding to one of the valid options.

Chapter 11 LANGINST