HPlogo MPE/iX System Utilities Reference > Chapter 7 EDIT/3000


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To invoke EDIT/3000 enter in interactive mode, enter:


The system responds with a message similar to the one below and displays the EDIT/3000 prompt, awaiting your commands:

   HP32201A.07.17 EDIT/3000 Mon, Mar 28, 1994, 3:19 PM

For example, to create a new work file, you issue the ADD command and enter data. After the data is entered you use the KEEP command to save it as a permanent file. For example:

    100 //
   /KEEP filename,unn

To modify an existing file, use the TEXT command to open it in EDIT/3000, make the necessary modifications, and then use the KEEP command to save it. For example:

   PURGE OLD? yes

Below is a summary of commands you may use with EDIT/3000.

Table 7-1 EDIT/3000 Commands

ADDEnters text into the WORK file from the standard input device and/or from the HOLD file.
BEGINUsed as the first expression in a BEGIN-END pair.
CHANGEChanges existing contents of the WORK file.
COPYCopies text from one location to another in the WORK file.
DELETEDeletes characters and/or lines from the WORK file.
ENDTerminates EDIT/3000 operation. Or, when used with a matching BEGIN command, terminates a BEGIN-END pair.
FINDFinds a specific position or a character string in the WORK file.
GATHERMoves portions of text from one location to another in the WORK file and renumbers the lines. (The text is deleted from its original location.) Also can be used to renumber all lines in the WORK file.
HOLDCopies part or all of the WORK file into the HOLD file for subsequent recopying into one or more locations of the WORK file.
INSERTInserts text into the WORK file from the INPUT file or from the HOLD file at a specific position.
JOINCopies all or part of the JOIN file to the WORK file.
KEEPSaves all or part of the WORK file into an MPE/iX file.
LISTLists all or part of the WORK file to the OUTPUT file or to any other specified file.
MODIFYModifies text in the WORK file using one or more subcommands (DELETE, INSERT and REPLACE) of the MODIFY command.
NOTReverses a flag after executing the command immediately following the NOT command.
ORSets the flag true, or skips the OR command and the command immediately following it if the flag is already true.
PROCEDURECalls and executes a procedure previously written and stored in a segmented library (SL) file.
QDisplays a user-defined message at the terminal.
REPLACEReplaces one or more lines in the WORK file with new text from the standard input file or from the HOLD file.
SETAlters EDIT/3000 default operating criteria.
TEXTCopies the contents of a TEXT file into the WORK file, deleting the current WORK file contents.
USEInstructs EDIT/3000 to receive commands from the USE file and to send messages to the OUTPUT file and, generally, to expect input from the INPUT file.
VERIFYReports the current EDIT/3000 operating conditions declared in a SET command, or the default conditions not declared in a SET command.
WHILECauses EDIT/3000 to repeat commands in a predefined command block.
XPLAINLists an explanation of all or part of the EDIT/3000 commands.
YESSets a flag for a WHILE command block true.
Z::= or ZAssigns the value of a character string variable to Z::= and uses that value whenever Z:: appears as a part or all of a command.
:Instructs EDIT/3000 to pass the rest of the record to MPE/iX.

File Definitions

EDIT/3000 uses seven files: INPUT, OUTPUT, WORK, TEXT, JOIN, HOLD, and USE. Each file is described below.

Used to enter commands and text records to EDIT/3000. Generally, this file is a terminal in interactive mode and a batch input device in batch mode. EDITIN is the formal file designator.


Receives messages (and prompt characters in interactive sessions). Generally this file is a terminal in interactive mode and a line printer in batch mode. EDITOUT is the formal file designator.


Contains the information to be modified. When a file is created and text is added, or when an external file is copied into the EDIT/3000 subsystem for modification, the text is written into the WORK file and all modifications are performed on it. The WORK file may be saved under a new file name or to an existing file.


An existing ASCII file copied into the WORK file with the TEXT command.


All or a portion of an external file which is copied into the WORK file with the JOIN command. The information can be inserted into the WORK file at any point. The contents of the existing JOIN file are not altered by the JOIN command.


A temporary file that is generally used for holding interim information.


An external user file containing EDIT/3000 commands and, optionally, text records which is called with a USE command. When a USE command is issued, all commands are read from the USE file and any EDIT/3000 messages are sent to the OUTPUT file.

Additional Discussion

For more information refer to the EDIT/3000 Reference Manual.

Chapter 7 EDIT/3000

Chapter 8 FCOPY