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MPE/iX System Utilities Reference
> Chapter 6 DISCUTILOperation |
DISCUTIL CommandsAt the discutil> prompt, you may enter any of the following commands:
CONFIGUREThe CONFIGURE command is used to dynamically add or configure new/additional devices into the current configuration. You may access only configured devices with DISCUTIL.
discutil>CONFIGURE [LDEV=]ldev [CLASS=]devclass [PATH=]pathFor example: discutil>CONFIGURE 21 DISC 6/4.0.0 DISMOUNTUse the DISMOUNT command to logically dismount a volume. This command removes the volume entry corresponding to the specified ldev from DISCUTIL's mounted volume table, thus making it inaccessible to DISCUTIL. After a volume has been logically dismounted, the media or disk pack on the corresponding ldev can be spun down, new media mounted and spun up, then logically mounted with the MOUNT command. DISCUTIL will then recognize the new media. To invoke the DISMOUNT command enter: discutil>DISMOUNT [LDEV=]ldevFor example: discutil>DISMOUNT 4 DOUse the DO command to re-execute a command from the command history stack/queue. To invoke DO enter: discutil> DO [ [CMD=]cmdid]For example, to re-execute the fifth command, enter: discutil>DO 5 DSTATUse this command to display information about each mounted volume (i.e., any volume that is currently listed in the mounted volume table). To invoke DSTAT enter: discutil>DSTATDSTAT displays the ldev on which the volume is mounted, the type ID of the device, the type (STATUS) of the volume, the volume name, and the physical path as shown in the example below: LDEV-TYPE STATUS VOLUME ( VOLUME SET-GEN ) PATH ----------- -------- ----------------------------- ------ 1-079350 MASTER MPEXL_SYSTEM_VOLUME_SET:MEMBER1 8.0.0 2-079350 MEMBER MPEXL_SYSTEM_VOLUME_SET:MEMBER2 8.0.1 3-079350 MEMBER MPEXL_SYSTEM_VOLUME_SET:MEMBER3 8.0.2 14-079350 MASTER OFFICIAL:MASTER 8.0.4 EXITUse the EXIT command to terminate DISCUTIL and automatically begin a system reboot. To exit DISCUTIL enter: discutil>EXITWhen the ISL> prompt reappears, you may use the START command to restart your system or choose another standalone utility. (To see a list of the utilities available to you, enter LS.) HELPUse this command to get online help text for DISCUTIL commands. If you specify a command name HELP displays text for that command. If you don't specify a command, you will see a list of all available commands and their syntax. To invoke HELP enter: discutil>HELP [ [CMD=] cmdname]For example, to see a list of all commands and their syntax, enter: discutil>HELPOr, to see information about the MOUNT command, enter: :HELP MOUNT LISTREDOUse this command to display the command line history stack/queue, ordered from the least to the most recent command with absolute command reference numbers preceding each command. Use LISTREDO in conjunction with the DO command to reissue commands you previously entered. To invoke LISTREDO enter: discutil>LISTREDO MOUNTThe MOUNT command is used to mount an unmounted volume. If the ldev represents a disk and if the device is responding, DISCUTIL will attempt to mount the volume. Only MASTER or MEMBER volumes can be mounted. Once mounted, a volume becomes available to DISCUTIL and is added to its mounted volume table. The ldev must be configured prior to mounting a volume on it. To invoke MOUNT enter: discutil>MOUNT [LDEV=]ldevFor example: discutil>MOUNT 4 PDEVThe PDEV command displays the volume set name, volume number, and physical device path for all the disks known to DISCUTIL. All disks that are configured successfully, either at invocation or by the CONFIGURE command, are known to DISCUTIL. DISCUTIL reads the mounted volume table and uses the table information to configure the disks listed in the table. The volume number is the volume's number in a volume set. For example, in a volume set of three volumes, each volume is given a number from one to three. This allows you to determine if you have all volumes of a volume set configured. To invoke PDEV enter: discutil>PDEVThe system responds with a display similar to: CURRENT DEVICE CONFIGURATION: LDEV : 1 VOLUME SET NAME : MPEXL_SYSTEM_VOLUME_SET VOLUME NUMBER : 1 PATH : 2/4.0.0 LDEV : 21 VOLUME SET NAME : ACCOUNTING_VOL_SET VOLUME NUMBER : 1 PATH : 6/4.0.0 LDEV : 22 VOLUME SET NAME : ACCOUNTING_VOL_SET VOLUME NUMBER : 2 PATH : 6/4.0.1 REDOUse REDO to modify and re-execute a command in the command history stack. To invoke REDO enter: discutil>REDO [ [CMD=]cmid]For example: discutil>REDO 5This command would re-execute the fifth command entered after allowing you to modify it. To re-execute the last command entered enter: discutil>REDO SAVEUse SAVE to retrieve files from disk and copy them to magnetic tape. You might use SAVE after a system failure, when a directory has been corrupted, or when a disk becomes inaccessible to the operating system. If the volume label or the label table extent blocks are corrupt, SAVE will stop retrieving files from that disk and move onto the next. Saving one set of filesYou can tell DISCUTIL which files you want to copy to tape. The file(s) must reside on a disk that was mounted manually or during the startup of DISCUTIL. To specify which files you want to save with DISCUTIL, do the following:
Saving multiple file setsTo save multiple sets of files, do the following:
discutil>SAVE ********************************************************************* ***************************** WARNING!!! ***************************** **** MANUALLY REWINDING THE TAPE DRIVE AND STARTING A NEW TAPESET **** **** BEFORE THE CURRENT SAVE COMMAND IS COMPLETE WILL CAUSE FILES **** **** TO BE LOST!!! TYPE (Return) at "ENTER FILE SET TO BE SAVED:"**** **** to complete the SAVE properly. SEE HELP "SAVE". **** ********************************************************************** ENTER FILE SET TO BE SAVED: MYFILE.JOHN.SMITH TRAVERSE DIRECTORIES UNDER FILESET (Y/N)? n ENTER THE LDEV: 3 ENTER THE MODIFICATION DATE(MM/DD/YYYY):05/25/1994 ENTER THE TAPE LDEV: 7 MYFILE .JOHN .SMITH - LDEV 3 - ADDR $0002CA0 - FOUND MYFILE .JOHN .SMITH - LDEV 3 - ADDR $0002CA0 - SAVED ********************************************************************** ***************************** WARNING!!! ***************************** **** MANUALLY REWINDING THE TAPE DRIVE AND STARTING A NEW TAPESET **** **** BEFORE THE CURRENT SAVE COMMAND IS COMPLETE WILL CAUSE FILES **** **** TO BE LOST!!! TYPE (Return) at "ENTER FILE SET TO BE SAVED:"**** **** to complete the SAVE properly. SEE HELP "SAVE". **** ********************************************************************** ENTER FILE SET TO BE SAVED: SHOWDEVThe SHOWDEV command displays information about each device that is currently in the system configuration. For each configured device, the device's ldev, class, and physical are displayed. To invoke SHOWDEV enter: discutil>SHOWDEVThe system responds with a display similar to the following: 1 DISC 2/4.0.0 3 DISC 2/4.0.2 7 TAPE 6/4.3.0 20 TERMINAL 2/4.1.0 21 DISC 6/4.0.0 25 DISC 2/8.0.0 TAPEUse the TAPE command to display the ldev number of the current tape or to specify a new current tape. If the ldev parameter is omitted, the current tape ldev is displayed. If the ldev parameter is supplied, that ldev will become the new tape ldev. The ldev must have been configured as a tape. To invoke TAPE enter: discutil>TAPE [ [LDEV=]ldev]For example, to see the current tape drive enter: discutil>TAPETo assign a logical device number as the current tape drive enter: discutil>TAPE 7 UNCONFIGUse the UNCONFIG command to remove a device from the system's configuration. This frees or releases the corresponding ldev and physical path, making them available for reassignment with the CONFIGURE command. To invoke UNCONFIG enter: discutil>UNCONFIG [LDEV=] ldevFor example: discutil>UNCONFIG 14 DISCUTIL messages and error handlingDISCUTIL displays three types of messages: