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MPE/iX System Utilities Reference
> Chapter 3 ASOCTBLOperation |
ASOCTBLor RUN ASOCTBL.PUB.SYSThe system responds with a > prompt and you should enter the following: >devclass=username.acctnameParameters
Using ASOCTBL with an ASCII FileTo run ASOCTBL with an ASCII file you must first create the file using a text editor such as EDIT3000. For example, in the following ASCII file the users and accounts, MGR.MNFG, USER.UTILTY and JACK.MR KTG will be able to associate with LP, TAPE and LP2 respectively. EDITOR /ADD 1 LP = MGR.MNFG 2 TAPE = USER.UTILTY 3 LP2 = JACK.MRKTG 4 EXIT 5 // /KEEP ASOTFILE,UNN /EOnce you have created the file and named it, you must use it in a file equation and then invoke the file. To continue the preceding example, you would enter: FILE INPUT=ASOTFILE ASOCTBLASOCTBL displays the devices and the users specified in the ASCII file ASOTFILE. Using ASOCTBL InteractivelyTo use ASOCTBL interactively enter: ASOCTBLAt the ASOCTBL prompt, enter devices and the user names you want to associate. For example: > LP = MGR.MNFG > TAPE = USER.UTILTY > LP2 = JACK.MRKTGTo terminate ASOCTBL, enter: > EXIT Using Wildcards in User and Account NamesYou may use wildcards to specify an association for a group of users, such as those using the same account. For example, the command below associates all users logged onto the FINANCE account, and the user JACK logged onto any account with the device class LP: ASOCTBL > LP = @.FINANCE,JACK.@ > EXITIn this example user JACK.MRKTG, all users logged onto the FINANCE account, and the user JACK logged onto any account may associate with device class LP. Removing Entries from ASOCIATE.PUB.SYSASOCTBL builds a new version of ASOCIATE.PUB.SYS each time it is invoked and successfully terminates. Therefore, to remove entries invoke ASOCTBL and specify only the the entries you currently want. Listing the Association TableTo list the association table in ASOCIATE.PUB.SYS (users and the devices to which they may associate) enter: RUN ASOCTBL.PUB.SYS,LIST Fatal ErrorsThe following error messages indicate a condition where no modifications are made to the association table. Although you may continue to make inputs to the system without damage, you should exit from ASOCTBL and begin again. UNABLE TO DELETE OLD 'ASOCIATE.PUB.SYS' FILE EXPECTED AT LEAST 3 PARAMETERS, LDEV = USER.ACCT = MUST FOLLOW LDEV UNABLE TO OPEN INPUT FILE CLASS NAMES ARE LIMITED TO 8 CHARACTERS NO SUCH CLASS IN THIS SYSTEM EXPECTED . FOLLOWING USER NAME UNABLE TO OPEN NEW ASOCIATE.PUB.SYS FILE EXPECTED , FOLLOWING EACH USER.ACCT USER AND ACCOUNT NAMES ARE 1 TO 8 ALPHANUMERIC CHARACTERS OR "@". Additional DiscussionFor more information refer to Controlling System Activity. For more information on the ASSOCIATE and DISASSOCIATE commands refer to MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual.