VERSION filename
VERSION "filename [,search string]"
- file(s)
File(s) is the name of a program file or a wild carded
file set.
- search string
Search string is the name of a particular $version
string in a system object module (SOM)(Not applicable for CM program
files.) Quotes are required if a search string is specified.
Use VERSION to display information about compatibility mode and native
mode files.
For compatability mode (CM) program files, VERSION
displays segment, stack, data reference base, and capability
For native mode (NM) executable files, VERSION displays
information on procedures, libraries, capabilities, stack, heap,
entry names, and $version strings.
For NM object files and nonexecutable library files,
VERSION displays $version strings.
VERSION expects a file name or a wild carded file set as input. If
you invoke VERSION without entering a file name or a file set, the
VERSION> prompt appears. VERSION continues to prompt you
for input until you enter EXIT or a colon (:).
If the input is a file set, VERSION processes every file in the set
even if an error occurs during processing. If there is an error opening a file,
you will see the file system error in addition to the VERSION error
Additional Discussion
For more information, refer to Chapter 31 VERSION.
For more information on the $version strings found in the SOM, refer to the
HP Pascal Programmer's Guide.