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   VERSION filename


   VERSION "filename [,search string]"


File(s) is the name of a program file or a wild carded file set.

search string

Search string is the name of a particular $version string in a system object module (SOM)(Not applicable for CM program files.) Quotes are required if a search string is specified.


Use VERSION to display information about compatibility mode and native mode files.
  • For compatability mode (CM) program files, VERSION displays segment, stack, data reference base, and capability information.

  • For native mode (NM) executable files, VERSION displays information on procedures, libraries, capabilities, stack, heap, entry names, and $version strings.

  • For NM object files and nonexecutable library files, VERSION displays $version strings.

VERSION expects a file name or a wild carded file set as input. If you invoke VERSION without entering a file name or a file set, the VERSION> prompt appears. VERSION continues to prompt you for input until you enter EXIT or a colon (:).

If the input is a file set, VERSION processes every file in the set even if an error occurs during processing. If there is an error opening a file, you will see the file system error in addition to the VERSION error message.

Additional Discussion

For more information, refer to Chapter 31 VERSION.
For more information on the $version strings found in the SOM, refer to the HP Pascal Programmer's Guide.