HPlogo Read Before Installing MPE/iX Release 7.5 PP5 > 1 Information You Need

Customers Currently using the HAFO Product on 6.5, 7.0 and 7.5

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Before the creation of the MPEMXG9 and MPEMXH5 patches, the use of HAFO was only supported for customers using the XP256 SCSI Disk Array. With these patches, included in C.75.03, there are significant changes to the HAFO product including the format of the HAFOCONF configuration file. If you are updating from 6.5 OR, have not previously installed MPEMXG9 and MPEMXH5 (or superseding patches), then you will lose your HAFO configuration unless you follow the steps outlined below.

(The following text is extracted from the new "High Availability FailOver/iX Manual" for 7.0 and 7.5 which can be found at:


The structure of the HAFOCONF file used by the 7.0 & 7.5 version (now supporting a number of HP Fibre Channel storage arrays) has changed from that used by the 6.5 version (for use with XP256 only). BEFORE UPDATING to 7.0 or 7.5, you should dump the output of the SYSGEN ha> LISTCONF to an ASCII file.

Then, edit the file down to just the lines that list your LDEVs along with their primary and alternate paths. This list, with “AD” inserted, can then be used as the core of an input file for SYSGEN on 7.0/7.5 to create a new HAFOCONF

For example, a file containing the following commands, passed to SYSGEN as input, would create a HAFOCONF file with Ldevs 450-453 using the HBA pair at 0/6/2/0 and 0/6/2/1. These commands also perform the necessary "hold" and "keep" commands to make this change permanent.

  permyes on
  ad 450 0/6/2/1.3.3 0/6/2/0
  ad 451 0/6/2/1.3.4 0/6/2/0
  ad 452 0/6/2/0.3.5 0/6/2/1
  ad 453 0/6/2/0.3.6 0/6/2/1

Any MPE/iX Customer using the HAFO product after installing C.75.03 must refer to the 7.0 and 7.5 HAFO manual rather than the 6.5 version.

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