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Read Before Installation: Large File Dataset (LFDS)

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Patch TIXNX14 included with this power patch delivers TurboIMAGE version C.10.12. Beginning with version C.10.10 (patch TIXMXW7) TurboIMAGE no longer supports the use of "Large File Datasets" which are datasets that may exceed 4 gigabytes in size. The "Jumbo" dataset feature is supported. These are datasets comprised of multiple files each no larger than 4 gigabytes and is enabled using the CONTROL JUMBO option on the schema file.

As part of the installation of TIXNX14 a program to detect the presence of Large File Datasets will be run. Output from the program will go to the system console. The patch installation and run of the LFDS detection tool should take place when your system is not being used and any databases you may have are not being accessed to ensure a complete and accurate check.

The LFDS detection tool will detemine if any datasets of your databases are now or could be larger than 4 gigabytes. If an LFDS dataset is detected the TurboIMAGE code delivered with TIXNX14 will disable writes to this database. This ensures that no integrity problems occur as a result of those writes. The dataset may still be read and should be unloaded and recreated using the CONTROL JUMBO option at your earliest convenience.

After TIXNX14 (C.10.12) has been installed you will be unable to create a Large File Dataset. If a schema file defines a dataset that would result in it being an LFDS set (note that this would mean that the CONTROL JUMBO option was NOT used) then DBSCHEMA will issue the error:


Full details about the Large File Dataset issue, the detection tool and how TurboIMAGE code version C.10.10 or greater operates can be found at:


Read Before Installation: Critical Patches Included In Power Patch C.75.05

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