HPlogo Read Before Installing MPE/iX Release 7.5 PP3 > 1 Information You Need

Samba 2.2.8a / SMBMXG3C

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Migrating from Samba 2.0.7
Migrating Back to Samba 2.0.7

Migrating from Samba 2.0.7

Users of Samba 2.0.7 need to be aware of the following issues before installing Samba 2.2.8a. For complete information about Samba 2.2.8a, please see http://jazz.external.hp.com/src/samba/ (or /usr/local/samba/ReadME.mpe after this patch has been installed).

Streamlined Installation Layout (Some Files Have Moved)

Previous versions of Samba installed a few files into the SAMBA.SYS group and the remaining files into the SAMBA account. Starting with Samba 2.2.8a, all files are now installed into the SAMBA account in a version-specific group, i.e. SMB228A.SAMBA. The Samba 2.2.8a installation script does not modify any of the old Samba files in the SAMBA.SYS group.

The Samba 2.2.8a installation script modifies the /usr/local/samba symbolic link to point to the new /SAMBA/SMB228A file location. A new symbolic link of /SAMBA/CURRENT is created to point to the same location.

If you have any jobs, UDCs or command files, etc that refer to the old SAMBA.SYS files, you must modify these old references to point to the new file locations. Use either of the symbolic links to do this. That is, instead of SMBD.SAMBA.SYS, you can refer to SMBD.CURRENT.SAMBA or /usr/local/samba/SMBD or /SAMBA/CURRENT/SMBD.

Existing 2.0.7 Configuration Files are Compatibles with 2.2.8a

Your existing 2.0.7 configuration files are compatible with 2.2.8a. Copy them from the old /SAMBA/SMB207/lib location to /usr/local/samba/lib or /SAMBA/CURRENT/lib.

In order to take full advantage of the new 2.2.8a functionality, it is recommended that you use /usr/local/samba/lib/samp-smb.conf as a template for creating a new smb.conf file.

New "Full-Power" Model Enabled by Default

Previous versions of Samba for MPE required manually adding PM capability to the MGR.SAMBA user in order to enable "full-power mode" where Samba can authenticate against traditional MPE user and account passwords of the format USERPW,ACCTPW. This functionality is now enabled by default starting with Samba 2.2.8a.

Full-power mode is the recommended mode of operation. Besides the convenience of authenticating against traditional MPE passwords, full-power mode also enables Samba to setuid() to the authenticated user so that all file accesses occur with the authenticated user's access rights

Full-power mode under Samba 2.2.8a is enabled for Samba program files if they are owned by MANAGER.SYS but reside in the SAMBA account. The full-power program files are currently NMBD, SMBD, and SWAT. Since PM capability on the MGR.SAMBA user is no longer required for full-power mode, it is removed by the Samba 2.2.8a installation script.

Migrating Back to Samba 2.0.7

If after installing Samba 2.2.8a, you decide that you want to migrate back to Samba 2.0.7, perform the following steps:

  :PURGELINK /usr/local/samba
  :NEWLINK /usr/local/samba,/SAMBA/SMB207

(if you were previously using Samba 2.0.7 in full power mode)


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