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Host-Based DTC Management Features

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As you may be aware, the Open View DTC Manager (OVDTCMgr) application on the PC was discontinued October 2002. In MPE/iX 7.5 Power Patch 2, the DTS subsystem has been enhanced to provide functionality needed to continue support of the DTC connectivity required by the HP e3000 users. The features added to the DTS subsystem had previously been available when the OVDTCMgr platform managed the DTCs and PC-Based Management was configured on the HPe3000, but not when the HP e3000 host managed the DTCs and Host-Based Management was configured.

These enhancements required changes to the data structures for the DTS subsystem in the NMCONFIG file and some NMMGR screens. These enhancements have been designed to minimize the additional steps you need to do to install and migrate to this release. This article describes some features and behaviors of this version of the DTS subsystem that you should know about before you install this release. These important features and behaviors are the following:
  • Although it is now an unsupported configuration, the OVDTCMgr platform will still be able to manage the DTCs for connection to the HP e3000. HP recommends that you migrate your DTS configuration to Host-Based management at the earliest opportunity.

  • When you reboot your system after updating with this release, DTS will recognize that the data in the DTS subsystem of the NMCONFIG file is in the old format but will still create a valid DTS configuration. DCC will display the following warning message.

      DCC WARNING P-L, NMCONFIG is previous version. Run NMMGRVER.
        (DCCWARN 52)
    The DTS configuration created will be identical to what was created prior to the update.

  • In NMMGR, if you press the [DTS] key at the Main screen and attempt to display the DTS configuration before running NMMGRVER, instead of going to the DTS configuration screen, you will see a screen that informs you that the DTS subsystem has been updated. The actions you can take are described later in this article.

  • You will use the version of NMMGRVER installed with this release to update the NMCONFIG file to the latest format and then perform a DTS Shutdown and Restart.

  • After using NMMGRVER to migrate the configuration file to the latest format, DTS Dynamic Configuration will be disabled until a DTS Shutdown and Restart or system reboot is performed.

Use one of the following two processes described below to update the NMCONFIG file so that NMMGR will allow you to make new changes to the DTS configuration and to re-enable DTS Dynamic Configuration.
  1. Run NMMGRVER from the Command Interpreter.

    You can run NMMGRVER from the CI as you have on earlier releases to update the format of the NMCONFIG file:

    1. Run NMMGRVER to update the NMCONFIG file to the latest format:

        :run nmmgrver.pub.sys
        Utility to convert NM configuration files to be
          compatible with NMMGR B.07.06.
        Fileset to be scanned? NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS
      (Enter the file name of your NM configuration file. Then confirm the conversion.)
        OK to convert NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS? Y

    2. Perform a DTS Shutdown and Restart:

        :dtccntrl func=shutdown forced=y
        :dtccntrl func=restart

  2. Run NMMGRVER from within NMMGR.

    You can run NMMGRVER from within NMMGR to update the NMCONFIG file and continue with changes to the DTS configuration without leaving NMMGR:

    1. Run NMMGR and press the [DTS] key at the Main NMMGR screen, you will see a screen that informs you that the DTS subsystem has been updated. Press the F1 [Do Convert] key. This key will launch NMMGRVER and you will see:

        Utility to convert NM configuration files to be
          compatible with NMMGR B.07.06.
        Fileset to be scanned? NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS
      (Enter the file name of your NM configuration file. Then confirm the conversion.)
        OK to convert NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS? Y

    2. Note the dialog on the screen to verify that the conversion was successful and enter [Return] to return to NMMGR.

    3. Press the [Prior Screen] key to return to the Main NMMGR screen and then press the [DTS] key to resume your DTS configuration changes.

    4. Validate the NMCONFIG file and exit NMMGR.

    5. Perform a DTS Shutdown and Restart in order for the configuration changes to take:

        :dtccntrl func=shutdown forced=y
        :dtccntrl func=restart

After you run NMMGRVER and if your system is using Host-Based Management, your data will be converted to the equivalent configuration in the new format. If your system is currently using PC-Based Management, you will see no changes to your configuration.

For more information on the features and behaviors of these enhancements, see the article "Enhanced Host-based DTC Management Functionality" in the Communicator for MPE/iX Release 7.5 Power Patch 2.

Complete documentation and information to help you migrate your configuration to Host-Based Management can be found in the updated Configuring and Managing Host-Based X.25 Links manual that is available online from:


Predictive Changes SYSSTART during UPDATE

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