HPlogo Communicator e3000 MPE/iX Release 7.5 (Software Release C75.00): HP e3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 4 Fibre Channel Device and Adapter Support

TDUTIL - Fibre Channel Diagnostic Utility

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TDUTIL is a new utility introduced in MPE/iX 7.5 for obtaining information on fibre channel host bus adapters, supported on HP e3000 systems. This utility provides the ability to display information such as the N_Port ID, Node World-Wide Name, Port World-Wide Name, link speed, chip revision number, VPD (Vital Product Data) information and more.

The utility can be run from MPE/iX CI command prompt by giving the FC adapter hardware path as parameter.

:tdutil <adapter hardware path>

TDUTIL Sample Output

A sample output of TDUTIL utility is shown below:

 :tdutil 0/8/0/0
 Vendor ID is = 0x00103c
                    Device ID is = 0x001029
         XL2 Chip Revision No is = 2.2
     PCI Sub-system Vendor ID is = 0x00103c
            PCI Sub-system ID is = 0x00128c
                        Topology = PTTOPT_FABRIC
                      Link Speed = 1Gb
              Local N_Port_id is = 0x011c00
     N_Port Node World Wide Name = 0x50060b00001000d4
     N_Port Port World Wide Name = 0x50060b00001000d3
                    Driver state = ONLINE
                Hardware Path is = 0/8/0/0
          Number of Assisted IOs = 126053
 Number of Active Login Sessions = 1
              Maximum Frame Size = 960
                  Driver Version = @(#) HP Fibre Channel Tachyon
                                   TL/TS/XL2 Driver B.11.00.10 (AR1201)
                                   Nov 17 2001

Invoking TDUTIL without specifying any options displays the adapter related information like the topology, link state, link speed, vendor ID, NPort ID, Port and Node WWNs, number of I/Os done so far, etc.

The most important things to note here are the Topology and the Driver state. The topology can be any of the following:
  • PRIVATE_LOOP, when the card is in private loop topology.
  • PUBLIC_LOOP, when the card is in public loop topology, i.e., a loop containing a switch.
  • PTTOPT_FABRIC, when the card is directly attached to a switch.
  • UNINITIALIZED, when the link has not been initialized, either due to the card not being connected to a cable or the device/switch connected on the cable is not functional.
The Driver State represents the state of the software driver controlling the adapter card. When the driver and the card are functioning properly, the Driver state should be ONLINE. Any other state can be considered a transient one with the exceptions of the states AWAITING_LINK_UP and OFFLINE. It is normal for the driver to temporarily stay in AWAITING_LINK_UP state, but if it stays for too long, typically more than 5 seconds, then there is a problem in the cable or with the device at the other end. If a loop contains multiple devices along with the host adapter card, one of the devices going faulty can temporarily result in the driver going out of ONLINE state. If the loop is through an FC hub, then the hub will automatically bypass the faulty device and the driver will come back to ONLINE state immediately.

Due to the impact on the functioning of the driver by using TDUTIL, only a user logging in as MANAGER.SYS can invoke the utility.

NOTE: TDUTIL supports usage of options while invoking the utility but these options are meant to be used only by HP Support Representatives for troubleshooting. Customers are advised to use TDUTIL only by specifying the adapter path and not make use of use any of the options.

FCSCAN - Fibre Channel Device Scan Utility

Using HP Support Tools Manager (STM) with Fibre Channel Adapters