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MPE/iX Patches on HP IT Resource Center

MPE documents

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by Patch Support Team
Commercial Systems Division

MPE/iX patches for MPE/iX Releases are available on the IT Resource Center (previously the HP Electronic Support Center) to all customers.

Features and Benefits

The new patch access and delivery system benefits all MPE/iX customers with:
  • Improved overall communication between HP and customers.
  • Provision of useful and timely information for patch justification and decision making.
  • Reduced system downtime for known problems.
  • Reduction of the turnaround time for patch availability and delivery.
  • Close to 24*7 access time.
  • Unification of the MPE/iX and HP-UX patch delivery process.
Electronic access to patch information and delivery of patches provide three basic services:
  1. Access to patch information in an automated, timely and accurate manner.
  2. Electronic downloading of patch information and binaries.
  3. Proactive notification of new patches via email.

Access Method to the HP IT Resource Center

To serve customers the IT Resource Center provides World Wide Web access for downloading patches.

Access to World Wide Web Server (www)

IT Resource Center is available through the World Wide Web.World Wide Web access is the easiest, fastest, and most popular method of browsing for patch information and downloading patches. It is more reliable, especially for large patches.
  • U.S. Web accessing address:
  • European Web accessing address:

Electronic Digests

If you want to keep yourself up-to-date on the latest development of MPE/iX patches, you can sign up for the daily Security Bulletin and weekly mpeix_patch Bulletin. Once you have subscribed to these two bulletins, you will receive these digests on a periodic basis via electronic mail. HP IT Resource Center will inform you proactively about newly developed security and GR patches. For more information, refer to the instructions on the IT Resource Center website.

Patch Installation Tools

There are two tools available to install MPE/iX reactive patches, Patch/iX and AUTOPAT. HP recommends the use of Patch/iX for reactive patch installation. Patch/iX has many features and checks to ease and improve the installation process, including:
  • A sophisticated patch qualification mechanism to ensure the integrity of your system.

  • The ability to perform much of the patch installation process while your system is still up and available to users.

  • An option to install a patch or set of patches using the HP Stage/iX Subsystem, which allows the application of a patch to be performed without tapes. For more information on Stage/iX, refer to the System Software Maintenance Manual for your release.

You should use AUTOPAT only if you are familiar with its use, and have a good understanding of MPE/iX patch management.

Patch/iX Installation Document Retrieval

These are the steps for retrieving documents using Patch/iX.
  1. Access the HP IT Resource Center WEB site (previously the Electronic Support Center) using the appropriate WEB address for your country.
  2. Click on the link, "Individual Patches."
  3. Enter: "ITRC User ID" and "password."
  4. Click on the link, "MPE/iX Patches."
  5. Click on the link, "MPE Patch Installation Guide."
  6. Click on the link, "Use Patch/iX or AUTOPAT to install the patch."
  7. Click on the link, "Patch/iX Instructions."

Patch/iX Version Identification

To ensure you have the latest version of Patch/iX, on your system do the following:
  3. Compare this version number (for example, B.01.02) with the latest version available for your release on the HP IT Resource Center Patch/iX download page. If you are running an earlier version than is available, you should download and install the newer one from the download page.

AUTOPAT Installation Document Retrieval

AUTOPATINST is the "DOCID" of the document with instructions to assist you in installing one or more patches needed by your MPE/iX system using the AUTOPAT installation tool.
  1. Access the HP IT Resource Center WEB site (previously the Electronic Support Center) using the appropriate WEB address for your country.
  2. In the Main Menu, Click on the link, "Search Technical Knowledge Base."
  3. Enter: "ITRC User ID" and "password."
  4. In the Technical Knowledge Base Home page from the pull down menu, Click on "Search By DOC ID" (do not Search by Keyword).
  5. In the search field, enter "AUTOPATINST."
  6. Click on the "SEARCH" button.

Create a CSLT Prior to Patch Installation

Before starting any patch application activity, you should always back up your system by creating a Custom System Load Tape and a full backup. This will allow you the flexibility of restoring your system to the previous environment. To create a CSLT, do the following:
  1. Log on as MANAGER.SYS
  2. :SYSGEN
  3. >TAPE


CAUTION: Hewlett-Packard is not liable for errors occurring during data transmission through the Internet. HP assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its software on equipment that it has not furnished itself. Furthermore, for customers without a current support contract with HP, HP is not responsible for answering any questions in regard to the use of this patch delivery process.

Communicator Summary

Chapter 2 Announcements