HPlogo E0300 MPE/iX Error Messages Manual Volume III > Chapter 1 Error Messages

Distributed Terminal Subsystems

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This chapter contains validation and Datacomm Configurator (DCC) error messages. Validation errors indicate problems with the network management configuration file. They are detected during network management configuration file validation. DCC errors indicate problems with the link or the DTS manager. They are detected when the host is rebooted.

Validation Error Messages

The network management configuration file must be validated before it can be processed by SYSGEN. The validation procedure is invoked in NMMGR by requesting it on the VALIDATE CONFIGURATION FILE screen. Error messages will be displayed on the system console. Additionally, error messages can be directed to a printer. The DTS validation procedure starts by displaying the following on the system console:

197 - Validation of DTS/LINK started. -

Errors are then listed to the console. When the validation procedure is complete, it will print the following on the system console:

nnn Encountered Errors

NOTE: After successful validation, run SYSGEN to cross-validate the DTS configuration with the System configuration.

197 - Validation of DTS/LINK finished. -

where nnn is the total number of errors found during validation. Following is a numerical list of validation error messages and actions for each.

Validation Error Messages

DCC Error Messages

As system start-up nears completion, the Datacomm Configurator (DCC) creates the LINK and DTS managers. If the procedure is successful, the following message will be displayed on the console:


If the procedure is not successful, the message above is replaced by one or more error messages. When looking up an error message, note that the following strings of characters are used to represent information that is inserted when the message is generated:
  • P-L is replaced by a DCC procedure number and DCC location number; used for detailed diagnostics by Hewlett-Packard support representative.

  • SSSSSSSS is replaced by an eight-digit hexadecimal value; also used for detailed diagnostics.

  • MMM and LLL are replaced by decimal values; used for detailed diagnostics.

  • PATH is replaced by an NMCONF path or LLIO physical path.

DCC Error Messages

Disk Free Space

Chapter 2 Error Messages