HPlogo MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual > Preface


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The following conventions are used throughout this manual.

In a syntax statement or an example, a word in intalics represents a parameter or argument that you must replace with the actual value. In the following example, you must replace filename with the name of the file:

COMMAND filename

{ }

In a syntax statement, braces enclose required elements. When several elements are included within braces, you must select one. In the following example, you must select either ON or OFF


[ ]

In a syntax statement, brackets enclose optional elements. In the following example, OPTION can be omitted:


When several elements are enclosed within brackets, you can select one or none of the elements. In following example, you can select OPTION or parameter or neither. The elements cannot be repeated.

COMMAND filename [OPTION | parameter]

[ ... ]

In a syntax statement, horizontal ellipses enclosed in brackets indicate that you can repeatedly select the element(s) that appear within the immediately preceding pair of brackets or braces. In the example below, you can select parameter zero or more times. Each instance of parameter must be preceded by a comma:


In the example below, you can only use the commas as a delimiter if papameter is repeated; no comma is used before the first occurrence of papameter:

[parameter][ ,... ]

| ... |

In a syntax statement, horizontal ellipses enclosed in vertical bars indicate that you can select more that one element within the immediately prededing pair of brackets or braces. However, each particular element can only be selected once. In the followig example you must select A, AB, BA, or B. The elements cannot be repeated.

[A | B] |...|


Chapter 1 Commands by Task