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Commands SPEED thru STORE

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Sets the input and output speed for the user's terminal.


  SPEED newinspeed, newoutspeed
  SET SPEED = newspeed



The new input speed in characters-per-second (CPS). The input and output speeds must always be equal. Acceptable values for newinspeed and newoutspeed are 30, 120, 240, 480, 960, and 1920.


The new output speed in characters-per-second (CPS). The input and output speeds must always be equal. Acceptable values for newinspeed and newoutspeed are 30, 120, 240, 480, 960, and 1920.


Used with the SET command to specify both input and output speeds, which are equal. Refer to the SET command.

Operation Notes

MPE/iX automatically senses the input/output speed of a terminal when you log on at that terminal. If your terminal has speed adjustment controls, you can change the input and output speeds after logon with the SPEED command. This command is not valid for terminals that operate at only one speed.

Since terminal input and output speeds are the same, it is not necessary to specify them individually.

When the SPEED command is entered, MPE/iX displays the following message at the old output speed:


Manually change the speed control on the terminal and verify the new speed by entering:

  MPE <Return>

If the characters MPE cannot be verified, the system assumes that the terminal is to continue at the old speed. (To continue, you must reset the terminal control to the old speed.) Note that on Hewlett-Packard terminals the baud rate is characters per second (CPS) multiplied by 10. When you select the baud rate at which you choose to operate, you must, therefore, divide the rate by 10, and enter that value with the SPEED command.

You can also change the terminal speed programmatically by using the FCONTROL intrinsic. Refer to the MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual (32650-90028).


This command may be issued from a session, program, or in BREAK. This command is not available from a job. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.


To manually change the speed and enter MPE (the { is a random character), enter:

  MPE <Return>

To change the input and output speeds to 240 CPS (2400 baud), enter:

  SPEED 240,240


  SET SPEED=2400

Related Information




MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual


Compiles a compatibility mode SPL/V program. SPL/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately.


  SPL [textfile] [,[uslfile] [,[listfile] [,[masterfile]
    [,newfile]]]] [;INFO=quotedstring]



Actual file designator of the input file from which the source program is read. This can be any ASCII input file. The formal file designator is SPLTEXT. Default is $STDIN.


Actual file designator of the user subprogram library (USL) file to which the object code is written. This can be any binary output file created with a file code of USL or 1024. Its formal file designator is SPLUSL. If the uslfile parameter is omitted, the object code is saved to the temporary file $OLDPASS. If the uslfile parameter is entered, it indicates that the file was created in one of four ways:

  • By using the MPE/iX SAVE command to save the default USL file created during a previous compilation.

  • By building the USL with the MPE segmenter -BUILDUSL command. Refer to the MPE Segmenter Manual (30000-90011).

  • By creating a new USL file with the MPE/iX BUILD command and specifying a file code of USL or 1024.

  • By having the statement $CONTROL
    in your program.


Actual file designator of the file to which the program listing is written. This can be any ASCII output file. The formal file designator is SPLLIST. Default is $STDLIST.


Actual file designator of the master file with which textfile is merged to produce a composite source. This can be any ASCII input file. The formal file designator is SPLMAST. Default is that the master file is not read; input is read from textfile, or from $STDIN if textfile is not specified.


Actual file designator of the file created by merging textfile and masterfile. This can be any ASCII output file. Formal designator is SPLNEW. Default is that no file is written.

NOTE: The formal file designators used in this command (SPLTEXT, SPLUSL, SPLLIST, SPLMAST, and SPLNEW) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.


A sequence of ASCII characters bounded by a pair of single quotation marks (apostrophes) or by double quotations marks. If you want a quotation to appear within quotedstring, the quotation and its quotation marks must also be bounded by quotation marks. For example, to insert "and" into a quotedstring, it must appear as ""and"". Similarly, 'and' must appear as ""and"". The maximum length of the string, including delimiters, is 255 characters. Refer to "Operation Notes."

For SPL to recognize quotedstring, a dollar sign ($) must follow the quotation marks at the beginning of the quotedstring. This feature is used to specify compiler options which appear at the beginning of the source listing. For more information, refer to the Systems Programming Language Reference Manual (30000-90024).

Operation Notes

This command compiles an SPL program into a user subprogram library (USL) file on disk. If textfile is not specified, MPE/iX expects the source program to be entered from your standard input device. If listfile is not specified, the program output is sent to your standard list device.


This command may be issued from a session, job, or program, but not in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.


The following example compiles an SPL program entered from your standard input device into an object program in the USL file $OLDPASS, and writes the listing to your standard list device:


The next example compiles an SPL program contained into the disk file SOURCE and stores the object code into the USL file OBJECT. The program listing is sent to the disk file LISTFL:


Related Information




Systems Programming Language Reference Manual


Compiles, prepares, and executes a compatibility mode SPL/V program. SPL/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately.


  SPLGO [textfile] [, [listfile] [, [masterfile]
    [,newfile]]] [;INFO=quotedstring]



Actual file designator of the input file from which the source program is read. This can be any ASCII input file. The formal file designator is SPLTEXT. Default is $STDIN.


Actual file designator of the file to which the program listing is written. This can be any ASCII output file. The formal file designator is SPLLIST. Default is $STDLIST.


Actual file designator of the master file that is merged against textfile to produce a composite source. This can be any ASCII input file. Formal file designator is SPLMAST. Default is that the master file is not read; input is read from textfile, or from $STDIN if textfile is not specified. If two files being merged have identical line numbers, the lines from textfile or from $STDIN overwrite those in masterfile.


Actual file designator of the file produced by merging textfile and masterfile. This can be any ASCII output file. The formal file designator is SPLNEW. Default is that no file is written.

NOTE: The formal file designators used in this command (SPLTEXT, SPLLIST, SPLMAST, and SPLNEW) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.


A sequence of ASCII characters bounded by a pair of single quotation marks (apostrophes) or by double quotation marks. If you want a quotation to appear within quotedstring, the quotation and its quotation marks must also be bounded by quotation marks. For example, to insert "and" into a quotedstring, it must appear as ""and"". Similarly, 'and' must appear as ''and''. The maximum length of the string, including delimiters, is 255 characters.

For SPL to recognize quotedstring, a dollar sign ($) must follow the quotation marks at the beginning of the quotedstring. This feature is used to specify compiler options that appear in front of the source listing.

Operation Notes

This command compiles, prepares, and executes an SPL program. If textfile is omitted, MPE/iX expects input from your standard input device. This command creates a temporary user subprogram library (USL) file ($NEWPASS) that you cannot access and a temporary program file that you can access under the name $OLDPASS.


This command may be issued from a session, job, or program but not in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.


To compile, prepare, and execute an SPL program entered from your standard input device, and have the program listing sent to your standard list device, enter:


To compile, prepare, and execute an SPL program read from the disk file SOURCE and send the resulting program listing to the disk file LISTFL, enter:


Related Information




MPE Segmenter Reference Manual

Systems Programming Language Reference Manual


Compiles and prepares a compatibility mode SPL/V program. SPL/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately.


  SPLPREP [textfile] [, [progfile] [, [listfile] [, [masterfile]
    [,newfile]]]] [;INFO=quotedstring]



Actual file designator of the input file from which the source program is read. This can be any ASCII input file. Formal file designator is SPLTEXT. Default is $STDIN.


Actual file designator of the program file to which the prepared program segments are written. When you omit progfile, the MPE segmenter creates the program file, which then resides in the temporary file domain as $OLDPASS. If you do create your own program file, you must do so in one of two ways:

  • By using the MPE/iX BUILD command and specifying a file code of 1029 or PROG, and a numextents value of 1. This file is then used by the PREP command.

  • By specifying a nonexistent file in the progfile parameter, in which case a job/session temporary file of the correct size and type is created.


Actual file designator of the file to which program listing is written. This can be any ASCII output file. Formal designator is SPLLIST. Default is $STDLIST.


Actual file designator of the master file that is merged against textfile to produce a composite source. This can be any ASCII input file. The formal file designator is SPLMAST. Default is that the master file is not read; input is read from textfile, or from $STDIN if textfile is not specified. If two files being merged have identical line numbers, the lines from textfile or from $STDIN overwrites those in masterfile.


Actual file designator of the file produced by merging textfile and masterfile. This can be any ASCII output file. The formal file designator is SPLNEW. Default is that no file is written.

NOTE: The formal file designators used in this command (SPLTEXT, SPLLIST, SPLMAST, and SPLNEW) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list. For further information refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" section of the FILE command.


A sequence of ASCII characters bounded by a pair of single quotation marks (apostrophes) or by double quotation marks. If you want a quotation to appear within quotedstring, the quotation and its quotation marks must also be bounded by quotation marks. For example, to insert "and" into a quotedstring, it must appear as ""and"". Similarly, 'and' must appear as ''and''. The maximum length of the string, including delimiters, is 255 characters. Refer to "Operation Notes."

For SPL to recognize quotedstring, a dollar sign ($) must follow the quotation marks at the beginning of the quotedstring. This feature is used to specify compiler options which appear at the beginning of the source listing.

Operation Notes

Compiles and prepares an SPL program into a program file on disk. If textfile is not specified, MPE/iX expects you to enter your source program from your standard input device. If you do not specify listfile, your program output is sent to your standard list device.

The user subprogram library (USL) file created during compilation, $OLDPASS, is a temporary file passed directly to the MPE segmenter. It can be accessed only if you do not use the default for progfile. This is because the segmenter also uses $OLDPASS to store the prepared program segments, overwriting the USL file of the same name.


This command may be issued from a session, job, or program but not in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.


To compile and prepare an SPL program entered from your standard input device, and send the output to your standard list device, enter:


The following example compiles and prepares an SPL source program from the disk file SFILE into the program file MYPROG. The program listing is sent to your standard list device:


In the next example, the first positional parameter is omitted. This indicates to MPE/iX that you intend to enter the source text from your standard input device. The object code is stored in the default USL file $OLDPASS, and the prepared program segments are stored in FILEZ. $OLDPASS is then saved in the permanent file domain under the new name NUSL.


Related Information




MPE Segmenter Reference Manual
System Programming Language Reference Manual


Controls spooler processes. (Native Mode)


  SPOOLER [DEV=] { ldev | devclass | devname }
    { ;SHOW
      ;OPENQ [;SHOW]
      ;SHUTQ [;SHOW]
      ;START [; { OPENQ | SHUTQ }] [;SHOW]
      ;STOP  [; { FINISH | NOW }] [; { OPENQ | SHUTQ }] [;SHOW]
        [;OFFSET= {+|-} page] | [; { OPENQ | SHUTQ }] ] [;SHOW]
      ;RESUME  [;OFFSET={+|-} page ] [; { OPENQ | SHUTQ }] [;SHOW]
      ;RELEASE [;OFFSET={+|-} page ] [; { OPENQ | SHUTQ }] [;SHOW]



The logical device number of the spooled device.


The device class name of the spooled devices. devclass must begin with a letter and consist of eight or fewer alphanumeric characters.


The device name of the spooled device. devname must begin with a letter and consist of eight or fewer alphanumeric characters. Note that it is not possible to have a device class name and a device name that are the same. If you enter an alphanumeric character string, the command searches the device class list first, and then the device name list.



The START parameter creates and activates a new spooler process to own and manage the device and print spool files destined for it. If a class is specified, then a spooling process is created and activated for each device in the class. If neither the OPENQ nor the SHUTQ option is specified, OPENQ is taken as the default.


The START parameter creates and activates a new spooler process to own and manage the device, to read data from it, and to create job or data input spool files for later processing by a CI (job) or user process (data). If a class is specified, then a spooling process is created and activated for each device in the class.



The STOP parameter terminates the spooling process associated with the specified device. If a class is specified, then spooling processes for all devices in the specified class are terminated. A spooler in the active state first moves to the STOP pending state (shown as *STOP with the SHOW option) while it finishes its work on its current file (including any required trailer). When this is complete, or if the spooler was previously in the idle state, the spooler displays the following on the console (or the $STDLIST of an associated user) and terminates. If neither the OPENQ nor the SHUTQ option is specified, SHUTQ is taken as the default.

  Output spooler, LDEV #ldev: Stopped.

You may determine the spooler state at any time by entering the following:



  SPOOLER devclass;SHOW


  SPOOLER devname;SHOW

The STOP option is valid only if a spooler is in the ACTIVE, SUSPEND or IDLE state, or (if accelerating a previous STOP ;FINISH to STOP ;NOW) the STOP pending (*STOP) state. If neither the NOW nor the FINISH option is specified, NOW is taken as the default.

NOTE: Because of the large amount of data buffered in the file system and the device, an output device may continue to print, making it appear as if the STOP parameter has not had any effect. In reality, the spooler stops sending data to the device when the command is received but must wait until all buffered data has been printed before stopping. Depending on both the content of the data and the amount of buffering, this may require a significant part of a page or even several pages. The spooler process notifies you via the following message that it has processed the command:

  IOutput spooler, LDEV 
  Received a command while outputting a file

If the STOP is received while the spooler is printing a file, the page number of the last complete page that was printed is saved in the spool file's file label extension (FLABX). The next time the file is selected for printing by any spooler, the output resumes at the page following the page number saved in the FLABX.


The STOP parameter terminates the spooling process associated with the specified device. If a class is specified, then spooling processes for all devices in the specified class are terminated. The spooler first moves to the STOP pending state (shown as *STOP with the SHOW option) while it finishes its work on its current file (closing and deleting it; rewinding the tape and placing it offline). When this is complete, the spooler displays the following message on the console (or the $STDLIST of an associated user) and terminates:

  Input spooler, LDEV #ldev: Stopped.

You may determine the spooler state at any time by entering the following:


The STOP option is valid only if a spooler is in the IDLE or ACTIVE state. Except for a short period during startup when it is in the START state, an input spooler is always in the IDLE or ACTIVE state.

The NOW, FINISH, OPENQ, and SHUTQ options are not applicable to an input spooler process and result in an error message if any is used.


The SUSPEND option is valid only for output spooler processes. It suspends output to one or more spooled devices. The associated spooler processes remain alive, but inactive. A spooler in the ACTIVE state first moves to the SUSPEND pending state (shown as *SUSPEND with the SHOW option) while it finishes its work on its current file (including any required trailer). When this is complete, or if the spooler was previously in the IDLE state, the spooler displays the following on the console (or the $STDLIST of an associated user) and enters the SUSPEND state.

  Output spooler, LDEV #ldev: Suspended.

If neither the NOW nor the FINISH option is specified, NOW is taken as the default. If neither the KEEP nor the NOKEEP option is specified, KEEP is taken as the default. If the OFFSET option is not specified, the spooler retains the present location in the output spool file. This is the default.

The combination of the NOW, KEEP, and no OFFSET parameters (all defaults) is a special case. When an active spooler receives this form of the SUSPEND option, it suspends after processing the current record. A subsequent SPOOLER...; RESUME with no OFFSET parameter and without an intervening SPOOLER...;RELEASE causes the spooler to resume at the next record, as if it had never been interrupted.

If a spooler process is suspended in the middle of a spool file and the file is not retained by the spooler, a page number is saved in the spool file's file label extension (FLABX). This page number is either the last complete page that was printed (if no OFFSET was specified) or one page prior to that specified by the final OFFSET applied to the file (with a lower limit of 0). The next time the file is selected for printing by any spooler, output resumes at the page following the page saved in the FLABX.

NOTE: Because of the large amount of data buffered in the file system and the device, the device may continue to print, making it appear as if the SUSPEND parameter has not had any effect. In reality, the spooler stops sending data to the device when the command is received but must wait until all buffered data has been printed before suspending. Depending on both the content of the data and the amount of buffering, this may require a significant part of a page or even several pages.

The spooler process notifies you via the following message that it has processed the command:

  IOutput spooler, LDEV ldev:
  Received a command while outputting a file

If a spooler process is suspended in the middle of a spool file and the file is not retained by the spooler, a page number is saved in the spool file's file label extension (FLABX). This page number is either the last complete page that was printed (if no OFFSET was specified) or one page prior to that specified by the final OFFSET applied to the file (with a lower limit of 0). The next time the file is selected for printing by any spooler, output resumes at the page following the page saved in the FLABX.


The RESUME option resumes a suspended spooler process and is therefore valid only for output spoolers. The spooler must be in the SUSPEND state. If the spooler retains a spool file when it is suspended (meaning the KEEP option was specified or taken by default), and the spool file is not subsequently released, the OFFSET option is valid. If no offset is specified with either the earlier SUSPEND or the present RESUME, then output resumes where it left off. If an OFFSET is specified at either time (or both), the spooler resumes at the final location indicated by the offsets. If OFFSET is specified and the spooler does not have a retained file, a warning is generated and the spooler prints the next available spool file from the beginning.


The RELEASE parameter directs a suspended output spooler to close (release) a spool file that it is currently retaining due to an earlier SUSPEND ;KEEP option. It is invalid and generates a warning if used in any other context. The OFFSET option may be used to change the resumption point of the file the next time it is selected for printing.

When the file is released by the spooler, a page number is saved in the spool file's file label extension (FLABX). This page number is either the last complete page that was printed (if no OFFSET was specified) or one page prior to that specified by the final OFFSET applied to the file (with a lower limit of 0). The next time the file is selected for printing by any spooler, output resumes at the page following the page saved in the FLABX.


Directs the spooler to complete the currently active spool file and then suspend or stop. This option may be used only in conjunction with the SUSPEND or STOP options. If it is used in any other context, a warning is issued and the FINISH option is ignored. The FINISH parameter may not be used with either the KEEP/NOKEEP or OFFSET parameters.

The FINISH option is not valid for spooled input devices.

Either a STOP or SUSPEND that includes the FINISH option may be accelerated to a higher-priority command without waiting for the present spool file to finish printing. For example, SPOOLER...; SUSPEND; FINISH may be followed by:






Similarly, a SPOOLER...;STOP;FINISH may be accelerated to SPOOLER...;STOP;NOW. To go in the opposite direction is an error.


Directs the spooler to immediately stop the current output. This option may be used only in conjunction with the SUSPEND or STOP options. If it is used in any other context, a warning is issued. This is the default.

If NOW is used on the SUSPEND option with either the NOKEEP or OFFSET parameters, the spooler prints a trailer if required; otherwise output pauses and may be resumed later at the point of suspension.

The NOW option is not valid for spooled input devices.


Directs the device to retain ownership of the spool file that it is currently processing. This is the default. KEEP is valid only if all three of the following conditions are satisfied:

  • KEEP is used as a parameter to the SUSPEND option or, it is taken as the default.

  • The spooler is actively processing a file or is suspending.

  • The NOW parameter is also specified or taken by default.

If the OFFSET parameter is not specified (or this condition is taken by default), the spooler suspends after processing the current record.


Directs the spooler to close the spool file that it is currently processing. NOKEEP is valid only if all three of the following conditions are satisfied:

  • NOKEEP is used as a parameter to the SUSPEND option.

  • The spooler is actively processing a file or is suspending.

  • The NOW parameter is also specified or taken by default.

The spooler stops sending data after the current record, ejects a page, processes any specified OFFSET, saves the result of that processing (or the last completely printed page if no OFFSET was specified) in the FLABX (file label extension), prints a trailer with (INCOMPLETE) on it if trailers are enabled, and returns the file to the READY state. The next spooler that prints the file starts the first copy with the page following the page number saved in the FLABX and the file's header and trailer (if any) include (RESUMED) if printing starts anywhere but at the first page.


The page parameter may be used only in conjunction with the SUSPEND, RESUME, or RELEASE option. The page parameter must be an integer representing a physical page offset, either absolute or relative, within the file. Offsets are applied in the order they are entered, whether absolute or relative. If + is specified, the offset is adjusted forward relative to the current location by the number of pages specified. If - is specified, the adjustment is backward. If page is specified without + or -, then printing resumes at that page, absolute from the beginning of the file. No matter which combination of offsets are specified, the final location is limited by the bounds of the file.

A page is defined as follows:

  • For CIPER protocol devices: a physical sheet.

  • For the HP2680 or HP2688: a physical sheet (which may contain one or more logical pages).

  • For serial printers: the OFFSET option (except for OFFSET=1 or OFFSET=0, the beginning of the file) is not reliable. No error or warning message is generated if it is used on such devices; however, results are unpredictable.

    This is because page numbers are accurate only for CIPER protocol devices and HP2680 and HP2688 page printers.

The spooler's serial printer storage manager makes an approximate guess as to the correct page. However, it is only a guess based on an extremely limited interpretation of the spool file by the storage manager, because a serial printer does not return page data to its storage manager.

The storage manager does not attempt to interpret the spool file data, looking for escape sequences that may advance paper, eject a page, or change the page length or line density. This would degrade performance to an unacceptable level. Instead, it checks the carriage control character supplied as part of the user's FWRITE intrinisc call.

If that character is an ASCII "1" or an octal 300 (indicating skip to VFC channel 1, which by industry standard, is a page eject), it notes that this type of page control is in use and assembles its own checkpoint based on the location of this record in the spool file. If a RESUME with OFFSET is later required, it counts these checkpoints to try to find the proper restarting point. The storage manager ignores any other carriage-control character.

The page eject carriage control is not required in user data, and many applications do not use it. In this case, the storage manager is forced to assume a static number of records (60) per page. Historically, this is the number of lines that fit on a standard 11-inch page at 6 lines per inch, allowing three lines of margin at the top and the bottom of the page. This is often a flawed assumption, as the following examples show:

  • For many applications (for example, A4 paper, 8 lines per inch, and so on) 60 lines per page is the wrong value.

  • Other applications are designed for specific forms and manage their own paper advancement. These applications may attach a carriage-control value to a record which causes paper to advance (say) five lines after printing a line of data. The storage manager counts this as one record.

  • Control records (those that affect some aspect of printer operation but do not print anything) are included in the 60 record count.

The last two examples come about because the storage manager does not interpret the data in the spool file, as mentioned earlier, and so cannot detect these situations.

In summary, if the storage manager cannot interact with the device to determine page boundaries, it uses a carriage control "1" or %300, or 60 records per page to simulate checkpoints for SPOOLER ldev;RESUME. Therefore, for the most consistent results with serial printers you should always include an OFFSET=1 parameter, with the SUSPEND option. You can also include the parameter with a subsequent RESUME option, but this does not prevent another spooler process from printing the file from the "wrong" place in the meantime.


The SHOW parameter displays the status of the spooling process(es) associated with the device(s) specified. All other parameters on this command are processed first, so the SHOW option reflects the updated state of the process(es) at the completion of the command executor. Please refer to the note following the example below.


The OPENQ option or parameter enables spooling for a specified logical device, device name, or all devices of a device class. This allows users to generate spool files on that device(s). See the OPENQ command for more information.

OPENQ is the default value for the START option.


The SHUTQ option or parameter disables spooling for a specified logical device, device name, or all devices of a device class. This prevents users from generating spool files on that device(s). See the SHUTQ command for more information.

SHUTQ is the default value for the STOP option.

Operation Notes

This command allows the user to start, stop, suspend, and resume spooler processes, and release files from the spooler process(es). At least one of the options must be specified for the SPOOLER command.

Spooler processes come in two varieties: input spoolers and output spoolers.
  • An input spooler reads data from its device and uses that to create an input spool file. The data may consist of one or more batch jobs, data files, or any combination of the two. Input spool files are private files, meaning they are only accessible to a user running in privileged mode. They are not printed, but are used strictly as input for other processes.

  • An output spooler processes output spool files files that were created by a user accessing a spooled output device such as a printer or plotter. A spooled output device processes spool files first in order of priority and then the time the spool file entered the READY state. Only files that have an output priority greater than the outfence are considered for output.

Because this command may affect more than one process (if applied to all devices in a class), it is possible to get errors for some of those devices and not for others. For example, if class LP consists of LDEVs 6, 11, and 19, and LDEV 11 is already owned by a spooler process, the command SPOOLER LP;START creates and activates spooler processes for LDEVs 6 and 19, but also generates the message DEVICE 11 IS ALREADY SPOOLED.

NOTE: SPOOLER DEV=PP is not a valid command; but SPOOLER DEV=PP;SHOW or SPOOLER DEV=PP; OPENQ; SHOW are valid commands.


This command may be issued from a session, job, in BREAK, or from a program. It is not breakable. It may be executed from the console or by a user to which the command has been allowed or associated.


Here are some examples of the use of the OFFSET option:
  1. A spooler is printing physical page 30 of its output, and the following sequence is entered:

    Output resumes at page 21 (30-3-6=21).

  2. A spooler is again on page 30 when the following sequence is entered:

    Output resumes at (absolute) page 20.

  3. Under the same original conditions as the previous two examples:

    The next time this copy is selected by a spooler, its output will start at page 15 (absolute page 20-5).

  4. To ensure that a file resumes at the beginning, enter:


When you use the SHOW option, the display shows the current state of the selected spooler(s) at the time the command executor has completed processing the command. This means that the selected spooler(s) may not actually be in the requested state, but in a pending state on the way to achieving the requested state. This is because it has not finished acting on the command and updating the process state before the SHOW option is performed. If this is so, an asterisk (*) precedes the process state on the SHOW display to denote that the state is pending. Please refer to LDEV 14 in the example display of the SHOW option above.

An example of output using the SHOW option might be:

  15    LDEV15    ACTIVE    OPENED  OUT SPOOLER  #O264
  19    LDEV19              OPENED  NO SPOOLER

Related Information




Native Mode Spooler Reference Manual


Allows a qualified user to alter, print, or delete output spool file(s). (Native Mode)


  SPOOLF { [IDNAME=] { spoolid | ( spoolid [, ...] )}
      [;DEV= { ldev | devclass | devname }] [;PRI=outpri]
      [;COPIES= numcopies] [;SELEQ= { [select-eq] | ^indirect_file }]
      [;ALTER] [;SPSAVE] [; { DEFER | UNDEFER }] [;SHOW]  |
    [IDNAME=] { fileset | ( fileset [, ...] )}
      [;DEV= { ldev | devclass | devname }] [;PRI=outpri]
      [;COPIES= numcopies]
      [;PRINT] [;SPSAVE] [; { DEFER | UNDEFER }] [;SHOW]  |
    [IDNAME=] { spoolid | ( spoolid [, ...] )}
      [;DELETE] [;SELEQ= { select-eq | ^indirect_file }] [;SHOW]]  }



One or more spool file IDs: #Innn for input spool files or #Onnn for output spool files. These IDs are assigned by the spooling subsystem at spool file creation time. The # is optional. So is the O if you are displaying output spool files; that is, if you specify neither [#]O nor [#]I, [#]Onnn is assumed. Do not attempt to specify a qualified file name. You must enter spoolid or fileset.

There is no default.

  • The symbol @ may be used to specify all spool files.

  • The symbol O@ may be used to specify all output spool files.

  • The symbol I@ may be used to specify all input spool files.

  • If @, O@, or I@ is specified, it must be the only value supplied. @, O@, and I@ are mutually exclusive.

  • If you specify duplicate spoolids, a warning message is displayed.

  • If you specify multiple spool files, you must separate them by commas and enclose the set in parentheses.

A console user or a user with SM or OP capability who specifies O@ acts on all output spool files on the system. A user with AM capability who specifies O@ acts on all output spool files created by users in the same account. All other users are limited to files they have created.


Specifies the set of files to be printed. You must enter either fileset or spoolid. There is no default.

This positional parameter has this form:


You may use wildcards. Files that are not of the type SPOOL are ignored. An error is returned for each input spool file in the fileset.

If the file name or set is not fully qualified, the default is the user's current logon group and account. In batch mode, if any file in the set has a lockword, it must be supplied with the command. Therefore, the file cannot be part of a set that contains wildcards. This restriction does not apply in interactive mode because the system prompts the user for each required lockword. In any case, if the lockword is not correctly provided, the print option on that file fails with a warning message, and the command continues on the rest of the files, if any.


The selection equation is used as a filter on the set of spool files selected. Only spool files whose attributes satisfy all filter requirements are listed.

For example, you use the following command to delete all the output spool files to which you have access and that have less than 100 pages from user.acct:


Begin and end selection equations with square brackets, as shown in the preceding example.

The following command prints the output spool files to which you have access with a priority greater than 2 and that were created before September 30, 1994.


Selection equations have the following format. In this display, when the expression is expanded, interpret the symbol ::= as "can be replaced by."

  select-eq ::= [ equation ]

  equation  ::= { parm  { > | >= | < | <= | <> | = } value  |
                  ( equation ) |
                  NOT equation |
                  equation { AND | OR } equation  }

In a selection equation, the logical operator AND takes precedence over the logical operator OR. For example, suppose you enter this command:



value ::= Appropriate values per data type. For example, STATE=READY or PRI>6.

parm ::= The parameter (parm) may be one of several attributes of the spool file to be used as filters. The parm choices are described below.

  • parm ::= DEV: LDEV number, device name, or device class name. You may use wildcards for device name and device class name.

  • parm ::= FILEDES: Formal or actual file designator for the spool file. You may use wildcards.

    For example, if you enter the file equation below and print to it, EPOCLONG will be the spool file's FILEDES.

    You may also select files based on a null string by entering FILEDES= "" or FILEDES= ''. You must include such a construct if you specifically want to select on such an attribute. Note that "" is not the same as " ". The blank is significant.

  • parm ::= SPOOLID: Spoolfile identifier number in the format #Onnn or #Innn.

    The # is optional; but if it is used, an O or I must also be used. If it is not used, the O is also optional for output spool files; that is 123 is the same as #O123. The valid range of SPOOLIDs is 1 ≤ nnn ≤ 9,999,999. (The commas are for clarity; do not enter any commas in the actual equation.)

  • parm ::= PAGES: Number of pages in spool file (if known). Use a positive integer.

    The PAGES attribute does not apply to input spool files; therefore, any logical condition involving the attribute always returns FALSE when tested against an input spool file.

  • parm ::= FORMID: Form name. You may use wildcards. (The formid is an ASCII string up to 8 characters, the first of which must be a letter.)

    You may also select files based on a null string by entering FILEDES= "" or FILEDES= ''. You must include such a construct if you specifically want to select on such an attribute. Note that "" is not the same as " ". The blank is significant. Also, this attribute does not apply to input spool files; therefore, any logical condition involving the attribute always returns FALSE when tested against an input spool file.


  • parm ::= JOBNAME: Job or session name under which the spool file was created. The job name can consist of up to 8 alphanumeric characters, the first of which must be a letter.

    For a job input spool file, the JOBNAME shown is allocated to that job, not the job or session that streamed it.

    You may use wildcards.

  • parm ::= DISP: Disposition can be SPSAVE or PURGE. See the NOTE accompanying the PAGES description.

  • parm ::=COPIES: Number of copies. Minimum is 1, maximum is 65,535. (The comma in 65,535 is for clarity; do not enter commas in the actual equation.)

  • parm ::= PRI: Output priority. Minimum is 0, maximum is 14. See the NOTE accompanying the PAGES description.

  • parm ::= JOBNUM: Job or session number under which the spool file was created, for example: #S257, #J329, or Jn (the "#" is optional). 1 ≤ n ≤ 16,383. (The comma is for clarity; do not enter any commas in the actual equation.)

    For a job input spool file, the JOBNUM shown is allocated to the job, not the job or session that streamed it.

    You may use some wildcards; J@ accepts all jobs, S@ accepts all sessions. J'@ and S'@ are also allowed, The apostrophe (') indicates an imported spool file or a spool file recovered during START NORECOVERY.

  • parm ::= RECS: Number of records in the spool file. A positive integer is expected.

  • parm ::= OWNER: The user under which the spool file was created. The format of the owner is user.account. If the account is not specified, the user's current account is assumed. You may use wildcards.

    For a job input spool file, the OWNER is the user logon for the job, not the job or session that streamed it.

  • parm ::= JOBABORT: Select based on whether this is the $STDLIST of a job that aborted when an error was encountered when no CONTINUE was in effect.

    Valid values are TRUE and FALSE. Only "=" and "<>" are allowed as relational operators. This attribute does not apply to input spool files; therefore, any logical condition involving the attribute always returns FALSE when tested against an input spool file.

  • parm ::= DATE: Creation date in the format mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/year. Note that the year can be in the form of yy, as in 10/10/88, or in the form of year, as in 10/10/1988; both are legal syntax for the date parameter.


Specifies the name of a file containing the selection equation. It must be preceded by a caret (^). The selection equation contained in the file may not exceed 509 characters in length, including the brackets in which it must reside. There is no restriction on the indirect file code. If the record size exceeds 509, only 509 characters per record are read and a warning is issued. Backreferencing to a formal file designator is also allowed for an indirect_file name; that is, ^*filename is also allowed. Any file is accepted as an indirect_file, unless the file system returns an error from FOPEN or FREAD.

There is no limit to the number of records in the indirect_file, only the total character count.

Records are processed as follows:

  • Leading and trailing blanks are stripped.

  • If the last non-blank character is an ampersand (&), it is also stripped; otherwise, one blank is added back to the end of the record as a delimiter.

  • The character count of the record is added to that of the records processed previously. If the total character count exceeds 509, an error is returned. If the total is less than 509, the current record is appended to previous records.

  • This process repeats until either 509 characters have been counted or the end-of-file is detected. Records terminating with or without ampersands may be mixed as desired in the indirect file.

  • If the resulting string is ≤509 characters, it is parsed.

  • If the parser detects a syntax error, or if any non-blank character follows the closing bracket (]) of the select-eq, an error is returned and the select-eq is not processed.


The ALTER option alters the characteristics of specified output spool files. Private output spool files may be altered in a limited fashion; only the keywords PRI, DEFER, and UNDEFER are allowed. A system manager (SM) user may also specify DEV=.

NOTE: You cannot alter the attributes of spool files in the SPSAVE state.

If you use the DEFER or DEV keyword on a spool file that is being printed, the spooler process printing the file is interrupted. The spooler process saves the page number of the last complete page that was printed in the spool files's file label extension (FLABX). The next time the file is selected for printing by any spooler, output resumes at the page saved in the FLABX.

Because of the large amount of data buffered in the file system and the device, an output device may continue to print, making it appear as if the DEFER or DEV keyword has not had any effect. In reality, the spooler stops sending data to the device when the command is received but must wait until all buffered data has been printed before releasing the spool file.

Depending on both the content of the data and the amount of buffering, this may require a significant part of a page or even several pages.


The PRINT option copies the specified filesets to the HPSPOOL account and links the new output spool files into the spool queues for printing. It is especially useful for generating more copies of a spool file in the SPSAVE state.

If the target device or class information exists in the file label extension, that device or class is used as the default. The DEV= option may be used to override this default. If there is no target device in the file label extension or the device specified is not valid, the DEV= parameter must be specified or an error message results. The default values of PRI (8) and COPIES (1) may also be overridden by user-specified parameters.

You must have nonshareable (ND) capability to use the SPOOLF...;PRINT command. Private files cannot be printed using the PRINT option.


The DELETE option purges all specified private or nonprivate spool files to which the user has access from the system.

If a spool file is not in use (opened by a user, or being printed or stored), it is purged immediately. If it is in use, it is placed in DELPND state. Any spooler process printing it is notified, and printing stops at that point. Each of these files is deleted when its last user closes it, except in the case of STORE, as described below.

NOTE: Because of the large amount of data buffered in the file system and the device, an output device may continue to print, making it appear as if the DELETE option has not had any effect. In reality, the spooler stops sending data to the device when the command is received but must wait until all buffered data has been printed before stopping.

Depending on both the content of the data and the amount of buffering, this may require a significant part of a page or even several pages.


Specifies the logical device number of the spool file's new destination device.

If the spool file is in the PRINT state, it is returned to the READY state. It may immediately enter the PRINT state on ldev if all requirements are met.

Printing of a spool file is interrupted only if the newly specified target ldev, devclass, or devname is different than the previous target ldev, devclass, or devname.


Specifies the new destination device class name for the spool file. If the spool file is in the PRINT state, it is returned to the READY state. It may immediately enter the PRINT state on a device in devclass if all requirements are met.

The devclass parameter must begin with a letter and consist of eight or fewer alphanumeric characters. Note that MPE/iX does not allow the same name to be configured as a device class name and a device name. See the NOTE accompanying ldev.


Specifies the device name of the spool file's new destination device. If the spool file is in the PRINT state, it is returned to the READY state. It may immediately enter the PRINT state on devname if all requirements are met. Note that this occurs even if devname is the same as the device currently printing the file.

The devname parameter must begin with a letter and consist of eight or fewer alphanumeric characters. Note that MPE/iX does not allow the same name to be configured as a device class name and a device name. See the NOTE accompanying ldev.


Specifies the output priority of the designated spool files, where 0 is the lowest and 14 is the highest. Only an OP user or the console can specify an outpri of 14; other users are limited to 13.

The default is 8 with the PRINT option and no change for the ALTER option.


Specifies the number of copies of the designated spool files to be printed. The allowable range is 1 through 65,535. (The comma is for clarity; do not enter any commas in the actual command.)

The default is 1 for the PRINT option and no change for the ALTER option.


The SPSAVE option specifies that the selected spool files are not to be deleted after their last copy has printed. Instead they are retained in the HPSPOOL account in the SPSAVE state until deleted manually. Among other advantages, this option allows documents to be copied to user file space, to be reprinted without being reformatted, and so on.

Private spool files may not be saved.

When a file enters the SPSAVE state, its priority is set to 8 and its number of copies is set to 1. This is so that it will have the proper defaults should it be printed later.


The DEFER option changes the spool file's state to DEFER. If it is currently in the PRINT state, its spooler is notified and printing stops at that point. (See the note about buffer retention under the DELETE option.) The spool file's priority remains unchanged. If this option is used with the PRINT option, the spool file is copied to OUT.HPSPOOL and linked to the spooling system, but the state of the spool file is DEFER. The spool file is not printed until a subsequent SPOOLF...;UNDEFER is entered.

NOTE: If the DEFER option is used on any file in the CREATE state (opened for original creation), the spool file only enters the DEFER state after it is completed (closed for the last time).


The UNDEFER option changes a spool file's state from DEFER to READY and causes a spooler to start printing it if the spool file is qualified for an idle printer to print. The spool file's priority remains unchanged.


The SHOW option allows a user to display the results of the SPOOLF command. All other parameters are processed before the SHOW. Here is an example:

  #O414   J5     $STDLIST   8      1 00000016 READY       ALIX.MKT
  #O416   J7     HOTSTUFF   8      2 00000016 READY       JACK.SALES

Operation Notes

Input spool file attributes cannot be altered, but input spooled DATA files can be deleted. Private spool files may be altered in a limited fashion; only the keywords PRI, DEFER, UNDEFER, and DELETE are allowed. If the user has system manager capability, DEV= is also allowed.

The SPOOLF...;ALTER command can be used on problem state spool files to alter the device attribute so that the spool file becomes ready again. Most of the time, the spool file is in the problem state because the target device of the spool file is invalid.


This command may be issued from a session, job, or program, or in BREAK. SPOOLF ...;SHOW is breakable. However, you cannot stop the actions by pressing BREAK. The files you can access with the SPOOLF command depend on your capabilities.


Related Information




Native Mode Spooler Reference Manual


Creates a session on the specified device, if the user has programmatic sessions (PS) capability.


   [sessionname,] user[/userpass].acct[/acctpass][,group[/grouppass]]
   [;TERM= termtype] [;TIME= cpusecs]
   [;PRI= { BS | CS | DS | ES }] [; { INPRI= inputpriority | HIPRI }]
   [;NOWAIT] [;INFO= ciinfo] [;PARM= ciparm]



The logical device number of the target terminal. This terminal must be a real physical device and cannot be a virtual terminal or a distributed system (DS) pseudo terminal. The terminal must be configured as type 16 and as subtype 0 or 4.


Arbitrary name used in conjunction with the user and acct parameters to form a fully qualified session identity. The name may contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. Default is that no session name is assigned.


User name, established by the account manager, that allows you to log on to this account. The name may contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character.


User password, optionally assigned by the account manager. The password may contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. If a password exists, but is not supplied in the command syntax, STARTSESS will prompt you for it if:

  • STARTSESS is invoked from a session.

  • Neither $STDIN nor $STDLIST is redirected.

  • STARTSESS is a first level command (it is not nested within a second level STREAM command, or any other second level command such as JOB).

If the password is supplied in the command syntax it must be preceded by a slash (/).


Account name established by the system manager. The name may contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. A period (.) must precede the acct parameter.


Account password, optionally assigned by the system manager. The password may contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. If a password exists, but is not supplied in the command syntax, STARTSESS will prompt you for it if:

  • STARTSESS is invoked from a session.

  • Neither $STDIN nor $STDLIST is redirected.

  • STARTSESS is a first level command (it is not nested within a second level STREAM command, or any other second level command such as JOB).


Group name to be used for the local file domain and the CPU-time charges established by the account manager. The name may contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. Default is the specified users home group if you are assigned one by the account manager. The parameter is required if a home group is not assigned.


The grouppass parameter is not needed when the user logs on under the user's home group, even if a password has been established. The grouppass is needed when the user logs on under any other group for which a password exists. If a password exists, but is not supplied in the command syntax, STARTSESS will prompt you for it if:

  • STARTSESS is invoked from a session.

  • Neither $STDIN nor $STDLIST is redirected.

  • STARTSESS is a first level command (it is not nested within a second level STREAM command, or any other second level command such as JOB).

If the password is supplied in the command syntax it must be preceded by a slash (/).


Determines terminal-type characteristics. The value of the termtype parameter determines the type of terminal used for input. MPE/iX uses this parameter to determine device-dependent characteristics such as delay factors for carriage returns. The value must be 10, 18, 20, or 21. The default value for termtype is assigned by the system supervisor during system configuration. This parameter is required to ensure correct listings if your terminal is not the default termtype.

If group and/or account names are omitted, the proposed logon group and/or account name is substituted. Refer to appendix C, "Terminal and Printer Types."


Maximum CPU-time that a session may use, entered in seconds. When the limit is reached, the session is aborted. It must be a value from 1 to 32,767, provided that it does not exceed any limit imposed by the system or account manager. To specify no limit, enter a question mark (?) or UNLIM, or omit the parameter. Default is no limit.

BS, CS, DS, or ES

The execution priority queue that the command interpreter uses for your session, and the default priority for all programs executed within the session. BS is highest priority; ES is lowest. If you specify a priority that exceeds the highest permitted for your account or user name by the system, MPE/iX assigns the highest priority possible below BS. DS and ES are intended primarily for batch jobs; their use for sessions is generally discouraged.

CAUTION: Care should be used in assigning the BS queue, because processes in this priority class lock out other processes. For information on the guidelines for these priority queues, refer to the TUNE command in this chapter. Default is CS.

inputpriority or HIPRI

Determines the input priority of the job or session. The inputpriority option is the relative input priority used in checking against access restrictions imposed by the jobfence. The inputpriority option takes effect at logon time and must be a value from 1 (lowest priority) to 13 (highest priority). If you supply a value less than or equal to the current jobfence set by the system operator, the session is denied access. Default is 8.

The HIPRI option is used for two different purposes when logging on. It can be used to override the system jobfence, or it can be used to override the session limit:

  • When using the HIPRI option to override the jobfence, the system first checks to see if you have system manager (SM) or system supervisor (OP) capability. The user who has either of these capabilities is logged on, and the INPRI defaults to the system jobfence and execution limit. If you do not have either of these capabilities, the system attempts to log you on using INPRI=13 and succeeds if the jobfence is 12 or less, and the session limit is not exceeded.

  • In attempting to override the session limit (to log on after the maximum number of sessions set by the operator has been reached), you can specify HIPRI, but, in this case, you must have either SM or OP capability. The system does not override the session limit automatically.

If the HIPRI option is used without SM or OP capability, the following warning is displayed:



Request that the session starts executing immediately without waiting for a Return on the terminal. If this parameter is specified and the target terminal is the system console, system manager (SM) capability is required.


An INFO string to be passed to the command interpreter. For the MPE/iX CI, it is the first command to be executed by the command interpreter. This parameter replaces the :( ) COMMAND
command and approximates its function. The :( ) COMMAND LOGON command caused the session to terminate after executing the specified command. In contrast, the ciinfo parameter does not terminate the session unless ciparm is set to 1, 3, or 5.

Running the CI as a child process in this way restricts the flexibility of ciparm. More flexibility is available by running the CI as a standalone program.


The command interpreter parameter number you wish to use. If you are using the MPE/iX command interpreter, the numbers accepted are:

0, 2, 4

Logon UDCs are executed and the CI banner and the WELCOME message are displayed. Default.

1, 3, 5

Same as 0, but the CI terminates after processing the info= string.


UDCs are not cataloged. The CI banner and the WELCOME message are not displayed. Invoking this level requires system manager (SM) capability.


Same as -1, but the CI terminates after processing the info= command. Invoking this level requires system manager (SM) capability.

Any other value is treated as zero (0). The MPE/iX CI distinguishes between a ciparm 1, 3, 5 and 0, 2, 4 when it is run from within the CI, that is, after the session has logged on.

If a user without SM capability uses -1 or -2, the system substitutes a parameter value of 0. An error message is not produced.

Operation Notes

This command is used to create a session at any terminal on the system. The effect is the same as if a user had logged on at the target terminal.

STARTSESS prompts for any necessary passwords that are not supplied in the command syntax if:
  • STARTSESS is invoked from a session.

  • Neither $STDIN nor $STDLIST is redirected.

  • STARTSESS is a first level command (it is not nested within any second level command, such as JOB).

NOTE: The target terminal must be turned on and available, and no other user may be logged on.

No speed sensing is done for the target terminal, so it must be set at the configured baud rate.

When a session is started on the designated terminal, by default it waits for a Return before printing to the terminal, unless NOWAIT is specified.


This command is available from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. Programmatic sessions (PS) capability is required to use this command.


To start a session named CH5, with the username ERNST, accountname UDET, groupname JASTA11, and grouppass PASS on LDEV 21, enter:


Related Information




Process Management Programmer's Guide

Performing System Operation Tasks


Initiates the spooler process for a device.


  STARTSPOOL { ldev [;SHUTQ] | devclass }



The logical device number of a spooled device. When the spooler gains control of the specified device, it controls spooling to it as well as to all device classes that reference the device.


The device class specified in the I/O configuration. Only this device class becomes spooled; it does not affect other device classes or any devices in the class.


The spooler prints files waiting in the queue for device ldev, but prevents the creation of new spool files. The SHUTQ parameter is valid for ldev only.

Operation Notes

To start the spooling process for a specified device, and for any and all device classes associated with it, issue the STARTSPOOL command with the ldev parameter. When devclass is used with STARTSPOOL, only the specified device class is controlled by the spooler. The logical device itself is not controlled, unless a STARTSPOOL has also been issued for the corresponding ldev.

If spooling is enabled only on the laser printer's ldev, and spooling stops as a result of an I/O error, no new spool files are created. To avoid this, issue the STARTSPOOL command twice for an HP 2680 Laser Printer (once for the devclass associated with the printer, and a second time for the ldev assigned to it).


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. It may be issued only at the console unless distributed to users with the ALLOW or ASSOCIATE command.


To start spooling all output to logical device 6 and all device classes that reference logical device 6, enter:


To start spooling all output to device class LP, enter:


To start spooling on logical device 6, while preventing the creation of any new spool files, enter:


Related Information




Performing System Operation Tasks


Terminates spooling to a specified device or device class.


  STOPSPOOL { ldev [;OPENQ] | devclass }



The logical device number of a spooled device. The spooler process gives up ownership of the spooled device. If the OPENQ parameter is omitted, the device becomes available only for nonspooled I/O. When a logical device is assigned to more than one device class, to restart spooling for a specific device class issue an explicit STARTSPOOL request for that class.


The device class specified in the system I/O configuration. Subsequent I/O directed to this device class does not take place to/from a spool file. I/O goes directly to/from a logical device if one is available within the device class. If none is available, the program is unable to open the file.


May be specified with the ldev parameter only. The spooler process leaves the queue in an OPEN state, or opens the queue if previously shut. Default is SHUTQ.

Operation Notes

Use the STOPSPOOL command to stop spooling for a single logical device, or for all devices assigned a common device class. Using the devclass parameter in a STOPSPOOL command shuts the queue for that device class. When you specify ldev, however, you may shut the spooling queue or leave it open. Default is SHUTQ.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. It may be issued only from the console unless distributed to users with the ALLOW or ASSOCIATE command.


To terminate spooling to logical device number 6 and cause the spooler process to relinquish control of that device, enter:


Spooling also terminates for any device class that references this device unless STARTSPOOL has been issued for a specific device class.

To stop directing output for device class LP to a spool file (provided a STOPSPOOL 6 has also been issued), enter:


To terminate spooling on device 6 and leave the queue open, enter:


Related Information




STORE and TurboSTORE/iX Manual
Volume Management Reference Manual


Copies disk files onto backup media so that they can be recovered with RESTORE.


  STORE [[filesetlist] [; [storefile] [;option [...]]]]
  where option is:
    [;SHOW [= showparmlist]]
    [;ONERR[OR]= { REDO | QUIT }]
    [; { DATE <= accdate | DATE >= moddate }]
    [;PROGRESS [= minutes]]
    [;FILES= maxfiles]
    [;FCRANGE= filecode/filecode [,...]]
    [;ONVS= volumesetname [,volumesetname [,...]]]
    [;SPLITVS= split_setname [,split_setname]]
    [;TREE] [;NOTREE] [;STOREDIR[ECTORY]= directoryname]
    [;INTER] [;STORESET= (device [,...]) [,(device [,...]) [,...] ]]

The following parameters are available with TurboStore/iX and TurboSTORE/iX True-Online Backup products only:

  [;COMPRESS [= compressionparmlist]]
  [;MOSET= (ldev [,...] ) [,(ldev [,...] ) [,...] ]]
  [;NAME= backupname]

The following parameters are available with the TurboSTORE/iX 7x24 True-Online Backup product only:

  [;ONLINE [={ START | END } [,time [,ASK]]]
  [;LOGVOLSET= volumesetname]



Specifies the set of files to be stored. The default set is @ meaning all files in the current working directory (CWD) regardless of the user's capabilities. If the DIRECTORY option is specified, the default file set is empty (no files).

The filesetlist parameter has the form shown below:

  filesetitem [,filesetitem [, ...]]

where filesetitem can be ^indirectfile or fileset.


A file name that backreferences a disk file. The syntax is

^indirectfile or !indirectfile

This file may consist of fileset(s) and option(s), but only options can appear after the first semicolon (:) on each line. An option specified on one line will operate on all files in the filesetlist.

^indirectfile is the preferred format. If you use !indirectfile, the CI will interpret this as a variable reference, so you will have to specify !!indirectfile instead.


Specifies a set of files to be stored and optionally those files to be excluded from the STORE operation. The fileset parameter has the form:

  filestostore [- filestoexclude [- ...]]

An alternate syntax exists for use with the RENAME option:

  filestostore [- filestoexclude [- ...]] [=targetname]

The system stores any file that matches filestostore unless the file also matches filestoexclude, which specifies files to be excluded from the STORE operation. You may specify an unlimited number of filestoexclude.

Since "-" is a valid character for HFS syntax file names, a blank character must separate it from HFS file sets to obtain the special negative file set meaning.


Both filestostore and filestoexclude may be entered in MPE or HFS syntax. Wildcards are permitted for both MPE and HFS syntax.

The MPE syntax is as follows:


A lockword may be specified for files to be stored, in the form:


The HFS syntax is as follows:




If the name begins with a dot (.), then it is fully qualified by replacing the dot with the current working directory (CWD).

Each of the components dir_lev_i and filedesig can have a maximum of 255 characters with the full path name being restricted to 1023 characters. Each of the components dir_lev_i and filedesig can use the following characters:

  • Letters a to z

  • Letters A to Z

  • Digits 0 to 9

  • Special characters - _ .

For HFS name syntax, the lowercase letters are treated distinctly from the uppercase letters (no upshifting). Names in MPE syntax are upshifted.

Both MPE and HFS name components can use the characters @, #, and ? as wildcard characters. These wildcard characters have the following meaning:


specifies zero or more alphanumeric characters.


specifies one numeric character.


specifies one alphanumeric character.

These wildcard characters can be used as follows


Store all files starting with the character n.


Store all files ending with the character n.


Store all files starting with character n followed by up to seven digits (useful for storing all EDIT/3000 temporary files).


Store all files starting with the character n and ending with the character x.


Store all files whose second character is n.


store all two-character files starting with the character n.


Store all two-character files ending with the character n.

Also, character sets may be specified in the following syntax:


specifies letter c or t.


specifies any letter from range c to t.


specifies any letter range e to g or digit 1.

Examples of using character sets are:


Store all files that begin with the letters A, B, or C.


Store all files that begin with the name myset and end in e, f, or g, or 1.


Store all files that begin with the name myset and end in d or e, or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.

You may specify up to a maximum of sixteen characters for each character set and you may not nest brackets. You may not use character sets with the TRANSPORT option.

A character set specifies a range for only one (1) ASCII character. The range [a-d]@ gets all files that begin with the letter a through the letter d. The ranged [ad-de] may cause unpredictable results.

Since the hyphen (-) is a valid character for HFS syntax file names, it is allowed inside a character set, immediately following a left bracket ( [ ) or preceding a right bracket ( ] ). When specified between two characters, the hyphen implies a range of characters.

Specifying Database Files

When specifying TurboIMAGE and ALLBASE/SQL databases to be stored, only the root file or DBCon file needs to be specified. STORE will determine which other files belong to that database, and will store all of them. If dataset file(s) are specified without specifying a root file, then a warning will be printed for each file, and they will not be stored. Individual database files can be stored without the root file by specifying the ;PARTIALDB option on the STORE command line.

Database corruption may result if not all database files are restored from a backup. Be sure that you only want to restore certain database files before overriding the default behavior with ;PARTIALDB.

MPE and HFS Naming Equivalences

When an MPE name component is a single @ wildcard, the @ will be "folded" to include all MPE and HFS named files at that level and below. To specifiy only MPE-named files, use ?@ instead.

MPE wildcards are not expanded in filestoexclude. This means that @.@.@-@.@.@ is NOT an empty fileset. It contains all of the HFS named files on the system.

A fileset may be entered in any of the following formats and may use wildcard characters. Equivalent MPE and HFS formats are grouped together as follows.


One particular file in one particular group in one particular account.


One particular file in one particular group in the logon account.


One particular file in the logon group and account.


All files (MPE and HFS) in one particular group in one particular account.


All MPE name files in one particular group in one particular account.


All the files (MPE and HFS) in one particular group in the logon account.


All MPE named files in one particular group in the logon account.


All the files (MPE and HFS) in all the groups in one particular account, plus all the files and directories under the specified account.


Any MPE file named thisisit in all groups in one particular account.


All MPE named files in all the groups in one particular account.


All (MPE and HFS) files in the CWD. This is the default for everyone, regardless of permissions.


All (MPE and HFS) files in the logon account.


All the files and directories (MPE and HFS) on the system.


All MPE named files on the system.


Specifies the name and creator for the file on the store media. The targetname parameter has the form:

  filename [: creator[.creatoraccount]]

The filename can be any legal MPE filename or HFS pathname. The creator and creatoraccount must be legal creator and account names, respectively. The only wildcard character allowed is a single @ for each component of the filename, creator or creatoraccount. The wildcard character @ indicates that the source value for that component should be used. An HFS pathname which ends in a / is considered an HFS directory and no wildcard characters are allowed in the filename.

The RENAME option must be specified if the targetname is used.


The name of the device to which the stored files are to be written. This may be any magnetic tape or DDS device. This file must be backreferenced, by using an asterisk (*). You must do this by using a File equation before invoking STORE.

A message is displayed on the system console requesting the operator to mount the tape identified by the storefile parameter and to allocate the device.

The storefile can now reference a remote device. For example, if you issue the following commands, NM Store will store all files to the specified remote device.


NM STORE will store all files to the specified remote device. Although the initial tape mount request will appear on the remote console, all of the STORE console messages will be displayed on the local console. Currently, labeled tapes and Magneto-optical devices cannot be used for remote backup.

A message is displayed on the system console requesting the operator to mount the tape identified by the storefile parameter and to allocate the device.

If storefile is not supplied and the STORESET option is not used, then STORE creates a default storefile name. The default file name is the user's logon username. No file equation is used.

Sequential and parallel devices are specified with the STORESET option. Similarly, magneto-optical devices are specified using the MOSET option. Storefile should not be specified when using STORESET or MOSET.

If using TurboSTORE/iX 7x24 True-Online Backup, a disk file can also be specified with a file equation for storefile. An example of such a file equation would be:


Note that DEV=DISC must be specified for STORE to recover files from disk backups. All other information in the file equation will be ignored by STORE. STORE creates a binary, fixed record file containing the backup data. This disk file can be restored using the same file equation for RESTORE.

By default, STORE creates the disk file with a 4Gig limit. If the data being stored exceeds this, or an existing file with a smaller limit is specified for the backup, then STORE will create and write to additional disk files. It will append the "reel" number to the disk file name originally specified. For example, if the backup disk file specified was /SYS/BACKUPS/DAILY, and STORE ran out of room, it would create /SYS/BACKUPS/DAILY.2, /SYS/BACKUPS/DAILY.3, and so on. The additional files are HFS-named files.

TurboSTORE/iX 7x24 True-Online Backup must be used to create disk backups.


Specifies that STORE is to report information for every file that is stored. If you omit the SHOW parameter, then only the names of the files not stored are listed, along with the number of files stored and the number of files not stored. This listing is sent to $STDLIST (formal file designator SYSLIST) unless a FILE command is entered to send the listing to some other device. For instance, if you enter the following file equation before issuing the STORE command, the listing will be sent to a line printer.



Tells STORE what information to display for the files that are stored. If you specify ;SHOW and omit showparmlist, then the default is SHORT if the recordsize of SYSLIST is less than 132 characters, or LONG if the recordsize is equal to or greater than 132 characters. The format for showparmlist is:

  showparm [,showparm [,showparm [,...]]]

where showparm may be one of the options described below.

If an HFS-named file is specified in the filesetlist, or the expansion of a wildcard includes an HFS-named file, then an HFS-style output listing will be used. This listing shows the same information as the MPE format, but puts the name of the file at the right end of the listing to allow for longer HFS names. If an HFS name is too long to fit in the record size of the output file, it will be wrapped onto the next line. Wrapping is signified by a "*" as the last character on the line.



Overrides a default of LONG and displays file name, group name, account name or the fully qualified path name, volume restrictions, file size (in sectors), file code, and media number.


Overrides a default of SHORT and displays all the information that SHORT does and adds record size, blocking factor, number of extents allowed, allocated, end- of-file, and file starting and ending media number.


Displays only the filename and the starting and ending media number. NAMESONLY is not allowed with SHORT or LONG.


Displays the creation date, the last date of access, and the last date of modification.


For MPE format listings, causes SHOW to display the creator and the file access matrix for all the files which do not have an active ACD. For files with active ACDs only, the phrase *ACD EXISTS* is displayed.

For HFS format listing, the phrase *ACD EXISTS* or *ACD ABSENT* is displayed, depending on whether the file has an ACD.


Forces all file listings to be in HFS format. The full HFS pathname is displayed instead of MPE style names.


Sends an additional copy to the format file designator OFFLINE, which defaults to device LP.

If a 7x24 True-Online backup is performed with the sync point at the end of the backup, additional information will be written to the listing. This information consists of a single character immediately following the volume restrictions. The possible values and meanings of this character are as follows:


This file has after image file label data


This file has after image file data


This file was added to the backup before the 7x24 sync point


This file was removed from the backup before the 7x24 sync point

For more information on performing 7x24 True-Online backups, refer the the Store and TurboSTORE/iX Manual (30319-90001).


Tells STORE what to do if there is a tape write error. If you omit this parameter, then the default option is REDO. ONERR is a synonym for ONERROR.


Tells STORE to abort after a tape write error.


Tells STORE to perform error recovery on the tape write error. First the tape is rewound, and a bad record is written to the beginning of the tape. The tape is then unloaded, and a new tape is requested. STORE then continues rewriting the files that were on the damaged media.

moddate or accdate

Instructs STORE to store only selected files. A moddate value (indicated by >=, equal to or greater than) limits the STORE to those files that were modified on or after a particular date.

An accdate value (indicated by <=, less than or equal to) limits the STORE to those files that were accessed on or before a particular date.

The date is expressed in the form mm/dd/yy[yy]. The year may be expressed in two or four digits (for example, 87 or 1987).

This option cannot be used for files that are attached to a log set.


Instructs STORE to purge all the files that were successfully stored, after the Store operation has ended. In an interactive session, MPE/iX prompts the user to enter any lockwords that have been omitted if the user does not have system manager, system supervisor, or account manager capabilities. In a job, if the user does not have SM, AM, or OP capability, the lockword(s) must be provided.

A file with a negative file code can be purged only by a user who has Privileged Mode (PM) capability.

If a file cannot be purged, a file system error message is sent to the user, stating that the file was not purged.


Instructs STORE to report its progress at regular intervals by displaying the message STORE OPERATION IS nnn% COMPLETE. For interactive users, this message is displayed on $STDLIST. For jobs, this message is sent to the system console.


A positive number specifying the number of minutes between progress messages. The maximum is 60. The default (and minimum) is 1 minute.


Specifies that the file system directory plus all HFS directories are to be stored. This option requires system manager (SM) or system supervisor (OP) capability.

If ONVS or SPLITVS is not specified, the DIRECTORY defaults to storing the system directory. Otherwise, the directories of the specified volume sets are stored. This way, operators and manager can store or copy private volume sets in their entirety.


Maximum number of MPE/iX files that may be stored when using the TRANSPORT option. The default is 4000. If the number of files requested is greater than this number, an error occurs and the store is not performed.

This parameter is ignored when you are storing without the TRANSPORT option. In that case, no limit is imposed.


Specifies that an MPE V/E compatible tape is to be written. TRANSPORT invokes the CMSTORE program, which limits the MPE/iX STORE command to the capabilities of the MPE V/E STORE command syntax. Also, you may specify only one file to exclude from the store.

The TRANSPORT option may also be activated by setting the CI variable HPCMSTORE to TRUE.

This option is not available if you have specified DIRECTORY, FCRANGE, SPLITVS, MAXTAPEBUF, STORESET, INTER, COMPRESS, ONLINE, MOSET, NAME, ONVS, TREE, or NOTREE options.


(optional) If MPEXL is specified, then STORE writes out MPE XL compatible media. If the TRANSPORT parameter is used and MPEXL is not specified, then MPE V compatible media is produced. This option is used to facilitate transport of files with a later version attribute to older systems. At present, ACDs are the only attributes that are translated.


Indicates that the access control definition (ACD), if one exists, will be stored with the file. This is the default parameter.


Indicates that the access control definition (ACD) should not be stored with the file. If this parameter is not specified, the ACD will be stored.


The set of file code ranges that are to be stored.


A file code range. A filecode is an integer between -32768 and 32767. ;FCRANGE=1000/1040 would store only those files having file codes between 1000 and 1040. You may specify a maximum of eight file code ranges.


Directs STORE to use the maximum available buffer size during the store operation. Currently, the maximum tape buffer sizes for the following tape drives are (in Kilobytes):

  7974   16  7978B  32  DDS   32
  7976   16  7979   32  MO    32
  7978A  16  7980   32  3480  32

This option is also available by setting the CI variable HPMAXTAPEBUF to TRUE.


Notifies the user when the files being stored are available to be accessed. If an ONLINE store is being done, this notification is done at the end of the attach period, when the FILES ARE NOW
message is sent to the console. For a non-ONLINE store, the notification is done at the successful end of the entire store. Notification is done by streaming a job specified by the formal file designator NOTIFY. This file equation should be set up before the store command is run:


STORE will attempt to issue a STREAM *NOTIFY at the appropriate time. If STORE is being run from a session, and the job requires passwords, the user will be prompted to enter them. If STORE is being run in a job and passwords are required, the job will fail to stream. The output from streaming the job is sent to $STDLIST. If the job fails to stream for any reason, STORE will print the error, but will not abort.


ON Volume Set. Specifies that only files in the filesetlist that reside on the volume specified are to be stored.

The example below stores the files on VOLUME_SET_A.


A set name included for the SPLITVS option can not be specified for the ONVS option. However, ONVS and SPLITVS can be both used in the same STORE command with different volume set names. The ONVS option also provides the ability to restrict, or enhance the creation of directory information on the store tape. If the DIRECTORY option is specified in conjunction with the ONVS option, only those accounting structures on the specified volume sets are stored.

Up to twenty volume sets may be specified.


A volume set name specified for the ONVS option. This volume set may be a split volume set. However, the files will be stored from the user volumes, not the backup volumes. If the files are in use for writing, they will not be stored.


"Split volume set." Specifies that only files in the filesetlist that reside on the backup volumes belonging to the specified split volume set are to be stored. The files may be concurrently in use while they are being stored, since users can only access files on the user volumes.

The following example stores the files on a split volume set called, SPLIT_SET_A:


A set name included for the ONVS option cannot be specified for the SPLITVS option. However, SPLITVS and ONVS can be both used in the same STORE command with different volume set names. The SPLITVS option also provides the ability to restrict, or enhance the creation of directory information on the store tape. If the DIRECTORY option is specified in conjunction with the SPLITVS option, only the accounting structures on the specified split volume set are stored.

Up to twenty volume sets may be specified.


A split volume set name specified for the SPLITVS option. This volume set must be a mirrored volume set which was split through VSCLOSE; SPLIT.


Renames the file, group, account, and optionally, specifies a new creator for each entry in a fileset. STORE will rename the files while creating the "file candidate list", which is a list of files created by examination of the fileset parameter of the STORE command.

The targetname syntax is used to specify the new target name for the fileset. For more details on the use of RENAME, refer to the Store and
Turbostore Manual


Forces each fileset to be scanned recursively. This is equivalent to using the trailing slash (/) in an HFS name. The TREE option yields a recursive scan in the hierarchical directory. This option is mutually exclusive with the NOTREE option.


Forces each HFS syntax fileset to not be scanned recursively. The NOTREE option yields a horizontal cut in the hierarchical directory. The NOTREE option is mutually exclusive with TREE.


Specifies that STORE should create a disc file that contains the backup media label and directory information. This file will be placed in the store_dirs directory of the HPSTORE.SYS group (/SYS/HPSTORE/store_dirs/). If this path does not exist, the directory file will not be created. The disc directory file can help to speed up the recovery process, particularly if ONLINE=END was used to create the backup. Because of this, this option is automatically enabled if ONLINE=END is specified.

All disc directory files are created with a file name that uniquely identifies the backup. The format is:


where yyyymmdd represents the day the backup was started, hhmmssstt represents the time the backup was started, pin## is the pin number of the process that created the backup, and day is a three letter abbreviation of the day of the week the backup was started.


If specified, a symbolic link will be created with the filename specified. This link will point to the disc directory file created in /SYS/HPSTORE/store_dirs. This allows the user to associate a more meaningful name to the disc directory file. The name can be specified in either MPE or HFS format. If it is not fully qualified, it will be fully qualified using the CWD. If the disc directory file could not be created, then then symbolic link will also not be created.


Specifies that STORE should not create a disc file containing the backup directory. This is the default unless ONLINE=END is specified. Use this option with ONLINE=END to prevent STORE from creating the disc directory file.


Allows RESTORE to restore individual database dataset files without specifying the database's root or DBCon file.

Database corruption may result if not all database files are restored from a backup. Be sure that you only want to restore certain database files before overriding the default behavior with ;PARTIALDB.


Displays extra statistics about the backup. These include: amount of data written to each piece of media in each parallel set, amount of time required for each piece of media, throughput for each piece of media, and retries for each piece of media. If software compression is used, then the amount of compressed data and the compression ratio for each media is displayed. If an online backup is performed, the amount of log data written is displayed.


Specifies that file interleaving is to be used, which provides a higher disk data rate. Interleaving is accomplished by reading from several disk drives (files) simultaneously. The file data is blocked together and then stored to the specified device(s). The effect is to accelerate the store process.

INTER cannot be used with the TRANSPORT option.


Specifies parallel and sequential backup devices. This option cannot be used if the storefile parameter is specified, and it cannot be used in conjunction with the TRANSPORT option.

Sequential tapes are specified in this way

  ;STORESET = (*tape1,*tape2,*tape3,...)

This instructs STORE to use only one drive at a time from the specified serial pool for the store operation. It will select *tape1 first. When the first reel of tape is exhausted, STORE will shift to the next drive specified (*tape2), leaving the first free for rewinding and changing reels. Thus, at any given time, only one drive is occupied with the store process. The effect is to accelerate the process by eliminating the wait for a rewind and reel switch to occur. When STORE has written to the last device specified, it will wrap around to the first device.

To specify parallel devices, enter:

  ;STORESET=(*tape1),(*tape2),(*tape3) ...

In this example, all three tapes will be used in parallel during the Store.

You can also specify that a set of tapes be stored in parallel. In the following example, two tapes would be storing at any particular moment, while the other two are rewinding, which permits the operator to switch reels.



Specifies the device on which the file is to be stored. It must be magnetic tape or DDS. This device should be specified in a file equation before you invoke the STORE command, for example:


This file equation can also specify a remote device. If you are using the TurboSTORE/iX 7X24 True-Online Backup product, then a disk file can also be specified here. However, disk files can only be used with parallel STORE sets, not serial STORE sets.

STORESET cannot be used in conjunction with TRANSPORT.


For additional information on TURBOSTORE XL, refer to the STORE and TurboSTORE/iX Manual (30319-90001).

Specifies that host data compression is to be used during the store operation. Currently, two levels of data compression are supported in backup. If you do not specify a level, the default is HIGH.


Informs STORE what type of compression is to be done. HIGH and LOW are the only valid parameters. HIGH and LOW cannot be used together.


Specifies that the higher of the two available data compression algorithms is to be used. Although the data will be compressed more, STORE will use more CPU resources.


Specifies that the lower of the two available data compression algorithms is to be used. Although the files will not compress as well as with HIGH, STORE will use less CPU resources.


Specifies parallel Magneto Optical (MO) backup devices. This option is not available if the storefile or TRANSPORT options are specified.

Parallel devices are specified by:

  ;MOSET = (12),(13),(15)


  ;MOSET = (MO),(MO),(MO)

All MO devices would be used in parallel during the store process.


If this parameter is present then the specified name and ensuing options are applied to the backup media. The NAME parameter is only valid for MO backup devices. It specifies the logical name for the backup. For example:

  :STORE @.@.@;;MOSET=(12);NAME=BK1200PM.D23OCT90.BOZO

This name could indicate that a backup was created on 23 Oct 1990 at 12:00 PM on the system called BOZO. If the name parameter is not specified, a similar default name will be generated by STORE based on the other backup options. In either case the backup name is displayed on the SYSLIST/OFFLINE listing as:


It is recommended that users provide CI variables and scripts to generate their own unique NAMEs for system backups.


A three field name of a total maximum length of 26 characters. The format is fname.gname.aname. The name represents the "handle" to this particular backup and can be used on a subsequent restore to retrieve files from this backup. The fname, gname and aname can be up to 8 alphanumeric characters. For example:



Online backup. The store fileset is attached to a log handler and the users can concurrently read, write or purge files in the fileset after the files are attached to the log environment. The files must not be open for write before STORE is invoked, but write access is allowed as soon as the tape mount request appears on the console. The following message indicating completion of the attach phase is also sent to the system console:


See the NOTIFY option for an additional way to notify users that the attach phase has completed.


Specifies that a 7x24 true-online sync point should occur at the beginning of the backup, before any files are stored. All files being stored do NOT have to be closed for write access when the backup starts.


Specifies that a 7x24 true-online sync point should occur at the end of the backup, after all files are stored. All files being stored do NOT have to be closed for write access at any time during the backup.

Specifying the option causes file log data to be written at the end of the backup. This media format is NOT backwards compatible, and media created with ONLINE=END CANNOT be verfied or restored on a pre-5.5 system.


Specifies when the true-online sync point should occur, in in 24-hour format, as HH:MM:SS.

The time must be specified with either START or END. If specified with START, the sync point will occur at the time specified, or after all of the files being stored are attached to shadow log files, whichever happens last. If specified with END, the sync point will occur at the time specified, or once all files have been stored, whichever happens last.

If the time specified is before the time the backup is started, then STORE will wait until that time the following day. This is helpful if you start the backup at 11:00 PM and want the sync point to occur at 2:00 AM the next morning.


When specified, will cause TurboSTORE to pause with an operator request before the true-online sync point. If you reply "N" to this request, you will be given the option of aborting the backup or continuing to wait.

After you reply to the console request, the sync point will occur.

This option can be specified with time, and must be specified with either START or END.


The name of the volume set where the shadow log files should reside, which must be a valid, currently mounted volume set.

Operation Notes

  • Usage

    The STORE command stores one or more disk files onto magnetic tape DDS or MO disc. It will store only those files whose home volume set(s) is (are) mounted.

  • Required capabilities for storing files

    If you have system manager (SM) or system supervisor (OP) capability, you can store any file in the system. If you have account manager (AM) capability, you can store any file in your account, but you cannot store files having negative file codes unless you have Privileged Mode (PM) capability.

    Before entering a STORE command, you must identify storefile as a magnetic tape or DDS device by using the FILE command (creating a file equation).

  • Invoking the STORE functionality

    You may invoke the STORE functionality with the RUN command (for example, RUN STORE.PUB.SYS). The INFO= parameter of the RUN command can be used to specify the STORE option, filesets, and keywords. If no ;INFO= parameters are specified, the STORE: prompt will appear. Acceptable responses are a complete STORE command, a complete RESTORE command, or a complete VSTORE command.

    If you have purchased a Turbostore product, it will be installed as TSTORE.PUB.SYS. As long as a non-zero length TSTORE program exists in PUB.SYS, typing any CI STORE, RESTORE, or VSTORE command will invoke Turbostore instead.

  • Performing 7X24 True-Online Backups

    All databases being stored will be quiesced at the sync point. This means that all current transactions will be allowed to complete, and no new transactions can begin. Once STORE has captured a logically consistent copy of the database(s) begin stored, all databases will be unquiesced. The amount of time between quiesce and unquiesce depends on how may databases are being stored. It will generally be very short (less than a minute). Currently only TurboIMAGE and ALLBASE/SQL databases are quiesced.

    Just before the sync point starts, the following message will be sent to the console:

    After this message is displayed, all TurboIMAGE and ALLBASE/SQL databases being stored will be quiesced and then unquiesced. Once the sync point has completed, the following message will be sent to the console:
    For more information on scheduling, managing, and performing 7x24 True-Online backups, consult the Store and TurboSTORE/iX Manual (30319-90001).


If you press [Break] during a STORE operation, the operation continues while you interact with the Command Interpreter. Both ABORT and RESUME can be used within BREAK.

This command may be issued from session, job, or program, but not in BREAK. The user must have Privileged Mode (PM) capability to execute this command for privileged files.


To store all files on the system (including HFS files), enter

  :STORE /


  :STORE @.@.@

To store all MPE named files (and exclude HFS files and directories), enter

  :STORE ?@.@.@

To store all (MPE and HFS) files in the group GP4X in your logon account to a tape file named BACKUP, enter


The console operator receives a request to mount the tape identified as BACKUP. A listing of the files stored appears on your standard list device.

To store all files on the system except the MPE files in the SYS account, enter


The console operator receives a request to mount the tape identified as TAP. A listing of the files stored appears on both standard list and at the system line printer. The listing will include all information available from STORE.

To store from indirect file INDFILE which contains




The console operator receives a request to mount the tape identified as T. Files FILE1, FILE2, FILE3, and all files in PUB.SYS will be stored if they have been modified since June 1, 1987. A listing of the files stored appears on your standard list device.

To store files from a group and account with a default storefile, enter




Note that the console operator receives a request to mount the tape identified as the user's user name.

To store files from a group and account and to purge them after the STORE, enter


Related Information




STORE and TurboSTORE/iX Manual
Magneto-Optical Media Manager User's Guide
Volume Management Reference Manual
Mirrored Disk/iX User's Guide

Chapter 13 Command List XI

Chapter 14 Command List XII