Invokes the FCOPY subsystem.
FCOPY [fcopycommand]
- fcopycommand
An FCOPY subsystem command. The FCOPY subsystem enables you to copy
files or selected portions of files from any supported input device to
any supported output device. There are many commands; only the most
common examples are found in the "Examples" section of this command.
Refer to the FCOPY Reference Manual (32212-90003) for more
Operation Notes
This command runs the FCOPY subsystem from MPE/iX. If the command is entered
with no parameters, FCOPY prompts (>) the user for
subsystem commands until an EXIT command is entered. If the
fcopycommand parameter is used, FCOPY executes the FCOPY
subsystem command and then returns control to MPE/iX.
This command may be issued from a session, job, or in BREAK. To use this
command from a program, the user or the program must have process handling (PH)
capability. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command.
Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.
To access FCOPY to execute multiple commands, enter:
To access FCOPY to execute a single command and return control
to MPE/iX, enter the command as follows:
Related Information
- Commands
- Manuals
FCOPY Reference Manual
Declares the file attributes to be used when a file is opened.
This declaration, informally known as a file equation, may be used
to override programmatic or system default file specifications.
With the addition of shared parameters from the NS3000/XL AdvanceNet subsystem,
the declaration may specify a formal file designator that may be
used to access a remote file or device in a subsequent command or
intrinsic. NS3000/XL AdvanceNet is not part of the HP 3000 Series
900 Computer System Fundamental Operating System and must be purchased
FILE formaldisgnator = [ *formaldisgnator | $NULL | $NEWPASS |
$OLDPASS | $STDIN | $STDINX | $STDLIST | filereference ]
[ :nodespec ,filedomain ]
[ :DEV=[ [ envname] #] [ device] [ ,[ outpri] [ ,numcopies]]]
[ ;VTERM] [ ;ENV=envfile[ :nodespec]]
[ ;option] [ ;access][ ; disposition]
- formaldesignator
A formal file designator in the format:
The filename, groupname, and
accountname are the identifiers that form a fully
qualified file name. Each identifier may contain from one to eight
alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. This
file name may be used to identify the file in subsequent commands or
intrinsic calls.
The nodespec extension of the formal file designator,
explained below, is a parameter shared with the NS3000/XL AdvanceNet
subsystem. It is not part of the fundamental operating system. MPE/iX
accepts this extended formal file designator, with a node specification
following a colon (:), in the FILE and RESET
commands and in the FOPEN and HPFOPEN intrinsics.
If formaldesignator is not equated to another file
designation, the parameter specifies the name of an actual file. Placing
an asterisk ahead of the parameter (*formaldesignator)
establishes a backreference to a formal file designator defined in a
FILE command.
The backreferenced form, *formaldesignator, is valid only
if it appears on the right side of the equal sign (=).
Actual file designator of a system-wide file that is always treated as
an empty file. When $NULL is accessed by a program for input,
that program receives only an end-of-file indication. When it is accessed
by a program for output, the associated write request is accepted by
MPE/iX, but no physical output is actually performed.
Do not specify parameters or options for $NULL files; if you do,
you will receive an error.
The system-wide name of the temporary job file. When $NEWPASS
is closed, it is referenced by the name $OLDPASS. Opening
$NEWPASS destroys any previous $OLDPASS temporary
The system-wide name of the last temporary file that was closed as
The system-wide name of the standard job input device. A colon
(:) as the first character read on this file indicates
end-of-file. You will receive an error if you specify the DEV=
option, VTERM parameter, or any of the option
parameters or options with $STDIN; there are restrictions on the
disposition parameters and options as well.
The same as $STDIN except that a colon can be read as the
first character and received as data. An EOD produces an
end-of-file on $STDINX.
You will receive an error if you specify the VTERM parameter or
any of the option parameters or options with
$STDINX; there are restrictions on the
disposition parameters and options as well.
The system-wide name for the standard job or session list device. You
will receive an error if you specify the VTERM parameter or any
of the option parameters or options with
$STDLIST; there are restrictions on the
disposition parameters and options as well.
- filereference
The actual file designator of the file. If the name does not begin
with a dot (.) or slash (/), the name is considered to follow standard
MPE file naming syntax rules. File names will be in the following format:
Each identifier may contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters,
beginning with an alphabetic character. The file name resolution is as
if filename = FN, look for file
FN in the CWD (current working directory)
if filename = FN.GP, look for file
FN in group GP of the logon account (regardless of
the current working directory)
if filename = FN.GP.AC, look for file
FN in group GP of account AC.
In a batch job, the file fails to open if the file has a lockword that is
not specified in filereference. In a session, MPE/iX
prompts you for a lockword if one exists.
If the name begins with a dot (.) or a slash (/), the name is considered
to follow the HFS file naming syntax rules:
File names are not upshifted.
File names can be up to 255 characters in length for absolute
pathnames and 253 characters for relative pathnames.
File names can begin with, and contain, any of the following
File names are of the form
where the path/filename combination may have a maximum of
255 characters. The expected behavior of the
path/filename resolution is as follows:
if filename = ..fn, look for file
..fn in the CWD (current working directory)
if filename = /fn, look for file
fn in root directory (/)
if filename = ./fn, look for file
fn in the CWD
if filename = ../fn, look for file
fn in parent directory
if filename = .fn, look for file
.fn in the CWD
If a file has a lockword, attempts to open the file with the HFS naming
syntax fail unless the file also has an ACD which defeats the lockword.
It is recommended that all lockwords be removed in favor of ACDs.
- nodespec
An extension of the formal file reference. It may be an environment
identification (specified in a previous DSLINE or
REMOTE command), or it may be $BACK. It may appear in
the formal file designator of the file or as an extension of an actual
file reference.
The nodespec parameter does not function when used with
HFS naming syntax.
If an environment identification appears in a file designation and in the
DEV= option, an attempt to open the file (with the
FOPEN or HPFOPEN intrinsic, for example) produces an
$BACK instructs MPE/iX to "hop backward" one node toward your
local system to find the specified file. This works only if the
FILE command is issued in a remote session. If the systems
involved are connected in a local area network (LAN), one "hop backward"
always means returning to your local system. The $BACK
specification is the same as DEV=# without an environment
NOTE: The nodespec parameter and REMOTE command
are not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating
System. The NS3000/XL AdvanceNet subsystem must be purchased separately. The
nodespec parameter is optional; if you do not have NS3000/XL
AdvanceNet, omitting the nodespec parameter makes no difference
in the performance of the FILE command.
However, specifying nodespec on a system that does not have
NS3000/XL produces an error. The nodespec parameter is
controlled by the NS3000/XL subsystem. Refer to the NS3000/XL
User/Programmer Reference Manual.
- filedomain
The domain of the file, which may be NEW, OLD, or
Creates a new file, which is the default. The NEW file
may be permanent or temporary, depending on how the file was created.
You must use either the BUILD command or the FOPEN
or HPFOPEN intrinsic to create the file. Refer to the
BUILD command in this chapter.
An existing permanent file that was saved in the system or in a
movable volume set domain. The file continues to exist after the
current job or session ends. Use this parameter when you are creating
a file equation that back references a device link file.
A temporary file that already exists in the temporary session or
job file domain. The file is deleted at the end of the current job or
- envname
This may be a nodespec, logical device number, or an
X.25 node name. The parameter envname may consist of as
many as eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic
NOTE: The envname parameter is not part of the HP 3000
Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating System. The NS3000/XL
AdvanceNet subsystem must be purchased separately. The envname
parameter is optional: if you do not have NS3000/XL AdvanceNet, omitting the
envname parameter makes no difference in the performance of the
FILE command.
However, specifying envname on a system that does not have
NS3000/XL produces an error. The envname parameter is
controlled by the NS3000/XL subsystem. Refer to the NS3000/XL
User/Programmer Reference Manual.
- DEV=
If you choose the DEV= option, it must be followed by at
least one parameter (the parameter can be simply #). The
DEV= parameter does not accept device names, volume classes, or
volume names. The default device class is DISC. A previously
defined environment identifier is permitted in the DEV= option,
but the domain and organization qualifiers are not permitted.
- device
The logical device class name or logical device number of a device,
such as a disk, tape, printer, or a terminal. The default is
If you are opening a file that is to reside on a movable volume set, you
must specify a device class that includes the drives upon which the home
volume set is mounted. The file is then allocated to any of the volume
set's volumes that fall within that device class.
- outpri
The output priority requested for an output spool file. This may have
a value of 1 (the lowest priority) to 13 (the highest).
- numcopies
The number of copies requested for an output spool file. The maximum
number is 127.
Instructs MPE/iX to use reverse virtual terminal service instead of
remote file access. Use VTERM only if the designated device is a
remote terminal. Using VTERM allows a local application program
to perform I/O to remote terminals located on systems that support
reverse virtual terminal. Refer to Communicator 3000, Volume 2,
Issue 6 (version G.02.00 of MPE V/E U-MIT).
- envfile
The name of a file containing printer environment information, which
controls the print output formats on the printer. Not all printers
support this feature/capability to accept environment information.
This name may be an actual file designator, or it may be a formal file
designator preceded by an asterisk (*).
The information in this file may contain specifications for page size,
character fonts, forms, and other printer requirements to be used with
the HP laser printing system. The file must be in a form suitable for
downloading to the printer.
For example, to specify the environment file ACCTENV.HPENV.SYS
to be used when printing, enter:
For information on creating an environment file for your specific
printer, refer to the documentation that came with your printer.
The ENV= parameter in a FILE command overrides the
environment specified in the FOPEN or HPFOPEN
If the ENV= parameter is used and the
*formaldesignator or filereference is
omitted the parameter is ignored. Only a fully specified environment
option overrides the environment option supplied by programmatic open.
Any environment file specification for a subsequent FOPEN or
HPFOPEN of the device file is ignored.
- option
Any valid option for the FILE command.
Syntax for Option
[;REC=[recsize][,[blockfactor][,[F | U | V | B]
[,[BINARY | ASCII] ]]]]
[;DISC=[numrec][,[numextents][,[initialloc] ]]]
[;KEY={^filereference keyinfo}]
Parameters for Option
- recsize
Record size. A positive number indicates words; a negative number
indicates bytes for new files only. For fixed-length files, this is the
logical record size. For undefined length files, this is the maximum
record size. For variable-length files, this is the maximum logical
record size if blockfactor is 1. If not, this is used to
calculate the maximum logical record size and physical record size.
For byte-stream files, recsize is assigned a length of 1
Records always begin on word boundaries. Therefore, the record size is
rounded up to the nearest word boundary for block size calculations. For
a binary file or a variable-length ASCII file, odd byte lengths are
rounded up and the extra byte is available for data.
However, if an odd-byte-length record size is specified for a fixed or
undefined length record file, the extra byte is not available for data.
Default is the configured physical record width of the associated device.
If you do not use the DEV= parameter, the default is
DISC with 1023 records.
For example, a fixed-length ASCII file with a record size specified as 11
bytes has only 11 bytes available for data in each logical record.
However, to determine actual block size, 12 bytes are used for the record
size (block size = 12 bytes multiplied by the
blockfactor). If the file is specified as a binary file,
the 11 bytes are rounded up to 12 bytes (6 words), all of which are
available for each logical record.
This is the only option parameter that applies to $STDIN,
$STDINX, or $STDLIST; if you specify other option
parameters for these files, FILE returns an error.
- blockfactor
Number of logical records per physical block, for new files only.
Default is calculated by dividing the specified recsize
into the configured block size; this value is rounded downward to an
integer that is never less than 1. For variable-length record files,
blockfactor is set to 1 after using the original value
along with recsize to calculate maximum logical record
size and physical record size. (This does not apply to message files.)
The blockfactor is ignored for undefined-length records.
Maximum size is 255.
For byte-stream files, blockfactor is set to 1.
- F, U, V or B
Defines the format of the records of the file. A file may contain
fixed-length records (F), undefined-length records (U),
variable-length records (V), or byte-stream format (B).
Default is F for disk files.
Indicates the type of records. BINARY indicates binary-coded
records and is the default. ASCII indicates ASCII-coded records.
Byte stream files are ASCII coded.
- density
Corresponds to tape densities in BPI (bytes-per-inch) for new files
only. This parameter is only applicable when writing to a tape mounted on
the HP 7976A, HP 7978A, or HP 7980 variable-density tape drive.
The density value from a file equation takes precedence over the density
specified in FOPEN or HPFOPEN. The supported densities
are 800, 1600, and 6250. For details on the operation of density
selection, refer to the FOPEN and HPFOPEN intrinsics in
the MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual.
- numrec
Maximum number of logical records, for new files only. For
fixed-length and undefined-length files, the maximum value allowed for
this field is 2,147,483,647. Default is 1023.
NOTE: The file system uses these values to compute other characteristics
of the file as well. Therefore, the values (or default values) specified in the
FILE command may be valid within their respective fields, but may
cause overflow errors in the computation of internally needed file
- numextents
Maximum number of disk extents. This is a value from 1 to 32.
- initialloc
Number of extents to be initially allocated to the file at the time it
is opened. This is a value from 1 to 32. Default is 0.
- filecode
Code indicating a specially formatted file. This code is recorded in
the file label and is available to processes accessing the file through
the FGETINFO or FLABELINFO intrinsic. For this
parameter, any user can specify a positive integer ranging from 0 to
32,767 or a mnemonic name. Certain integers and mnemonics have been
reserved for particular Hewlett-Packard defined meanings. Default is the
unreserved file code of 0.
Creates a relative or nonrelative I/O file. RIO creates a
relative I/O file. The record length parameter is implicitly changed to
fixed-length record. RIO is a special file access method
primarily intended for use by COBOLII programs; however, you can access
these files by programs written in any language. NORIO creates
a nonrelative I/O file. Default is NORIO.
RIO and NORIO specifications affect only the physical
characteristics of the file. If NOBUF is specified in the
FILE command, the file is accessed in non-RIO mode;
otherwise, RIO access is used with RIO files.
NOBUF access is provided for special operations on RIO
files such as replicating a RIO file. NOBUF is not
normally used by the RIO user. Refer to the MPE/iX Intrinsics
Reference Manual for a discussion of relative I/O.
Defines the type of file. The default is STD (standard MPE/iX
disk file).
MSG (message file) allows communication between any set of
processes. MSG acts like a FIFO (first in, first out) queue,
where records are read from the start of the file and logically deleted
and/or are appended to the end of file.
CIR (circular file) acts as normal sequential file until full.
When full, the first physical block is deleted when the next record is
written, and remaining blocks are logically shifted to front of file.
CIR cannot be simultaneously accessed by readers and writers.
KSAMXL specifies a native mode KSAM file (KSAM XL file).
SPOOL specifies an output spool file. No spooling attributes are
initialized. PRI is set to 8 and number of copies to 1. No output device
is set.
This spool file will not be linked to the spool file directory (SPFDIR)
and, therefore, will not be printed unless it is subsequently linked to
the SPFDIR with the SPOOLF;PRINT command. At that time, the
target output device must be set according to the rules of that command.
Use of the SPOOL option forces the SAVE disposition,
overriding any user-specified disposition.
The characteristics of a file created with the ;SPOOL keyword
variable length records of 1008 bytes each
a blocking factor of 1
ASCII format
permanent file
a record limit of 1023
undefined maximum number of extents, with 0 extents initially
These characteristics override any other characteristics, such as binary
format, which may be specified.
KSAM64 specifies a KSAM file that is capable of holding more than 4GB of
data. KSAM64 files are compatible in every other way with KSAM XL files.
All options that apply to KSAM XL files also apply to KSAM64
- numlabels
The number of user label records to be created for the new file. You
can specify as many as 255 labels. This parameter applies to any type of
- ^filereference or keyinfo
Information about KSAM XL and KSAM64key. keyinfo is
the information, ^filereference is a file containing
keyinfo; the caret (^) means the contents of the file
will be used.
Use the following format for keyinfo:
;KEY= (keyspec;keyspec...)
keyspec ::= keytype, keylocation, keysize [ ,DUP | ,RDUP ]
You must specify one keyspec for each key in the KSAM
file. First, describe the primary key, followed by as many as 15
subsequent keyspecs, each describing an alternate
- keytype
KSAM key type, specified as BYTE, INTEGER, REAL, IEEEREAL,
NUMERIC PACKED, OR *PACKED. Specify with the whole word, or initial:
B, I, R, E, N, P, or *. If more than one is specified, spell the word out
correctly. See keysize parameter.
- keylocation
Location of the first byte of the KSAM key within the data record
counting from the first byte in the record. The first byte in the data
record is always numbered 1. Only one key can start at each location.
This parameter applies only to KSAM files.
- keysize
Length of the KSAM key, in bytes. This parameter is required for all
key types. Different keytypes have different lengths, as
described below:
Table 6-1 KSAM key length
BYTE | 1 to 255 bytes |
INTEGER | 1 to 255 bytes |
REAL | 1 to 255 bytes |
IEEEREAL | 4, 8, or 16 bytes |
NUMERIC | 1 to 28 bytes |
PACKED | 1 to 14 bytes (odd number of digits) |
*PACKED | 2 to 14 bytes (even number of digits) |
These two options apply only to KSAM files. Specify the DUP
option if you want duplicate key values to be permitted. If you don't
specify DUP, records with duplicate key values are rejected and
an error message issued when such records are written to the file. When
the DUP option is used, each new duplicate key is inserted at
the end of the duplicate key chain. This maintains the chronological
order of duplicate.
If you specify RDUP, duplicate keys are allowed; they are
inserted randomly in the duplicate key chain. This method makes insertion
of such keys faster, but does not maintain the chronological order of the
duplicate key chain.
The default is that duplicate keys are not allowed.
- recnum
If you specify 1, record numbers in the new KSAM data file are
numbered starting with 1. Otherwise, by default, record numbers start
with 0. (Only 1 and 0 are acceptable.)
This option is used only for new KSAM files.
If you specify the REUSE option, KSAM files are compacted by
reusing deleted record space. If you also specify the DUP option
for a key, duplicate records are placed chronologically at the tail of
the file, and all nonduplicate records are assigned to the first
available space.
Deleted record space will not be reused with the NOREUSE option,
which is the default.
Syntax for Access
[ ;NOMR ;MR]
[ ;BUF=numbuffers] ;NOBUF][ ;LOCK ;NOLOCK]
[ ;COPY ;NOCOPY][ ;FORMS=formsmsg] [ ;EXC ;SHR ;EAR ;SEMI]
[ ;NOLABEL ;LABEL=[[volid][,[ IBM | ANS][,[expdate][,seq]]]]]
[ ;FORMID=formid][ ;PRIVATE]
Parameters for Access
Indicates whether or not carriage-control characters are specified.
NOCCTL indicates that carriage-control characters are not being
specified in writes to the file. CCTL indicates that
carriage-control characters are being supplied in writes to the file.
Default is NOCCTL.
Indicates if the sharing of files in jobs and sessions is allowed.
NOMULTI prohibits sharing files in MULTI mode and is
the default. MULTI allows concurrent accesses of the file and
may regard the file as if no buffering is taking place. Access control
information can be shared by the processes of the same CI process tree
(that is parent-to-child processes) with MULTI. GMULTI
is the same as MULTI except it allows accesses to be in
different jobs/sessions.
- NOMR or MR
Indicates if multirecord access is permitted. NOMR specifies
that no multirecord access is permitted. MR allows multirecord
access to the file. Default is NOMR.
Indicates if I/O requests are to be completed or queued before control
returns to the program. WAIT completes I/O requests to the file
before control is returned to the program. NOWAIT returns
control to the program as soon as I/O requests are queued by MPE/iX; only
privileged mode programs are allowed. In this way, the program does not
have to wait for the physical I/O to be complete before resuming
execution, and it also implies NOBUF.
Only MSG files may be opened in NOWAIT mode without
privileged mode.
Defines the type of file access. IN only permits READ access
to the file and is the default for all input devices. OUT only
permits WRITE access to the file and is the default for output devices.
UPDATE permits any type of access to the file. OUTKEEP
only permits WRITE access to the file, except previous data is not
deleted. APPEND only permits APPEND access to any file.
INOUT only permits INPUT/OUTPUT access; any file intrinsic
except FUPDATE can be issued against the file.
- BUF= numbuffers or NOBUF
Specifies whether buffers are to be allocated to the file. The
numbuffers parameter is the number of buffers (1 to 16)
to be allocated for the file. The numbuffers parameter is
ignored for terminals. The default is BUF=2 buffers.
NOBUF specifies that no buffers are allocated for the file. This
parameter has no meaning for NM files.
Indicates if dynamic locking and unlocking is to be permitted.
NOLOCK prohibits dynamic locking/unlocking of file through the
FLOCK and FUNLOCK intrinsics. LOCK allows
dynamic locking and unlocking through FLOCK and FUNLOCK
intrinsics. Default is NOLOCK.
Indicates if files can be copied. COPY allows MSG,
KSAM, CIR, and SPOOL files to be either copied
(logical data record read) or replicated (block read and write completely
duplicating file) to another file. NOCOPY accesses the file in
its natural mode, that is, as a MSG file. Default is
- formsmsg
A message to the operator requesting that certain forms be mounted.
The message must be displayed and verified before the output data can be
printed on a line printer. The message is a string of no more than 49
ASCII characters terminated by a period. Control characters for bells and
inverse video may be sent to the system console using this parameter.
Attempts to send other control characters, however, results in a display
of blanks and the associated control character letter when the forms
message appears on the system console. Default is that no forms message
is sent.
Indicates if shared or exclusive file access is allowed. EXC
is exclusive access; after the file is opened, no other accesses are
permitted. For message files, EXC means one writer and one
reader. For circular files EXC means one reader
or one writer. SHR is share access; after the
file is opened other accesses are permitted. EAR is exclusive
access for one writer; it allows multiple readers. SEMI is
intended for use with message files; it allows one exclusive reader,
multiple writers; if the file is not a message file, SEMI acts
like EAR (one exclusive writer, multiple readers). Default is
EXC except with read only file access (IN).
Indicates if this tape is labeled or unlabeled. NOLABEL
specifies an unlabeled tape. LABEL specifies a labeled tape.
Default is NOLABEL.
- volid
Up to six alphanumeric characters identifying a labeled magnetic tape
volume. If a special character, such as # is specified,
volid must be surrounded by quotation marks (for example,
- ANS or IBM
Type of standard label. ANS is ANSI-standard label.
IBM is IBM-standard label. Default is ANS.
- expdate
Month, day, year, written in the format mm/dd/yy. This
specifies the expiration date of the file, or the date after which
information contained in the file is no longer useful. The file can be
overwritten without operator reconfirmation after this date. Default is
00/00/00; the file can be overwritten immediately.
- seq
Either an absolute file number between 1 and 9999 (inclusive), or one
of the following, which specifies the position of the file relative to
other files on the tape:
- 0
Causes a search of all volumes until the file is found.
ADDF positions the tape to add a new file on the end of
the volume (or last volume in a multivolume set). Note that
ADDF should not be used to add to a new labeled tape
NEXT positions the tape at the next file on the tape. If
this is the first FOPEN or HPFOPEN, then
NEXT causes the tape to be positioned to the first file on
the tape. If the previous FCLOSE specified REWIND,
the tape backspaces to the last file, and the position is as it was
on the previous file. This is the default.
- formid
Applies only to output spoolfiles. A string of up to eight
alphanumeric characters, beginning with a letter, which uniquely
identifies a special form that is to be mounted. A message displaying
this formid is printed on the system console or
$STDLIST of the associated user of the spooled device. The
spooler process then awaits verification that the special forms have been
mounted before printing the file for which the formid was
specified. The default is that no formid or message is
The PRIVATE option generates a spool file that may be
accessed in privileged mode only. This means that the file is not
accessible to normal users on the system. Private spoolfiles may not be
saved or copied. They may only be purged, printed, or (within limits)
altered by using the SPOOLF command instead of using the
PURGE or COPY commands.
Syntax for Disposition
Options for Disposition
The file is deleted when closed.
The file is saved in the job/session temporary domain when
The file is saved in the permanent file domain when closed.
If this parameter is used, the resulting spool file is created with
SPSAVE disposition. This means the spool file is not to be purged after
the last copy of it has been printed, but is instead retained in the
This option is only valid for output spoolfiles. Private spoolfiles
cannot be saved with the SPSAVE parameter.
If none of these parameters are supplied, the disposition of the file is
as it was when opened, or as specified by the FCLOSE intrinsic
call issued by the user program.
These two options apply only to KSAM files. DEFBLK specifies that the
data block size will be the default data block size of 4096 bytes.
OPTMBLK specifies that KSAMXL will select the optional data block size
based on the record size. The default is DEFBLK.
Operation Notes
This command allows you to change the specifications for files at run time,
including the devices on which they reside, overriding specifications supplied
through the FOPEN or HPFOPEN intrinsic. The FILE
command remains in effect for the entire job or session unless revoked by the
RESET command or superseded by another FILE command.
To use the FILE command for a file, you must have a valid, formal file
designator (the name by which your program recognizes the file). The formal
file designator provides a way for commands and code outside your program to
reference the file. The FILE command is the only way you can control
or change the programmatic file specifications without changing the code which
This command may be issued from a session, a job, a program, or in BREAK.
Pressing Break has no effect on this command.
To run the program MYPROG, which references two files by the file
names (formaldesignators) SOURCE and DEST,
but to use two existing disk files INX and OUTX as the actual
files for the program, enter:
Enter the following command to send the output to a new file FILEX.
The parameters entered on the command line define FILEX as having
64-word fixed-length records, blocked two records per block in ASCII code; it
is limited to 800 records among 10 extents, two of which are to be immediately
allocated. When MYPROG closes the file, it will be permaently saved.
Note that the file equation only modifies those items specified. All other
attributes used come from the parameters specified in the FOPEN or
HPFOPEN call (or the defaults where parameters are omitted) for the
file DEST.
Implicit File Commands for Subsystems
When an actual file designator appears as a command parameter, it is
automatically equated to a formal file designator. This is then used within the
subsystem by an implicit FILE command issued by the command executor.
For instance, within the FORTRAN 77/XL compiler the formal file designator for
the text file input is FTNTEXT. Suppose you specify a file named
ALSFILE for text file input as shown below:
MPE/iX implicitly issues the following FILE command, invisible to you:
You cannot backreference any of the formal file designators associated with the
command as actual file designators. Therefore, do not use the formal file
designators FTNTEXT, FTNUSL, or FTNLIST as actual
file names. The use of FTNTEXT as a file name, as in the following
example, is invalid because the implicit FILE command issued by the
FORTRAN compiler then backreferences itself:
The following is an example of using the *formaldesignator, in
this case, specifying a file on magnetic tape used as a source file during
FORTRAN compilation:
Implicitly, the command executor issues the following FILE command,
backreferencing your previous FILE command:
Implicit FILE commands, like explicit FILE commands, cancel
any previous FILE commands that reference the same formal file
designators. Formal file designators are described in each compiler command
The following example uses NMS file option SPOOL:
Because the DEV= parameter of the FILE command is defaulted
to disk, the result is an unlinked output spool file. To send this file to a
printer, use the following command:
This links MYSPOOL to the SPFDIR using the default PRI (8) and number of copies
(1). Note that the DEV= parameter is required with the
SPOOLF;PRINT command to link the spool file to a target device.
Failure to specify DEV= (or specifying an inappropriate DEV
such as disk) results in an error message.
HFS Examples
FILE X=./my_file;SAVE
To reference the device link file TAPE7 in a file equation, enter:
Related Information
- Commands
- Manuals
MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual
The FINDDIR UDC executes the LISTFILE command to search for a
NOTE: System-defined UDCs are not automatically available. Your System
Manager must use the SETCATALOG command to make these UDCs available
for your use. For example:
FINDDIR [[DIR=]dir_name] [ [START=]start_dir]
Refer to the LISTFILE command for a complete explanation of the
parameters used with the FINDDIR UDC. The following parameters are
supported with the FINDDIR UDC.
- dir_name
A simple directory name, including wildcards. The
dir_name is case insensitive. It cannot be a pathname.
For example, abc, @bc, and [A-M]_@ are valid
dir_names; while /ABC/, ./Mydir, and
ABC.GRP are not valid dir_names. The
dir_name is optional and defaults to @.
- start_dir
The name of the directory where the search is to begin. For example,
/SYS/PUB. The default starting directory is the root directory
Operation Notes
The FINDDIR UDC finds all directories matching
dir_name, with the search beginning at
The UDC executes the following form of the LISTFILE command:
LISTFILE start_dir ,6 ;SELEQ=[OBJECT=DIR] ;NAME=dir_name ;TREE
This UDC may be issued from a session, a job, a program, or in BREAK. Pressing
Break aborts execution.
Refer to the LISTFILE command later in this chapter for examples.
Related Information
- Commands
- Manuals
The FINDFILE UDC executes the LISTFILE command to search for
a file.
NOTE: System-defined UDCs are not automatically available. Your System
Manager must use the SETCATALOG command to make these UDCs available
for your use. For example:
FINDFILE [FILE=] filename [[START=]start_dir]
Refer to the LISTFILE command for a complete explanation of the
parameters used with the FINDFILE UDC. The following parameters are
supported with the FINDFILE UDC.
- filename
A simple file name, including wildcards. The filename
is case insensitive. It cannot be a pathname. For example, abc,
@bc, and [A-M]_@ are valid filenames;
while /ABC/, ./Mydir, and ABC.GRP are not
valid filenames. The filename is
- start_dir
The name of the directory where the search is to begin; for example,
/SYS/PUB. The default starting directory is the root directory
Operation Notes
The FINDFILE UDC searches for all files matching
filename, with the search beginning at
The UDC runs the the following form of the LISTFILE command:
LISTFILE start_dir ,6 ;SELEQ=[OBJECT=FILE] ;NAME=filename ;TREE
This UDC may be issued from a session, a job, a program, or in BREAK. Pressing
Break aborts execution.
Refer to the LISTFILE command later in this chapter for examples.
Related Information
- Commands
- Manuals
Configures one spooled printer or a group of spooled printers related by device
class, to conditionally enter into a forms message dialog with its operator (s)
when the current spoolfile includes a forms message.
FORMSALIGN [DEV=]{ldev | devclass | devname }
[ ;SHOW]
- ldev
The logical device number of a printer. The printer must be configured
as an MPE Type 32 device.
- devclass
The device class name of a class of printers. Each printer in the
class must be configured as an MPE Type 32 device. The device class must
begin with a letter and consist of eight or fewer alphanumeric
- devname
The device name of a printer. The device name must begin with a letter
and consist of eight or fewer alphanumeric characters. Users should note
that it is not possible to have a device class name and a device name
(which are the same). If you enter an alphanumeric character string, the
command will search the device class list first, and then the device
name list.
The spooler process conducts the forms message dialog only when the
(case-insensitive) forms message of the current spoolfile differs from
that of the previous spoolfile printed by that process when an overriding
formid specification is not in effect. Two different spoolfiles with the
same forms message will print without the forms message dialog if they
are printed consecutively.
The spooler process conducts the forms message dialog whenever the
spoolid of the current spoolfile differs from that of the previous
spoolfile printed by that process, the current spoolfile contains a forms
message and an overriding formid specification is not in effect. Two
copies of the same spoolfile will print without the forms message dialog
if they are printed consecutively.
The spooler process conducts the forms message dialog for every copy
of every spoolfile which contains a forms message if an overriding formid
specification is not in effect.
This is a sub-parameter of the chosen EACHxxx keyvalue. With
this feature selected, the Native Mode Spooler first checks its current
and previous spoolfiles for the same non-blank, case-insensitive formid.
If the formids match, both the DIALOG option for the spooler
process and any forms message in the current spoolfile are ignored, and
the forms message dialog is not activated. Identical formids override all
other considerations.
Note that the DIALOG option is not changed. It is ignored as
long as the two formids match.
If the two formids do not match, and the formid of the current spoolfile
is not empty, then the spooler conducts the forms message dialog using
the forms message of the current spoolfile.
If the current spoolfile has no forms message (even though it has a forms
identification), the spooler:
If the two formids do not match because the current spoolfile has no
formid and the previous spoolfile did, the spooler will always conduct a
forms message dialog, again ignoring any setting of DIALOG. If
the current spoolfile has a non-empty forms message, the spooler conducts
a normal forms message dialog with the device operator. If the forms
message is empty, and the device has special forms mounted, the spooler
prompts the device operator to mount standard forms.
Once both the previous spoolfile and the current spoolfile have no
formids, the spooler operates in accordance with the selected
DIALOG option once more.
This is a sub-parameter of the chosen EACHxxx keyvalue. With
this feature selected, the Native Mode Spooler ignores any and all
formids associated with the current spoolfile or the previous spoolfile.
The setting of the DIALOG option always determines the
conditions under which the spooler process conducts the forms message
dialog. The formid is then useful only as an item in a selection
NOTE: The setting of (NO)FORMIDOVERRIDE only affects the
spooler's function during the forms message dialog. It has no effect on the use
of the FORMID keyword in a selection equation of either the
SPOOLF or LISTSPF command. It is still possible to select a
subset of all spoolfiles to alter, delete, or display on FORMID=,
regardless of the setting (NO)FORMIDOVERRIDE for a given device. They
are totally independent of each other.
If the current spoolfile has no forms message but special forms are mounted on
the device, the spooler always conducts the STANDARD FORMS dialog.
Specifying this option causes the configuration for the specified
devices to be displayed. If no other parameters are used, the current
configuration is displayed. If other parameters are used, the
configuration is first updated and then displayed. If a device class is
specified, the configuration for each device in the class is displayed.
If this option is omitted, there is no display.
Operation Notes
The FORMSALIGN command can be used on a spooled or an unspooled
printer, or on a device class containing any mixture of spooled and unspooled
printers. When used on a spooled printer, the specified options become
effective on the next copy selected for printing on that device. The choices
are retained until changed by another FORMSALIGN command, even if the
printer should become unspooled and a new spooler process started for it.
When used on an unspooled printer, it presently has no effect but will be
retained (unless changed by another FORMSALIGN command) and will
become effective immediately upon spooling the printer. Files which include a
forms message, and which are directed to an unspooled printer, always trigger a
forms message dialog with the printer's operator. Any formid accompanying the
file is irrelevant when the file is directed to an unspooled printer.
NOTE: This command effects more than one device (if applied to all
devices in a class). You may get warning messages for some devices and not
others. A warning message on one or more devices affects only that device. The
command will continue to execute until all selected devices have been
configured or shown, or an error is detected. An error terminates the command.
The options specified in the FORMSALIGN command are stored in the
appropriate device files. For example, options for LDEV 6 are stored
in file 00000006.DEVICES.3000devs. This is why the options are
retained even when no spooler process exists for LDEV 6.
However, these device files are reconstructed at each system startup. The
FORMSALIGN options set at that time are EACHCHANGE,
command per device or class for which you want to set options other than the
This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Any user
may execute this command with only the ;SHOW option to display current
configuration. When changing configuration, this command may be executed only
from the console or by any user who has been allowed the FORMSALIGN
command with the ALLOW command. You can also execute this command by
assigning a user the ASSOCIATE command and specifying the device.
To display the current configuration, enter:
A sample of the output might look like the following:
To conduct a forms message dialog for each copy of each file printed, enter:
You may also specify the system startup options, for example:
Related Information
- Commands
- Manuals
Performing System Operation Tasks
Compiles, prepares, and executes a compatibility mode FORTRAN 66/V program.
FORTRAN 66/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental
Operating Software and must be purchased separately.
FORTGO [textfile] [,[listfile] [,[masterfile] [,[newfile]]]]
- textfile
Actual file designator of the input file from which the source program
is read. This can be any ASCII input file. The formal file designator is
FTNTEXT. Default is $STDIN.
- listfile
Actual file designator of the file to which the program listing is
written. This can be any ASCII output file. The formal file designator is
- masterfile
Actual file designator of the master file with which
textfile is merged to produce a composite source. This
can be any ASCII input file. The formal file designator is
FTNMAST. Default is that the file is not read; input is read
from textfile, or from $STDIN if
textfile is not specified.
- newfile
Actual file designator of the file resulting from merging
textfile and masterfile. This can be any
ASCII output file. The formal file designator is FTNNEW. Default
is that the file is not written.
- quotedstring
A sequence of characters between two single quotation marks
(apostrophes) or between two double quotation marks. You may use the
delimiter as part of the string so long as the delimiter appears twice.
Any occurrence of two single or two double quotation marks in a row, is
considered part of the string, and, therefore, not the terminating
INFO=quotedstring is used to pass initial compiler
options to a program.
NOTE: The formal file designators used in this command
cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter
list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for
Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.
Operation Notes
The FORTGO command compiles, prepares, and executes a compatibility
mode FORTRAN 66/V program. If you do not specify a source file, MPE/iX expects
input from your standard input device. If you do not specify
listfile, MPE/iX writes the listing to your standard output
The USL file created during the compilation is a system-defined temporary file
$OLDPASS, which is passed directly to the MPE segmenter, and cannot be
This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be used
in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command.
Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.
To compile, prepare, and execute a FORTRAN 66/V program entered from the disk
file SOURCE and transmit the resulting program listing to the disk
file LISTFL, enter:
To enter your source input from a device other than your standard input device,
and/or direct the listing to a device other than your standard list device,
simply name the input and listing files as command parameters. In the example
below, the source listing is read from magnetic tape, formally identified by
the file name MTAPE. Output is sent to the printer, identified by
the file name PRTR.
MTAPE and PRTR are then backreferenced in the FORTGO
command, as shown here:
Related Information
- Commands
- Manuals
HP FORTRAN/3000 Reference Manual
MPE Segmenter Reference Manual
Compiles and prepares a compatibility mode FORTRAN 66/V program.
FORTRAN 66/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System
Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately.
FORTPREP [textfile] [,[progfile] [,[listfile] [,[masterfile]
- textfile
Actual file designator of the input file from which the source program
is read. This can be any ASCII input file. The formal file designator is
FTNTEXT. Default is $STDIN.
- progfile
Actual file designator of the program file to which the prepared
program segments are written. When you omit progfile, the
MPE segmenter creates the program file, which resides in the temporary
file domain as $OLDPASS. To create your own program file, you
must do so in one of two ways:
By using the MPE/iX BUILD command, and specifying a file
code of 1029 or PROG, and a
numextents value of 1. This file is then used by the
PREP command.
By specifying a nonexistent file in the progfile
parameter, resulting in the creation of job/session temporary file of
the correct type.
- listfile
Actual file designator of the file to which the program listing is
written. This can be any ASCII output file. The formal file designator is
- masterfile
Actual file designator of the master file with which
textfile is merged to produce a composite source. This
can be any ASCII input file. The formal file designator is
FTNMAST. Default is that the master file is not read; input is
read from textfile, or from $STDIN if
textfile is not specified.
- newfile
Actual file designator of the file resulting from the merger of
textfile and masterfile. This can be any
ASCII output file. The formal file designator is FTNNEW. Default
is that the file is not written.
- quotedstring
A sequence of characters between two single quotation marks
(apostrophes) or between two double quotation marks. You may use the
delimiter as part of the string so long as the delimiter appears twice.
Any occurrence of two single or two double quotation marks in a row, is
considered part of the string, and, therefore, not the terminating
- INFO=quotedstring
is used to pass initial compiler options to a program.
NOTE: The formal file designators used in this command (FTNTEXT,
backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list. For
further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems"
discussion of the FILE command.
Operation Notes
This command compiles and prepares a compatibility mode FORTRAN 66/V program
into a program file stored on disk. If you do not specify a source file, MPE/iX
expects the input from your standard input device. If you do not specify
listfile, MPE/iX sends the output to your standard list device.
The USL file created during compilation is a system-defined temporary file
$OLDPASS, which is passed directly to the MPE segmenter. The segmenter
also uses the file $OLDPASS. The prepared program segments are written
to it, thus overwriting any existing temporary file of that name.
If you have no need to examine the USL file, use the default for
progfile. This way, MPE/iX creates a program file for you,
ensuring the best results. If, on the other hand, you want to store the USL
file and the program file as separate entities, specify
This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be used
in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command.
Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.
To compile and prepare a FORTRAN 66/V program entered from your standard input
device, into the standard default file $OLDPASS, with the listing
printed on your standard list device, enter:
To compile and prepare a FORTRAN 66/V source program from a text file named
TEXTX into a program file named PROGX, with the listing sent
to the list file LISTX, enter:
The FORTPREP command combines the compilation and preparation steps.
The compiled program segments, stored in the file $OLDPASS, are
prepared and stored in the program file PROGX. Therefore, it is
equivalent to:
Related Information
- Commands
- Manuals
HP FORTRAN/3000 Reference Manual
MPE Segmenter Reference Manual
Compiles a compatibility mode FORTRAN 66/V program. FORTRAN
66/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental
Operating Software and must be purchased separately.
FORTRAN [textfile] [,[uslfile] [,[listfile] [,[masterfile]
- textfile
Actual file designator of the input file from which the source program
is read. This can be any ASCII input file. The formal file designator is
FTNTEXT. Default is $STDIN.
- uslfile
Actual file designator of the user subprogram library (USL) file to
which the object program is written, which can be any binary output file
with file code of USL or 1024. The formal file
designator is FTNUSL. If the uslfile parameter
is omitted, the object code is saved to the temporary file
$OLDPASS. If entered, this parameter indicates that the USL file
was created in one of four ways:
By using the MPE/iX SAVE command to save default USL file
$OLDPASS created during a previous compilation.
By building the USL with the MPE segmenter -BUILDUSL
command. Refer to the MPE Segmenter Reference Manual
By creating a new USL file with the MPE/iX BUILD command
and specifying a file code of USL or 1024.
By specifying a nonexistent uslfile parameter,
thereby creating a permanent file of the correct size and
- listfile
Actual file designator of the file to which the program listing is
written. This can be any ASCII output file. Formal file designator is
- masterfile
Actual file designator of the master file with which
textfile is merged to produce a composite source. This
can be any ASCII input file. Formal file designator is FTNMAST.
Default is that the master file is not read; input is read from
textfile, or from $STDIN if
textfile is not specified.
- newfile
Actual file designator of the merged textfile and
masterfile. This can be any ASCII output file. Formal
file designator is FTNNEW. Default is that no file is
- quotedstring
A sequence of characters between two single quotation marks
(apostrophes) or between two double quotation marks. You may use the
delimiter as part of the string so long as the delimiter appears twice.
Any occurrence of two single or two double quotation marks in a row, is
considered part of the string, and, therefore, not the terminating
- INFO=quotedstring
is used to pass initial compiler options to a program.
NOTE: The formal file designators used in this command
FTNNEW) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the
command parameter list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE
Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.
Operation Notes
This command compiles a compatibility mode FORTRAN 66/V program into a USL file
on disk. If you do not specify textfile, MPE/iX expects input
from your standard input device. If you do not specify
listfile, MPE/iX sends the listing to your standard list device.
If you create the USL file (using the MPE/iX BUILD command) before
compiling the program, you must assign it a file code of USL or
1024. If you omit this parameter, the compiled program segments are
stored in the temporary file $OLDPASS.
This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be used
in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command.
Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.
To compile a FORTRAN 66/V program entered from your standard input device into
an object program in the USL file $OLDPASS, and write the listing to
your standard list device, enter:
The following example compiles a program from the source file MYSOURCE
and stores the object code into the USL file MYUSL. The program
listing is stored in the disk file MYLIST:
To compile a FORTRAN 66/V program and store the object code
into a USL file you create with the BUILD command, enter:
To create a USL file with the BUILD command, the code must be
Related Information
- Commands
- Manuals
HP FORTRAN/3000 Reference Manual
MPE Segmenter Reference Manual
Releases a global resource identification number (RIN).
- rin
The resource identification number (RIN) to be released. It must be a
number from one to the configured maximum.
Operation Notes
A resource identification number is used to manage a resource shared by two or
more jobs or sessions so that only one job or session at a time can access that
The user acquires a RIN from the system by entering the GETRIN
command. When all users are finished with the RIN, the user who acquired it
returns it to the system by entering the FREERIN command. To free a
RIN, you must be the original owner of that RIN, that is, the user who actually
issued the GETRIN command that allocated the RIN and assigned it a
This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be used
in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.
To release RIN 1, enter:
Related Information
- Commands
- Manuals
MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual
Resource Management Programmer's Guide
Compiles a compatibility mode FORTRAN 77/V program. FORTRAN
77/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental
Operating Software and must be purchased separately. The native
mode equivalent of this command is FTNXL.
FTN [textfile] [,[uslfile] [,[listfile]]]
- textfile
Actual file designator of the input file from which the source program
is read. This can be any ASCII input file. Formal file designator is
FTNTEXT. Default is $STDIN.
- uslfile
Actual file designator of the USL file to which the object code is
stored, which can be any binary output file with a file code of
USL or 1024. Its formal file designator is
FTNUSL. If the uslfile parameter is omitted, the
object code is saved to the temporary file $OLDPASS. If entered,
this parameter indicates that the USL file was created in one of four
By using the MPE/iX SAVE command to save the default USL
file $OLDPASS, created during a previous
By building the USL with the segmenter -BUILDUSL command.
Refer to the MPE Segmenter Reference Manual
By creating a new USL file with the MPE/iX BUILD command
and specifying a file code of USL or 1024.
By specifying a nonexistent uslfile parameter,
thereby creating a permanent file of the correct size and
- listfile
Actual file designator of the file to which the program listing is
written. This can be any ASCII output file. Formal file designator is
- quotedstring
A sequence of characters between two single quotation marks or between
two double quotation marks that specify compiler options. You may use the
delimiter as part of the string so long as the delimiter appears twice.
Any occurrence of two single or two double quotation marks in a row, is
considered part of the string, and, therefore, not the terminating
Operation Notes
The FTN command compiles a compatibility mode HP FORTRAN 77/V program
and stores the object code in a user subprogram library (USL) file on disk. If
textfile is not specified, MPE/iX expects the source program to
be entered from your standard input device. If you do not specify
listfile, MPE/iX sends the program listing to your standard
list device and identifies it by the formal file designator, FTNLIST.
If you create the USL prior to compilation, you must specify a file code of
USL or 1024. If you omit the uslfile
parameter, the object code is saved in the temporary file domain as
$OLDPASS. To keep it as a permanent file, you must save
$OLDPASS under another name.
You cannot backreference the formal file designators used in this command
(FTNTEXT, FTNUSL, and FTNLIST) as actual file
designators in the command parameter list. For further information, refer to
the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE
This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be used
in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command.
Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.
The following example compiles an HP FORTRAN 77/V program entered from your
standard input device and stores the object program in the USL file
$OLDPASS. The listing is then sent to your standard list device.
The next example compiles an HP FORTRAN 77 program contained in the disk file
FORTSRC, and stores the object program in the USL file
FORTOBJ. The program listing is stored in the disk file
Related Information
- Commands
- Manuals
HP FORTRAN 77/iX Reference
MPE Segmenter Reference Manual
Compiles, prepares, and executes a compatibility mode HP FORTRAN 77/V program.
HP FORTRAN 77/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System
Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately. The native
mode equivalent of this command is the FTNXLGO command.
FTNGO [textfile] [,listfile] [;INFO=quotedstring]
- textfile
Actual file designator of the input file from which the source program
is read. This can be any ASCII input file. Formal file designator is
- listfile
Actual file designator of the file to which the program listing is
written. This can be any ASCII output file. Formal file designator is
NOTE: The formal file designators used in this command (FTNTEXT
and FTNLIST) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in
the command parameter list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit
FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.
- quotedstring
A sequence of characters between two single quotation marks
(apostrophes) or between two double quotation marks. You may use the
delimiter as part of the string so long as the delimiter appears twice.
Any occurrence of two single or two double quotation marks in a row, is
considered part of the string, and, therefore, not the terminating
INFO=quotedstring is used in the HP FORTRAN 77/V
programming language to pass initial compiler options to a
Operation Notes
The FTNGO command compiles, prepares, and executes an HP FORTRAN 77/V
program. If textfile is omitted, MPE/iX expects input from your
standard input device. If you do not specify listfile, MPE/iX
sends the program listing to the formal file designator FTNLIST
(default is $STDLIST).
The USL file created during the compilation is the system-defined temporary
file $OLDPASS, which is passed directly to the MPE segmenter. It
cannot be accessed because the segmenter also uses $OLDPASS to store
the prepared program segments, overwriting any existing temporary file of the
same name.
This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be used
in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command.
Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.
To compile, prepare, and execute an HP FORTRAN 77/V program entered from your
standard input device, with the program listing sent to your standard list
device, enter:
To compile, prepare, and execute an HP FORTRAN 77/V program from the disk file
FORTSRC and send the program listing to the file LISTFILE,
Related Information
- Commands
- Manuals
HP FORTRAN 77/iX Reference
MPE Segmenter Reference Manual
Compiles and prepares a compatibility mode HP FORTRAN 77/V
program. HP FORTRAN 77/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer
System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately.
The native mode equivalent of this command is the FTNXLLK command.
FTNPREP [textfile] [,progfile] [,listfile] [;INFO=quotedstring]
- textfile
Actual file designator of the input file from which the source program
is read. This can be any ASCII input file. Formal file designator is
FTNTEXT. Default is $STDIN.
- progfile
Actual file designator of the program file to which the prepared
program segments are written. When you omit progfile, the
MPE segmenter creates the program file, which is stored in the temporary
file domain as $OLDPASS. If you do create your own program file,
you must do so in one of two ways:
By using the MPE/iX BUILD command and specifying a file
code of 1029, or PROG, and a
numextents value of 1. This file is then used by the
PREP command.
By specifying a nonexistent file in the progfile
parameter, in which case a job/session temporary file of the correct
size and type is created.
- listfile
Actual file designator of the file to which the program listing is
written. This can be any ASCII output file. Formal file designator is
NOTE: The formal file designators used in this command (FTNTEXT
and FTNLIST) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in
the command parameter list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit
FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.
- quotedstring
A sequence of characters between two single quotation marks
(apostrophes) or between two double quotation marks. You may use the
delimiter as part of the string so long as the delimiter appears twice.
Any occurrence of two single or two double quotation marks in a row, is
considered part of the string, and, therefore, not the terminating
INFO=quotedstring is used in the HP FORTRAN 77/V
programming language to pass initial compiler options to a
Operation Notes
The FTNPREP command compiles and prepares a compatibility mode HP
FORTRAN 77/V program into a program file on disk. If you do not specify
textfile, MPE/iX expects input from the current input device.
If you do not specify listfile, MPE/iX sends the listing output
to the formal file designator FTNLIST (default $STDLIST). The
USL file $OLDPASS, created during compilation, is a temporary file
passed directly to the MPE segmenter. You may access it only if you do not use
the default for progfile. This is because the segmenter also
uses $OLDPASS to store the prepared program segments, overwriting
any existing temporary file of the same name.
This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be used
in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command.
Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.
The following example compiles and prepares an HP FORTRAN 77/V program entered
through your standard input device and stores the prepared program segments in
the file $OLDPASS. The listing is printed on your standard list device.
To compile and prepare an HP FORTRAN 77/V source program from the source file
FORTSRC, store it in FORTPROG, and send the listing to your
standard list device, enter:
Related Information
- Commands
- Manuals
HP FORTRAN 77/iX Reference
MPE Segmenter Reference Manual
Compiles an HP FORTRAN 77/iX program. HP FORTRAN 77/iX is
not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating
Software and must be purchased separately. This command is recognized
only if HP FORTRAN 77/iX is installed on your system. (Native Mode)
FTNXL [textfile] [,[objectfile] [,[listfile]]] [;INFO=quotedstring]
NOTE: This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax.
Refer to "Optional Format for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this
- textfile
Actual file designator of the input file from which the source program
is read. This can be any ASCII input file. Formal file designator is
FTNTEXT. Default is $STDIN.
- objectfile
Actual file designator of the object file, which is the output of the
compiler. This file is stored in binary form and has a file code of
either NMOBJ (1461) or NMRL (1033).
Its formal file designator is FTNOBJ. If the
objectfile parameter is omitted, the object code is saved
to the temporary file $OLDPASS if it exists, or to
$NEWPASS which then becomes $OLDPASS.
If you specify objectfile, the compiler stores the object
file in a permanent file of the correct size, type, and name you
If either a file of the same name or the default file $OLDPASS
already exists, the new object code overwrites the old if the file code
is NMOBJ or is appended to the old if the file code is
NMRL. If the file code is NMRL, any existing version of
the code module is first purged.
The compiler may issue an error message telling you that a new or
existing object file is too small to contain the compiler's output or
number of modules. In that case you must build a larger file or use the
Link Editor to clean the NMRL. You may then recompile to the new
You may use the MPE/iX SAVE command to store $OLDPASS
as a permanent file under another name.
- listfile
Actual file designator of the file to which the program listing is
written. This can be any ASCII output file. Formal file designator is
- quotedstring
A string of no more than 255 characters (including the single or
double quotation marks that enclose it).
The info string used in the HP FORTRAN 77/iX programming
language to pass initial compiler options to the HP FORTRAN 77/iX
compiler. HP FORTRAN 77/iX places a single dollar sign ($)
before the info string and places the string before the
first line of source code in the text file.
NOTE: The formal file designators used in this command
(FTNTEXT, FTNOBJ, and FTNLIST) cannot be
backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list. For
further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems"
discussion of the FILE command.
Operation Notes
The FTNXL command compiles an HP FORTRAN 77/iX program and stores the
object code in a source file on disk. If textfile is not
specified, MPE/iX expects the source program to be entered from your standard
input ($STDIN). If you do not specify listfile, MPE/iX
sends the listing to your standard list device ($STDLIST) and
identifies it by the formal file designator, FTNLIST. If you omit the
objectfile parameter, the object code is saved in the file
domain as $OLDPASS. To keep it as a permanent file, you save
$OLDPASS under another name.
NOTE: This command is implemented as a command file. If you set the
HPPATH variable to null (SETVAR HPPATH ""), the command file
is not executed, and the command fails.
This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be used
in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command.
Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.
The following example compiles an HP FORTRAN 77/iX program entered from your
standard input device and stores the object program in the object file
$OLDPASS. The listing is then sent to your standard list device.
The next example compiles an HP FORTRAN 77/iX program contained in the disk
file FORTSRC, and stores the object program in the object file
FORTOBJ. The program listing is stored in the disk file
NOTE: Program development in native mode uses the MPE/iX LINK
command not the MPE V/E PREP command. This produces a significant
change in the method of linking code.
If you have created a program called MAIN and a subprogram called
SUB, each contained in a separate file, you might choose to handle it
this way in MPE V/E:
The second command appends the code from SUB to SOMEUSL.
However, LINK (in MPE/iX native mode) does not append SUB.
On MPE/iX, you must compile the source files into separate object files and
then use the Link Editor to link the two object files into the program file,
as in this example:
On the other hand, if an NMRL is used instead of an NMOBJ,
the above can be simplified to the following:
Related Information
- Commands
- Manuals
HP FORTRAN 77/iX Reference
MPE Segmenter Reference Manual
Compiles, links, and executes an HP FORTRAN 77/iX program. HP FORTRAN 77/iX is
not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating
Software and must be purchased separately. This command is recognized only if
HP FORTRAN 77/iX is installed on your system. (Native Mode)
FTNXLGO [textfile] [,[listfile]] [;INFO=quotedstring]
NOTE: This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax.
Refer to "Optional Format for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this chapter.
- textfile
Actual file designator of the input file from which the source program
is read. This can be any ASCII input file. Formal file designator is
- listfile
Actual file designator of the file to which the program listing is
written. This can be any ASCII output file. Formal file designator is
- quotedstring
A run-time parameter for the compiler. It is a quoted string of no
more than 255 characters (including the single or double quotation marks
that enclose it). The info string is used in the HP
FORTRAN 77/iX programming language to pass initial compiler options to
the HP FORTRAN 77/iX compiler. HP FORTRAN 77/iX places a single dollar
sign ($) before the info string and places the
string before the first line of source code in the text file.
NOTE: The formal file designators used in this command (FTNTEXT
and FTNLIST) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in
the command parameter list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit
FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.
Operation Notes
The FTNXLGO command compiles, links, and executes an HP FORTRAN 77/iX
program. If textfile is omitted, MPE/iX expects input from your
standard input device. If you do not specify listfile, MPE/iX
sends the program listing to the formal file designator FTNLIST
(default is $STDLIST).
The object file created during compilation is a system-defined temporary file,
$NEWPASS, which is passed directly to the Link Editor as
$OLDPASS. The Link Editor purges the object file and writes the linked
program to $OLDPASS, which is then executed and may be executed
NOTE: This command is implemented as a command file. If you set the
HPPATH variable to null (SETVAR HPPATH ""), the command file
is not executed, and the command fails.
This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be used
in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command.
Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.
To compile, link, and execute an HP FORTRAN 77/iX program entered from your
standard input device, with the program listing sent to your standard list
device, enter:
To compile, link, and execute an HP FORTRAN 77/iX program from the disk file
FORTSRC and send the program listing to the file LISTFILE,
Related Information
- Commands
- Manuals
HP FORTRAN 77/iX Reference
MPE Segmenter Reference Manual
Compiles and links an HP FORTRAN 77/iX program. HP FORTRAN 77/iX is not part of
the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must
be purchased separately. This command is recognized only if HP FORTRAN 77/iX is
installed on your system. (Native Mode)
FTNXLLK [textfile] [,[progfile] [,[listfile]]] [;INFO=quotedstring]
NOTE: This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax.
Refer to "Optional Format for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this
- textfile
Actual file designator of the input file from which the source program
is read. This can be any ASCII input file. Formal file designator is
FTNTEXT. Default is $STDIN.
- progfile
Actual file designator of the program file to which the linked program
is written. When you omit progfile, the MPE/iX Link
Editor creates the program file, which is stored in the temporary file
domain as $OLDPASS. If you do create your own program file, you
do so by specifying a nonexistent file in the progfile
parameter, in which case a job/session permanent file of the correct size
and type is created.
- listfile
Actual file designator of the file to which the program listing is
written. This can be any ASCII output file. Formal file designator is
- quotedstring
A run-time parameter for the compiler. It is a quoted string of no
more than 255 characters (including the single or double quotation marks
that enclose it). The info string is used in the HP
FORTRAN 77/iX programming language to pass initial compiler options to
the HP FORTRAN 77/iX compiler. HP FORTRAN 77/iX places a single dollar
sign ($) before the info string and places the
string before the first line of source code in the text file.
NOTE: The formal file designators used in this command
(FTNTEXT, FTNOBJ, and FTNLIST) cannot be
backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list. For
further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems"
discussion of the FILE command.
Operation Notes
The FTNXLLK command compiles and links an HP FORTRAN 77/iX program
into a disk file. If you do not specify textfile, HP FORTRAN
77/iX expects your input from your standard input device. If you do not specify
listfile, HP FORTRAN 77/iX sends the listing output to your
current list device.
The object file created during compilation is a system-defined temporary file,
$NEWPASS, which is passed directly to the Link Editor as
$OLDPASS. The Link Editor overwrites progfile and
writes the linked program to $OLDPASS, if progfile is
omitted, which can then be executed.
NOTE: This command is implemented as a command file. If you set the
HPPATH variable to null (SETVAR HPPATH ""), the command file
is not executed, and the command fails.
This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be used
in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command.
Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.
The following example compiles and links an HP FORTRAN 77/iX program entered
through your standard input device and stores the linked program in the file
$OLDPASS. The listing is printed on your standard list device.
To compile and link an HP FORTRAN 77/iX source program from the source file
FORTSRC, store it in FORTPROG, and send the listing to your
standard list device, enter:
Related Information
- Commands
- Manuals
HP FORTRAN 77/iX Reference
MPE Segmenter Reference Manual
Establishes a logging identifier on the system.
GETLOG logid;LOG=logfile ,{ DISC | TAPE | SDISC | CTAPE }
[;PASS=password] [{ ;AUTO | ;NOAUTO }]
- logid
The logging identifier to be established. This must contain from one
to eight alphanumeric characters beginning with an alphabetic
- logfile
The name of the file to receive data from the logging procedure. It
must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an
alphabetic character. You must also specify the device class on which the
log file resides, DISC, TAPE, SDISC (serial
disk) or CTAPE (cartridge tape).
- password
Logging identifier password, assigned by the creator for protection
against illegal use of a particular identifier. The password must contain
from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic
character. The password is optional. if ;PASS= is entered
without a password none is assigned.
Initiates an automatic CHANGELOG if the log file becomes
full. This option is ignored if TAPE is specified.
Prevents initiation of an automatic CHANGELOG. A
CHANGELOG is not performed if the log file becomes full.
Operation Notes
The GETLOG command specifies a logging identifier to be used each time
a particular logging process is used. Frequently the GETLOG command is
used with databases, so that each test task that runs writes to a logging file.
This makes data recovery easier because you know where the task failed.
The creator of the logging identifier must have user logging (LG) or system
supervisor (OP) capability to execute this command. Other users can be allowed
access to this logging identifier by notifying them of the identifier and
password. If a password is specified, it is required whenever the logging
process is accessed. Users accessing the logging system with this identifier
must supply the identifier and password in the OPENLOG intrinsic.
To use the AUTO parameter, the log process for logid
must be enabled for changing. You may do this by ending the log file name with
the numeric characters 001 (for example fname001). This naming
convention works in conjunction with the file set number to generate sequential
file names automatically.
If a log file is restricted to a single volume or volume class when it is
created with the BUILD command, then successive log files created by
User Logging will have the same restriction.
If a new log file name is specified with the ALTLOG command, the links
with any previous log file are broken.
There cannot be two logging identifiers with the same name on the system at the
same time. The LISTLOG command can be used to determine what logging
identifiers currently exist.
This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing
Break has no effect on this command. User logging (LG) capability is
required to use this command.
To create the logging identifier FINANCE and associate it with the
disk log file A, enter:
Related Information
- Commands
- Manuals
System Startup, Configuration, and Shutdown Reference Manual
User Logging Programmer's Guide
Acquires a global resource identification number (RIN) and assigns a password
to it.
GETRIN rinpassword
- rinpassword
Password of the intrinsic that locks the RIN. The password must
contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an
alphabetic character.
Operation Notes
The GETRIN command acquires a global RIN from the MPE/iX RIN pool,
typically during a session. You must assign an arbitrary password for the RIN,
which aids in restricting its use to authorized users. You can then give this
RIN and the associated password to cooperating users so that it can be locked
and unlocked by them. For instructions on how to lock and unlock a RIN, and how
to pass a RIN and its password as intrinsic parameters, refer to the MPE/iX
Intrinsics Reference Manual (32650-90028).
Users who know the RIN and its password can use it in their programs (in jobs
or sessions) until the user who acquired the RIN releases it with the
FREERIN command. The RIN acquired is always a unique, positive
integer. The total number of RINs MPE/iX can allocate is specified when the
system is configured, but cannot exceed 1024. If all currently available RINs
have been acquired by other users, MPE/iX rejects your request and issues the
In this case, you must wait until one of the RINs becomes available, or request
that your system manager raise the maximum number of RINs that can be assigned.
This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing
Break has no effect on this command.
To acquire a global RIN and assign to it the password MYRIN, enter:
MPE/iX responds with the RIN number assigned, for example:
RIN: 1
Related Information
- Commands
- Manuals
Resource Management Programmer's Guide