HPlogo Installing and Managing HP ARPA File Transfer Protocol Network Manager's Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 Starting FTP

Providing Access to the MPE/iX FTP User Only


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To prevent remote users from accessing the MPE/iX FTP server:

  • don't run INETD (if only FTPSRVR is running under INETD)

  • otherwise, comment out the line

    ftp stream tcp nowait MANAGER.SYS /SYS/ARPA/FTPSRVR ftpsrvr

    by placing the # symbol in the first column in the file INETDCNF.NET.SYS and restart INETD as :INETD.NET; info="-c"

To restrict only a particular host/network from accessing the MPE/iX FTP server, add a line in INETDSEC file, in the form of:

<service name> <allow/deny> <host/network addresses, host/network names>

For example, to disallow the host from accessing the FTP server, add the following line:

ftp deny

For more information regarding INETDSEC.NET.SYS, refer to the Configuring and Managing MPE/iX Internet Services manual, section "inetd Security File".

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