HPlogo Installing and Managing HP ARPA File Transfer Protocol Network Manager's Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 2 Verify Installation and Update LAN Configuration

Updating the Network Directory


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For your installation, you may decide to provide users with NS node names for remote systems that do not support probe. MPE/iX FTP users can enter an NS node name instead of the IP address to connect to remote systems which have been identified in the network directory. If you are using ARPA domain names, refer to the subsection in this chapter called "Configuring ARPA Domain Names."

The steps for updating the network directory are:


  2. From the Open Configuration/Directory File screen, verify that the network directory file name displayed is NSDIR.NET.SYS, then press the [Open Directory] key.

  3. The Network Directory Main screen is displayed. Press the [Update Dir] key to continue.

  4. The Network Directory Select Node Name screen is displayed. Enter a new node name at the node name field, and select Y or N for Global. The node name must be in the form: nodename.domain.organization.

    Press the [Add] key to proceed.

    Each field in the node name must be 16 or fewer characters starting with an alphabetic character.

  5. The Network Directory Data screen is displayed. Enter the IP address for the remote node you are adding to the network directory, and select the correct type. Select type 1 (IP) for a node that supports Ethernet using ARP.

    For remote nodes that use Ethernet but do not support ARP, enter the IP address and type 5 (LAN/ETHERNET). You must also enter the LAN station address in the field, Additional Address (six hexadecimal bytes, separated by dashes (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX)).

    Under the heading Transport services, the field, Checksum for TCP required (Y) or optional (N) must be set to yes (Y) for multivendor communication. This will activate checksumming only for the connection specified. Note that setting checksum to yes in the network directory overrides a value of no set in the Transmission Protocol Configuration (TCP) Screen (path @NETXPORT.GPROT.TCP). HP recommends setting a no TCP checksum in the TCP screen because a value of yes turns on checksum for all connections (creating unnecessary overhead).

  6. Press the [Save Data] key to save the new node name configuration.

  7. To exit the NMMGR program, hold the [Shift] key and press the [Tab] key which returns you to the command prompt. At the command prompt, enter: EXIT, then press the [Enter] key.

  8. To activate the new network directory, you must restart the network as described in the section, "Restarting the Network" later in this chapter.

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