HPlogo Installing and Managing HP ARPA File Transfer Protocol Network Manager's Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 2 Verify Installation and Update LAN Configuration

Enabling Ethernet Support


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Before updating the configuration file, obtain the configured name of the LAN NI, and the local node name. In addition, make sure you have a loopback NI of type LOOP configured.

From within the NMMGR program, you can check what the configured NIs are. After you have opened the NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS file, enter the direct path @NETXPORT.NI. The Network Interface Configuration screen is displayed. Under the heading Configured Network Interfaces, verify that an NI of type LAN and an NI of type LOOP have been configured.

Before updating the configuration file, shut down the transport (and the Network Services if installed). Issue an NSCONTROL STOP followed by an NSCONTROL ABORT for the Network Services, and NETCONTROL STOP for the transport.


NA or NM user capability is required to update the NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS configuration file.

At the MPE/iX prompt, type:


Open the Configuration File

The first screen displayed is the Open Configuration/Directory File screen.

The configuration file name NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS is displayed. Press the [Open Config] key to proceed with updating the configuration.

Go to NS

At the next screen, Main, make sure that the name of the local node is showing and press the [NS] key to go to the Network Services branch.

Go to Guided

From the next screen, the NS Configuration screen, press the [Guided Config] key to proceed with guided configuration.

Select the LAN NI to Modify

On the next screen, the Network Transport Configuration screen, enter the name of the LAN network interface (NI) in the field labeled NI name, and press the [Config Network] key to proceed with guided configuration.

Update the LAN NI Configuration

The LAN Configuration screen is displayed. Use the [Tab] key to reach the Enable Ethernet? field and enter Y for yes.

Press the [Save Data] key to save the Ethernet change.

Press the [Validate Netxport] key to validate the transport configuration before exiting from NMMGR.

Additional Updates

Before exiting NMMGR, check the section, "Changing ARP Parameters" to verify that the default ARP parameters are correct for your installation. In addition, review the paragraphs under "Network Traffic" and update the IP Protocol Configuration if necessary for your installation.

If you want to provide NS node name for remote systems that do not support probe, see the subsection, "Updating the Network Directory." To configure ARPA domain names, see the subsection titled "Configuring ARPA Domain Name Files" in this chapter.

Exit from NMMGR

To exit the NMMGR program, hold down the [Shift] key and press the [Tab] key which returns you to the command prompt. At the command prompt, enter: EXIT, the press the [Enter] key.

Restarting the Network

After updating the LAN to support Ethernet, you need to restart the network in order to activate the changed configuration file as described later in this chapter under the heading, "Restarting the Network."

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