HPlogo Installing and Managing HP ARPA File Transfer Protocol Network Manager's Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Appendix B Using the FTP Server

Changing File Building Parameters


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When transferring files from your system to MPE/iX, you can use file building parameters following the PUT command string:

		ftp> PUT localfile remotefile, buildparms

The supported build parameters are:

;REC=[-recsizebytes] [,blkfactor[,[{F}][,{BINARY}]]]]
 				                      {V}     {ASCII
[;DISC=[numrec] [, [numextents] [, [initialloc]]]

The parameter REC= can also be specified in words (two bytes per word) using a positive integer value. The default blkfactor size is one. For more information about the build command, see the MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual.

The default MPE/iX file-transfer specifications for the PUT command in the form of file-building parameters are:





The following example shows how to transfer a file to MPE/iX with a record size of 150 bytes:

ftp> PUT filex files2;REC=-150,,V,ASCII

In the following example, using only CODE=PROG defaults to a file of fixed binary, with records of 128 words (which are the BUILD command REC= defaults).

ftp> PUT filex file2;CODE=PROG
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