HPlogo Using NS 3000/iX Network Services: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 8 NetCI



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Executes a block or sequence of commands in a script file.


[list/node] PLAY [times] file parms



Name of a list of nodes, or the NetCI name of a specific node on which a script file is to be executed. All MPE and NetCI (when preceded by a slash) commands in the script file will be executed on this list or node. If you do not specify a list or node name, only NetCI commands will be executed. Any MPE commands in the script file will not be executed and error messages will display.


Number of times script file is to be executed. If you do not specify a value, the default is one. The maximum value is 32,767.


Name of an existing script file with one of the following fully qualified file names:

  • file

  • file.group.account

  • file reference (allows you to back-reference a :FILE command or to reference a previously defined file)


Values or strings passed to the script file. If the script file does not contain any input value or string, leave blank. The maximum number of parms that you can specify is 9. The parameter will be used when the script file contains an exclamation mark followed by the parameter position (for example, !1, !2). The first parameter following the file name is considered to be position 1.


The script file must reside on the node on which NetCI is installed before you can execute it. While the script file is executing, input from the keyboard is temporarily deactivated since input is from the file. After script file execution, you can resume with input from the keyboard.

This command cannot be used within a script file.


Example 1

This example shows the PLAY command executing a script file named SCRIPT1 on default node K. The parameter, FINANCE, will be used whenever !1 is encountered in the file since this is the first parameter specified after the file name. Refer to the following page for more information.


The script file will be executed two times, and data will be gathered each time.

Example 2

This example executes the script file twice on all nodes that are members of a list named LIST1.

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