HPlogo Using NS 3000/iX Network Services: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 8 NetCI

Failed Connections


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A session will be established on a node when you execute a command. However, a session will fail to be established when the link or node is down (not operating properly) or the configuration data is incorrect. NetCI maintains a record of all attempted logon sessions that failed. If you attempt to execute a command again on the failed node before 15 minutes have elapsed, NetCI will not attempt the execution. You must wait 15 minutes after the last failure before NetCI will attempt to execute the command again.

If the failure to establish connection to a node occurs because the configuration data is incorrect (for example, because of incorrect logon information), you can use the ALTNODE command to change the node's logon information. Once this change is made, you do not need to wait the required 15 minutes to attempt another command execution. You can execute the command and NetCI will immediately attempt to establish a session on the node and execute the command.

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