HPlogo Using NS 3000/iX Network Services: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 8 NetCI

Interrupting Processing (Using [BREAK])


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On MPE/iX machines, type [BREAK] twice to return to the MPE prompt. On MPE V machines, type [BREAK] once to return to the MPE prompt. Pressing [BREAK] sends a signal to NetCI to interrupt the process. This signal also passes through a "virtual" terminal to the remote process so that both the local and remote processes are suspended. To resume the local process, type RESUME which displays the current NetCI> prompt. After receiving the NetCI> prompt, type RESUME again to resume the process that was suspended on the remote node. The prompt for the suspended process will be displayed. In summary, if you execute a command on a remote node, type RESUME twice to return to where you were when you pressed [BREAK].

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