HPlogo Using NS 3000/iX Network Services: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 8 NetCI

Executing Remote Commands


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NetCI automatically establishes a session on a node when a remote command is executed. Simply specify after the NetCI> prompt the NetCI node or list name followed by the NetCI or MPE command. NetCI will establish a session on the NS 3000 node associated with the NetCI node name, or on the nodes belonging to the list. This eliminates your having to log on remotely to each node when executing commands and running programs. For example, when you enter


NetCI will automatically log you on to NS 3000 node Y as operator.sys and execute the SHOWJOB command. If you recall from our sample LAN, PINOIT is associated with logon session operator.sys on NS node Y. This command will display the status information for all jobs/sessions/scheduled jobs on NS node Y.

Node Prompt

After a command is executed on the remote node, the NetCI> prompt automatically changes to the node's name. For example, when you enter


the status information for all jobs/sessions/scheduled jobs on PINOIT is displayed. The prompt then changes to


which indicates the node against which you last executed commands or programs.

You can also change the default prompt to any node prompt by entering the NetCI node name after the current prompt. For example, when you enter


the prompt changes to


which is now the default prompt.

By specifying a default prompt, you can execute several commands on a node without specifying the node name each time you specify a command. For example, when you enter


it eliminates your having to specify the node each time.

List Prompt

You can also specify a list name against which a script file, command, or program can be executed. After the prompt, enter the list name and command. For example, when you enter


the SHOWJOB command sequentially executes on all nodes that are members of LIST1 (which includes nodes H, I, and K). It also eliminates your having to log on and execute the SHOWJOB command on each node.

You can also change the default prompt to any list prompt by entering the list name after the current prompt. For example, when you enter


the prompt changes to


which is now the default prompt.

By specifying a default list prompt, you can execute several commands against the list without specifying the list name each time you specify a command. For example, when you enter


it eliminates your having to specify the list name each time.

NetCI Prompt

You can return to the NetCI prompt by typing a colon (:) or NetCI after a node or list prompt. For example, when you enter




you will be returned to the NetCI> prompt.

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