HPlogo Using NS 3000/iX Network Services: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 8 NetCI



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Changes the NetCI node name and logon information in the user's NetCI configuration for an NS 3000 node.


ALTNODE node logon [;dsline=NS nodename]



NetCI name of the node whose logon information is to be changed.


New logon identification which is a valid logon sequence in the form:

username[/userpass].acctname[/acctpass][.groupname/ grouppass];dsline=NS nodename

For information on additional MPE logon parameters and options, refer to the MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual.

NS nodename

If the NetCI name (specified in the node field) is the same as the NS 3000 node name, leave this field blank. If the NetCI name is not the same as the NS 3000 node name, specify the NS node name in the NS 3000 network.


Example 1

This example changes the user of the logon session for node I. The remote environment for NetCI node I remains as previously configured, which is node I (the default environment), so it is not necessary to enter the same remote environment information again.


Example 2

This example changes the user of the logon session for the NetCI node PINOIT whose remote environment remains as previously configured which is node Y (the default environment). However, it is necessary to enter the NS nodename again since it is not the same as the NetCI node name.


Example 3

This example changes the remote environment for the NetCI node CHABLIS to NS node L.


You still need to enter the user logon information even though you are only changing the remote environment. The NetCI node CHABLIS now refers to a session on NS 3000 node L instead of node Y (which was the previous configuration).

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