HPlogo Using NS 3000/iX Network Services: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 5 Network File Transfer

DSCOPYMSG intrinsic


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Writes a message that corresponds to the result code returned by a DSCOPY intrinsic call.


DSCOPYMSG   (result,fnum,r)


result (input)

Two-element array of 16-bit integers, by reference. The result is returned by the DSCOPY intrinsic. If the value in the first word is zero, then the file transfer was successful. Otherwise, the value indicates the error that occurred. (See the explanation of the result parameter in the DSCOPY intrinsic.)

fnum (input)

16-bit integer, by reference. A file number indicating where the message associated with result should be written. If the value is zero, the message is printed on $STDLIST. If fnum contains a file number, the message is written to this file.

r (output)

16-bit integer, by reference. The result returned by this DSCOPYMSG call. If this value is zero, the call was successful. Otherwise, the value indicates the error that occurred.


The DSCOPYMSG intrinsic writes a message that corresponds to the result code returned by a DSCOPY intrinsic call. All the parameters are required; DSCOPYMSG is not option-variable. This intrinsic does not return condition codes. Split stack calls are not allowed.

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