HPlogo Using NS 3000/iX Network Services: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems

Chapter 4 Remote Database Access


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RDBA Access Methods

Remote Database Access (RDBA) is a Network Service in which you use TurboIMAGE/3000 intrinsics and utilities to access and update TurboIMAGE data bases located on remote HP 3000s. TurboIMAGE is a Hewlett-Packard database management system. TurboIMAGE intrinsics are sent to the remote node and executed in the remote environment. The database must reside on an HP 3000 (MPE V or MPE/iX based) since other IMAGE products are not fully compatible with TurboIMAGE/iX. The database must also be located entirely on a single node and cannot be distributed over several nodes.

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