HPlogo Using NS 3000/iX Network Services: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 Remote File Access

RFA/RDBA Automatic logon


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A REMOTE HELLO is no longer necessary before using RFA. This is useful if your system does not support the Virtual Terminal service.


RFA requires a remote session when accessing or creating remote files to provide the file system security of the remote user. This session is referred to as an "environment." An environment is identified by either a DSLINE environment ID that refers to a VT session, or by a logon string that automatically creates a remote session. RFA will use an existing session established by VT before a session is automatically logged on. If a session already exists, and a logon string is specified, the logon string will be ignored. The user is responsible for supplying RFA with an environment to operate within.

How to Use the Automatic Logon Feature

RFA automatically creates its session by using the logon sequence specified in the LOGON option of the DSLINE command. At the MPE/iX prompt, type:

   DSLINE nodename; LOGON=user.acct,group

If a remote session does not exist, and a DSLINE LOGON string has been specified, then this logon string will be used to automatically log on a remote session for an RFA FOPEN. Whenever RFA logs on a remote session, it will also log it off after all files in that session have been closed.

Remote Hello After RFA Automatic Logon

One may still establish a remote VT session using a common DSLINE environment after RFA has automatically logged on its own remote session under the same DSLINE environment. VT commands will not be executed under a session created automatically by RFA. A session created automatically by RFA will be recognized by VT. All RFA will be performed under RFA's session and all VT will be performed independently under the VT session. Since these two sessions are independent, they may be established under different user/account names.

RFA/RDBA Autologon Example

Suppose you were to issue the command DSLINE NODE1;LOGON= user1.acct1, and then open a remote file on NODE1. The FOPEN logs on a remote session on NODE1 under user1.acct1.

With the remote file still open, issue a REMOTE:NODE1 HELLO user2.acct2 to log on a VT session. The remote session for VT will be completely independent of the remote session for RFA even though both sessions are operating under the same DSLINE environment. All VT commands will be executed under user2.acct2. All RFA intrinsics (including new FOPENs) will be under user1.acct1. This will continue until the last remote file on the NODE1 environment is closed.

When the last file is closed, RFA's remote session for user1.acct1 will automatically be logged off. The VT session for user2.acct2 will remain intact. At this point any following FOPENs on NODE1 will be performed under the existing VT session user2.acct2, not user1.acct1. This is because an existing session is used before a new session is automatically logged on.

To open files under user1.acct1 again, the VT session on NODE1 would have to be logged off so that subsequent FOPEN to NODE1 would use RFA's Automatic Logon feature.

System Compatibility

The RFA Automatic Logon feature will not work unless both systems support it. If one attempts to automatically log on to a system that does not support RFA Automatic Logon, the FOPEN call will return FSERR 227.

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