HPlogo Using NS 3000/iX Network Services: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 Remote File Access

RESET Command


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Cancels file equations.


RESET {formaldesignator }
{@ }]


Available          In Session?          Yes
                   In Job?              Yes
                   In Break?            Yes
                   Programmatically?    Yes
Breakable?                              No
Capabilities?                           None



A formal file name in the form:

file[.group[.account]][:nodespec], for which a FILE command has previously been issued. The nodespec portion is either an environment ID indicating the location of the file or $BACK. $BACK means that the file resides one "hop" back toward your local system (which may be the local system itself).


Signifies all formal file designators specified in all FILE commands previously issued in this session or job.


The RESET command resets a formal file designator to its original meaning, cancelling any FILE command that has been issued for this formal designator earlier in this session or job.

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