HPlogo Using NS 3000/iX Network Services: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 Remote File Access

FILE Command


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Specifies a formal designator that may be used to represent a remote file or device in a subsequent command or intrinsic. (Also known as a file equation.)


                          [=*formaldesignator                     ]
FILE formaldesignator [=$STDIN ]
[=filereferenc[:nodespec]{,filedomain] ]
[;option] . . .


Available          In Session?          Yes
                   In Job?              Yes
                   In Break?            Yes
                   Programmatically?    Yes
Breakable?                              No
Capabilities?                           None



A name in the form file[.group[.account]][:nodespec] that can be used to identify the file in a subsequent command or intrinsic call. (For the meaning of nodespec, see the next parameter explanation. MPE/iX currently permits this extended formal designator, with a node specification following a colon, in the FILE and RESET commands, and in the FOPEN intrinsic.) If not equated to another file designator, the formaldesignator contains the actual name of a file. A *formaldesignator (with the asterisk) is a "backreference" to a formal designator defined in a previous FILE command.


Either an environment ID (specified in a previous DSLINE or REMOTE command) or $BACK. This node specification may appear in the file's formal designator or as an extension of an actual file reference. If an environment ID appears in a file designation and in the DEV= option, the attempt to open the file (for example, via FOPEN) will result in an error.

$BACK indicates that the file resides one "hop" back toward your local system. This is legal only if the FILE command is issued in a remote session created by a REMOTE HELLO. The $BACK specification is equivalent to DEV=# (without an environment name). In either case, the file is accessed through the existing session.


The actual name of the file in the form:


The file domain: NEW or OLD or OLDTEMP.


An unqualified environment ID. The maximum length is 8 alphanumeric characters. A previously defined environment ID is permitted in the DEV= option, but the domain and organization qualifiers are not permitted and the name may not be longer than 8 characters.


The logical device name or number of a device such as a disc, tape, printer, or terminal. Default: DDISC. If the DEV= option appears, it must be followed by at least one parameter (which can be just #).


The output priority requested for a spooled device file. This a value between 1 (lowest priority) and 13 (highest priority).


The number of copies requested for a spooled output device file (maximum 127).


Specifies that the Reverse Virtual Terminal service should be employed instead of Remote File Access. This option applies only if the designated device is a remote terminal. VTERM allows a local application program to perform I/O to remote terminals located on systems that support Reverse Virtual Terminal. (See "Reverse Virtual Terminal" in the chapter on "Virtual Terminal" and "Remote Terminal Access: VT vs. RFA" later in this chapter.)


A name representing a file containing laser printer environment information, which controls printing output formats. This name may be an actual file reference or a formal file designator (preceded by an asterisk).


Any valid option in the MPE/iX FILE command. For further information, see the MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual.


For Remote File Access purposes, the FILE command can be used to specify a formal designator for a remote file or device. You can use this formal designator to reference the remote file in a subsequent command or intrinsic call. If an environment ID is used to indicate the location of the file, it must be specified in a DSLINE or REMOTE command before you can use RFA. $BACK or DEV=# indicates the node one "hop" closer to your local system when the FILE command has been issued in a remote session. (This may be the local system itself.)

Precautions When Using $BACK

When using the $BACK backreference with RFA, you need to check the fully qualified node names of the machines on each side of the file transfer. If the domain and organization names differ between the two machines, problems may arise with use of $BACK.

To prevent a problem when using $BACK for a transfer between two nodes whose domain and organization are different, configure the remote machine (using NMMGR; NM capability required), so that its network directory includes two entries:

   1) localnode.localdomain.localorganization, and
2) localnode.remotedomain.remoteorganization.

See the example under "Interactive Access" later in this chapter.

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