HPlogo Using NS 3000/iX Network Services: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 2 Virtual Terminal



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Creates a session on a remote node.


                 [:envID           ]        [        {envID           }]
DSLINE [:[envID=]nodename][ logon [;DSLINE={[envID=}nodename}]
[envnum ] [ {#Lenvnum }]


Available          In Session?          Yes
                   In Job?              Yes
                   In Break?            Yes
                   Programmatically?    Yes
Breakable?                              No
Capabilities?                           None



An environment ID—that is, a character string representing a specific session on a remote node. For NS names, the environment name itself may optionally be qualified: envname[.domain[.organization]]. Each portion of the string may have a maximum of 16 alphanumeric characters (including underscores and hyphens), of which the first must be alphabetic. The default domain and organization names are those specified for your local node when it was configured as part of its NS 3000/iX network. For ARPA domain names, the environment ID has the syntax label[.label[...]. The labels must follow the syntax for ARPANET host names. Refer to ARPA Domain Name Syntax in Chapter 1 “Introduction to NS 3000/iX” for more details.

If the envID is not equated with a node name, it must refer to a previously defined environment. If it is equated to a node name, it then represents a session on that node. If the nodename is used by itself, it then becomes its own environment ID, representing a particular session on that node. If envID, nodename, and envnum are all omitted in the beginning of the command line (before HELLO), the environment information must be given in the ;DSLINE= option at the end of the command line or the default environment will be assumed. The default environment for a REMOTE command is the one most recently referenced in a DSLINE or REMOTE command.


When you are using NS names, the nodename is the name assigned to the remote node when it is configured into the NS 3000/iX network. This name may optionally be qualified in the format node[.domain[.organization]]. The default domain and organization are those of the local node. Each portion of this string may have a maximum of 16 alphanumeric characters (including underscores and hyphens), of which the first must be alphabetic. When you are using ARPA domain names, the nodename has the syntax label[.label[...]. The labels must follow the syntax for ARPANET host names. Refer to ARPA Domain Name Syntax in Chapter 1 “Introduction to NS 3000/iX” for more details.

An environment ID may be equated with this node name, or the node name (if used alone) may become its own environment ID. In either case, the environment ID then represents a specific remote session on this node. Default: the environment specified by the last DSLINE or REMOTE command.


The number of the environment assigned when the environment was defined. This is the environment number listed in the message that appears after a DSLINE command. Note that when envnum is specified immediately after REMOTE, envnum is specified without the #L prefix.


A valid logon sequence for the remote node, in the form HELLO user.account[,group]. For information on additional MPE logon parameters and options, please see the MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual.


Defines an environment if one is not specified immediately after REMOTE. The parameters are used in the same way as they are after REMOTE (or as they are used in a DSLINE command).


The REMOTE HELLO command creates a session on a remote node. If the remote environment (session) has already been defined in a previous DSLINE (or REMOTE) command, the environment ID or number may be used by itself to designate the environment. Otherwise, an environment ID may be equated to an actual node name or the node name may be used by itself as its own environment ID. The environment information may be given immediately after the REMOTE or after DSLINE=. If the environment information is given in both places, the specification following REMOTE takes precedence. If no environment information appears in either place, the default environment assumed is the one most recently referenced by a REMOTE or DSLINE command. If you issue a REMOTE HELLO command for an environment that you are already logged on to, the existing remote session will be terminated and a new one will be created (according to the new user information). This is similar to what happens when you issue a new HELLO command within a local session. If you want a second concurrent session on the same node, you can designate a new environment ID for this node, either in a DSLINE command or in a REMOTE HELLO command.

NOTE: Before you can create a remote session on another node in an NS 3000/iX network, your system operator must have issued the following two console commands: NETCONTROL to open the communications links to the remote node, and NSCONTROL to enable Virtual Terminal service. These commands must be issued before any network service can function between the local and remote nodes. See the NS 3000/iX Operations and Maintenance Reference Manual.

Examples of REMOTE HELLO

The following examples show you the different ways that you can use the REMOTE HELLO command. The input is typed at the MPE/iX prompt, and user input is bold for clarity.

  1. Method 1 shows that the REMOTE HELLO command (without environment information) may appear after a DSLINE command that provides the environment information.

    Method 1

    :REMOTE HELLO NSUSER.NSACCT **default environment**
    HP3000 / MPE/iX A.01.00 FRI, MAY 1, 1994, 4:13 PM
  2. Method 2 shows that the environment information may be included in the DSLINE= portion of the REMOTE HELLO command.

    Method 2

    HP3000 / MPE/iX A.01.00 FRI, MAY 1, 1994, 4:14 PM
  3. Method 3 shows that the environment information may appear immediately after REMOTE on the same command line.

    Method 3

    HP3000 / MPE/iX A.01.00 FRI, MAY 1, 1994, 4:26 PM


    HP3000 / MPE/iX A.01.00 FRI, MAY 1, 1994, 4:26 PM
    :REMOTE **allows use of environment**
  4. The REMOTE HELLO command may be issued in two parts, with the HELLO portion following the remote prompt which is returned. The environment specification may appear in a previous DSLINE command, as in method 1, or immediately after the REMOTE, as in method 3. The DSLINE= option is not legal in this case, since the DSLINE= parameter must follow the HELLO in the REMOTE command line.

  5. Methods 4a and 4b show two different ways of accessing the same node. The DSLINE SYS5 command sets the attributes of node SYS5 for both Method 4a and Method 4b. The PROMPT=>> part of the command shows the effect of setting the prompt on the remote node. Method 4a shows that the REMOTE and HELLO commands can be on separate lines. Method 4b shows that the environment ID is set equal to the node name in order to create a new session. A fifth environment is created. Upon returning to the local system, a status line displays the environment information.

    Methods 4a and 4b

    :DSLINE SYS5;PROMPT=>>    **DSLINE for Methods 4a and 4b**

    Method 4a

    :REMOTE **default environment**
    HP3000 / MPE/iX A.01.00 FRI, MAY 1, 1994, 4:51 PM


    Method 4b

    :REMOTE:MARIE=SYS5 **creates a new session**
    HP3000 / MPE/iX G.OO.OO FRI, MAY 1, 1994, 4:54 PM
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