HPlogo Using NS 3000/iX Network Services: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Appendix B Migration From DS/3000 to NS 3000/iX Network Services

Differences Between DS/3000 and NS 3000/iX


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DS is an acronym for Distributed Systems.

NS is an acronym for Network Services. An NS 3000/iX link product is required in addition to the NS 3000/iX Network Services.

A DS installation can consist of 1) hardwired point-to-point links, 2) point-to-point modem links on either dial-up or leased telephone lines, 3) X.25 network links, and 4) satellite network links. The maximum data rate over a DS link is 56 kilobits per second.

An NS installation, on the other hand, may be an internetwork consisting of a LAN with a 10 megabit-per-second signalling rate connected to other LANs by way of a wide-area, point-to-point network link. NS 3000/iX cannot directly access a DS link. However, an NS 3000/V node can be used as an intermediary to connect from an NS 3000/iX node to a DS link.

New Features

NS 3000/iX provides the user and programmer with many features that are not available in DS/3000. These new features are summarized here:

  • Direct access to any node on the network or internetwork.

  • Direct access to remote files, devices, or databases.

  • Configurable remote prompts.

  • Redirection of node names coded into programs or job streams.

  • Programmatic access of remote terminals by using Reverse VT.

  • Network File Transfers (NFT) from any node on the network or internetwork to any other node on the network or internetwork.

  • Temporary remote logons for NFT transfers.

  • DSCOPY options to move, replace, or overwrite files and to copy privileged files.

  • New and existing (DS) syntax is supported.

Missing Features

This list specifies the features that were available in DS/3000 but are not available in NS 3000/iX:


  • 3000 to 1000 or DEXEC calls are not supported.

  • Program-to-Program communication (PTOP) is not available. To convert your PTOP applications to NetIPC and RPM, please refer to the NetIPC 3000/iX Programmer's Reference Manual.

Changed Features

The features that changed from DS 3000 to NS 3000/iX are as follows:

  • DSLINE ldev# (for DS device) is replaced by DSLINE envID or DSLINE envnum.

  • Some DSERR error codes changed.

  • Remote Process Management is available on NS 3000/iX.

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