HPlogo Using NS 3000/iX Network Services: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Appendix A Migration From NS 3000/V to NS 3000/iX Network Services

Conversion Checklist: NS 3000/V to NS 3000/iX


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The following checklist is to help you with migrating NS 3000/V software to NS 3000/iX on MPE/iX:

  1. Identify applications using Program-to-Program Communications (PTOP). PTOP is not supported, so any PTOP applications must be modified so that they can run on an MPE/iX based machine. If you wish to convert your PTOP applications so that they can run on RPM and NetIPC, refer to the translation procedures in Appendix B of the NetIPC 3000/iX Programmer's Reference Manual

  2. To move applications on HP3000s that use the NS 3000/V capabilities of Virtual Terminal, Remote File Access, Remote Data Base Access, Network File Transfer, and Remote Process Management to an MPE/iX based system, use either: a) the DSCOPY command, or b) the MPE/iX STORE command to store the applications on a tape, and then use the MPE/iX RESTORE command to restore them on the new system. They will run with NS 3000/iX with no recompilation necessary in most cases.

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