HPlogo Using NS 3000/iX Network Services: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Appendix A Migration From NS 3000/V to NS 3000/iX Network Services

Differences Between NS 3000/V and NS 3000/iX


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NS 3000/iX is a compatible subset of NS 3000/V, the powerful networking software available on the MPE V/E based members of the HP 3000 family.

Special Note on Terminal Echo

When communicating between an MPE/iX based node an MPE V based node, if echo ever gets turned off, proceed as follows:

  1. Issue a colon (:) to return to your local node.

  2. Restore the echo on your local system according to the method for that node (the method is different depending on whether your physical terminal is connected to an MPE V based node or an MPE/iX based node). Remember: the node that your physical terminal is connected to always determines how you restore your terminal's echo.

  3. Note that this procedure restores echo on the local system. To ensure that echo is also restored on the remote system, you may wish to run a program that issues an FCONTROL 12 on the remote system.

Missing Features

The following list specifies the features that were available in NS 3000/V but are not available in NS 3000/iX:

  • Program-to-Program communication (PTOP) is not available. For information on translating your PTOP applications so that they can run on an MPE/iX based machine, please refer to the "Conversion Checklist" section.

  • No-wait I/O Remote File Access is not available.

Changed Features

The features that changed from NS 3000/V to NS 3000/iX are as follows:

  • When using Network File Transfer (NFT) or Remote File Access (RFA) in NS 3000/iX, only files with MPE V characteristics are supported. For instance, the mapped access file system feature of MPE/iX is not supported by NFT and RFA in NS 3000/iX.

  • Remote Data Base Access in NS 3000/iX is supported only for TurboIMAGE databases. Remember that an IMAGE database on a DS/3000 node can be accessed by using an intermediate NS 3000/V node. The SHOWCOM command has been replaced by the LINKCONTROL STATUS command.

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