HPlogo ALLBASE/SQL Database Administration Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 8  System Catalog



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SYSTEM.DBEFILE contains information about the DBEFiles in the DBEnvironment. Initially it contains the DBEFiles created when the DBEnvironment is configured. A row is added, updated, or deleted whenever ALLBASE/SQL processes an ADD DBEFILE, ALTER DBEFILE, CREATE DBEFILE, DROP DBEFILE, or REMOVE DBEFILE statement.

SYSTEM.DBEFILE and SYSTEM.DBEFILESET contain all the information about where tables are stored.

You can use the following query to determine which DBEFileSet contains a certain DBEFile:

   isql=> SELECT DBEFName, DBEFSName FROM System.DBEFile


To determine the DBEFiles in a DBEFileSet, use the following query:

   isql=> SELECT * FROM System.DBEFile


Table 8-12 System.DBEFile

Column NameTypeLengthDescription
   90 for mixed
   91 for index
   92 for data
FILEIDCHAR44 System identifier for the file being used for the DBEFile
DBEFNPAGESINTEGER4Number of pages in the DBEFile
DBEFUPAGESINTEGER4Number of pages in the DBEFile containing table and index data, excluding page table pages
DBEFINCRSZINTEGER4Number of pages the DBEFile will be expanded each time
DBEFIPAGESINTEGER4Number of pages in the DBEFile at file creation time
DBEFMPAGESINTEGER4Maximum number of pages the DBEFile can be expanded
CTIMECHAR16Time of creation: yyyymmddhhmmsstt
DBEFSNAMECHAR20Name of the DBEFileSet the DBEFile is associated with (if any)
DBEFNUMBERINTEGER4Number of the DBEFileSet the DBEFile is associated with
ATTACHEDCHARACTER2Whether the DBEFile is attached to the DBEnvironment (Y for yes, N for no)



   SELECT * FROM System.DBEFile;




   PARTSDBE0           |      90|PartsF0

   PURCHDATAF1         |      92|PurchDF1

   PURCHINDXF1         |      91|PurchXF1

   WAREHDATAF1         |      92|WarehDF1

   WAREHINDXF1         |      91|WarehXF1

   ORDERDATAF1         |      92|OrderDF1

   ORDERINDXF1         |      91|OrderXF1

   FILEDATA            |      92|FileData

   RECDATAF1           |      90|RecDF1

   NEWFILE             |      90|NewFile

   NEWFILE2            |      90|NewFile2


   Number of rows selected is 11

   U[p], d[own], l[eft], r[ight], t[op], b[ottom], pr[int] <n>,or e[nd]> r




   |        150|          0|          0|        150|        150

   |         50|          2|          0|         50|         50

   |         50|          4|          0|         50|         50

   |         50|          4|          0|         50|         50

   |         50|          4|          0|         50|         50

   |         50|          3|          0|         50|         50

   |         50|          3|          0|         50|         50

   |         50|          0|          0|         50|         50

   |         50|          7|          0|         50|         50         

   |        150|          0|          0|        150|        150 

   |        100|          0|          0|        100|        100


   Number of rows selected is 11

   U[p], d[own], l[eft], r[ight], t[op], b[ottom], pr[int] <n>,or e[nd]> r


   |CTIME           |DBEFSNAME














   Number of rows selected is 11

   U[p], d[own], l[eft], r[ight], t[op], b[ottom], pr[int] <n>,or e[nd]> e




   |               0|Y

   |               1|Y

   |               2|Y

   |               3|Y 

   |               4|Y

   |               5|Y

   |               6|Y

   |               7|Y

   |               8|Y

   |               9|Y

   |              10|Y


   Number of rows selected is 11

   U[p], d[own], l[eft], r[ight], t[op], b[ottom], pr[int] <n>,or e[nd]> e

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