DBchange/V is the interactive utility that allows dynamic
restructuring and capacity expansion of a TurboIMAGE database.
Database changes are input using a menu format and executed
either on-line or in batch mode.
DBchange/V allows easy screen access and input of database
restructuring requests for TurboIMAGE databases.
Because multiple restructuring changes can be requested during
one DBchange/V session, there is no need to run separate programs
for each restructure feature.
DBchange/V allows you to review multiple change requests before
actual updates are processed.
DBchange/V provides the database administrator with an important
tool to aid in the use and support of TurboIMAGE databases.
Additional benefits include ease of use and batch capabilities.
DBchange/V also includes the DICTDBA, DICTDBU, and DICTDBL database
utilities, which facilitate the control,
maintenance, and restructuring of TurboIMAGE databases.
Key DBchange/V Features |
Key DBchange features include:
Interactive forms access allows flexible database manipulation.
Two-stage update process allows input and review of changes before actual update.
Multiple changes can be made to the same database in one DBchange/V session.
Database restructure requests are input and stored in a change file. DBchange/V uses the change file to process database modifications.
Modifications can be processed immediately or scheduled for later batch processing.
TurboIMAGE database modifications can be made in real-time, without requiring a DBUNLOAD and DBLOAD.
On-line help facility provides information about commands and parameter requirements.
The Root File is checked for path information inconsistencies, allowing DBchange/V the option to make corrections.
Interactive DBchange/V commands allow the user to:
Change set capacity and blocking factors
All TurboIMAGE and MPE file security and capacities are
respected. DBchange/V verifies that the user has proper access before it
allows changes.
DICTDBA checks the integrity of
synonym chains and identifies broken chains.
It generates reports on synonyms and chains for master sets and
chain statistics for detail sets.
DICTDBU unloads the contents of an existing TurboIMAGE database.
It can unload the database chained to either a disc or tape file,
thus organizing the records for efficient chained access.
DICTDBU also provides the capability to unload only selected data
DICTDBL loads the stored contents of a TurboIMAGE database.
It simplifies and speeds up the database load function when only
a few sets must be loaded.