HPlogo Getting Started as an MPE/iX Programmer Programmer's Guide: HP 3000 Computer MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 1 OVERVIEW

MPE/iX Information Management


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Commercial applications primarily use database applications. The 900 Series provides ALLBASE/SQL, which includes TurboIMAGE/XL, a network database management product, and HP SQL, which has a relational interface to data. ALLBASE/SQL provides a TurboIMAGE/XL cross-development environment. The relational interface, HP SQL, is fully compatible with the version of SQL in most common use. It provides relational access for increased flexibility.

ALLBASE/SQL and other tools form Hewlett-Packard's information management framework. These include:

  • Programming languages and tools.

  • Reporting and presentation tools that allow access to information without programming.

  • A common data dictionary that provides the integration necessary to tie the system together.

The products that meet these needs on the 900 Series are:

  • System Dictionary/XL, which provides programmers and system administrators with a single source for documenting all aspects of the system, from data definitions to configuration information. This central source of information aids in developing and maintaining applications and effectively managing system resources. The System Dictionary/XL has programmatic interfaces for easy integration with other software. You can customize System Dictionary/XL to meet your needs.

  • Optimizing compilers, which use HP Precision Architecture (HP-PA) to allow all programming on the 900 Series computers to be done in high-level languages. The compilers are integrated with MPE/iX to provide convenient access to ALLBASE/SQL and other information managements subsystems.

  • VPLUS/V, which is a forms design and screen-handling tool for programmers.

  • Toolset/XL, which includes facilities for full screen editing, symbolic source-level debugging, and version management of source code. It provides a high-productivity, integrated environment for application development.

  • Transact/XL, which is a procedural, high-level programming language for transaction processing applications. It provides the functions of a high-level language, such as COBOL, combined with a comprehensive set of powerful verbs that can perform several functions in a single call.

Self-adjusting System Tables

Most system tables in MPE/iX are self-adjusting. MPE/iX continuously monitors and adjusts tables to fit the workload. Usually, the system manager can do this without shutting down the system.

On-line Diagnostics for Peripherals

Hewlett-Packard Customer Engineers (CEs) are equipped with on-line diagnostic tools for many HP peripheral devices. A CE can remotely run diagnostics without shutting down the system.

Disc Failure Tolerance

MPE/iX allows any system disc not critical to the functioning of the operating system to go off-line without affecting the system. Users cannot access files on off-line discs.

Automatic Power Fail Recovery

MPE/iX and the 900 Series hardware provide automatic power fail recovery. When a power failure starts, the system initiates a power failure procedure to preserve the operating environment before the complete loss of power. A battery pack ensures the validity of main memory for a minimum of 15 minutes. If power is restored within 15 minutes, the system automatically resumes processing from the point at which the power failure occurred, and jobs continue from the point of interrupt.

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