HPlogo Resource Management Programmer's Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 2 Managing Shared Resources with RINs

Multiple RIN (MR) Capability


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There are two types of RIN available for your use:

  • Global RIN, used to manage a resource shared by processes located in different jobs/sessions.

  • Local RIN, used to manage a resource shared by processes located in the same job/session.

If you have standard user capabilities you can lock more than one local RIN at the same time. However, you can lock only one global RIN at a time, because of the danger of a system deadlock resulting from the improper use of global RINs. Refer to the discussion of deadlock found later in this chapter.

If your program needs to have two or more global RINs locked at the same time, you must have the Multiple RIN (MR) capability assigned by a System Manager or Account Manager to the group in which your program file resides. In addition, you must assign to your program file the MR capability-class attribute at link time using the ;CAP= parameter of the :LINK command.

Because the operating system uses a resource management scheme similar to global RINs in the FLOCK and FUNLOCK intrinsics, you must count each active FLOCK call in your program as a locked global RIN.

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