VCHANGEFIELD | Changes field attributes for specified
fields at run-time. |
VCLOSEBATCH | Closes batch file. |
VCLOSEFORMF | Closes forms file. |
VCLOSETERM | Closes terminal file. |
VERRMSG | Returns message associated with error
code. |
VFIELDEDITS | Performs field phase processing specifications. |
VFINISHFORM | Performs final phase processing specified
for form. |
VGETBUFFER | Copies contents of data buffer into application. |
VGETFIELD | Copies field contents from data buffer
into application. |
VGETFIELDINFO | Returns field information. |
VGETFILEINFO | Returns forms file information. |
VGETFORMINFO | Returns form information. |
VGETKEYLABELS | Returns global or form function key labels. |
VGETLANG | Returns the native language ID of the
forms file being executed. |
VGETNEXTFORM | Reads next form into form definition
area of memory; window and data buffer are not affected. |
VGETtype | Copies field contents from data buffer
to application, converting data to specified type. |
VINITFORM | Sets data buffer to initial values for
form. |
VLOADFORMS | Loads the specified forms into terminal
local form storage memory. |
VOPENBATCH | Opens batch file for processing. |
VOPENFORMF | Opens forms file for processing. |
VOPENTERM | Opens terminal file for processing. |
VPLACECURSOR | Positions the cursor at a specified field
after a form is displayed. |
VPOSTBATCH | Updates end of file mark in batch file
after last record referenced. |
VPRINTFORM | Prints current form and data buffer on
off-line list device. |
VPRINTSCREEN | Prints entire contents of screen on off-line
list device. |
VPUTBUFFER | Copies data from application to data
buffer. |
VPUTFIELD | Copies data from application to field
in data buffer. |
VPUJTtype | Copies data of specified type from application
to data buffer, converting data to external format. |
VPUTWINDOW | Copies message from application to window
area in memory for later display. |
VREADBATCH | Reads record from batch file into data
buffer. |
VREADFIELDS | Reads input from terminal into data buffer. |
VSETERROR | Sets error flag for data field in error
and copies error message to window area. |
VSETKEYLABEL | Temporarily sets a new label for a function
key. |
VSETKEYLABELS | Temporarily sets new labels for function
keys. |
VSETLANG | Specifies the native language ID to be
used with an international forms file. |
VSHOWFORM | Updates terminal screen, merging the
current form, any data in buffer, any key labels, and any message
in window. |
VUNLOADFORM | Unloads a specified form from terminal
local form storage memory. |
VWRITEBATCH | Writes data from data buffer to batch
file. |