HPlogo HP Data Entry and Forms Management System (VPLUS) Reference Manual: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 6 USING VPLUS INTRINSICS



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The VPLUS intrinsics can be called from programs written in any of the supported programming languages listed in Appendix A. Additionally, some languages (also listed in Appendix A) provide the programmer with a special interface with terminals and forms, as described in their respective reference manuals. With these languages, the programmer does not call the VPLUS intrinsics directly. Instead, the programmer specifies the statements appropriate to the special interface. Each of the supported programming languages calls the VPLUS intrinsics with the same parameters, and these parameters are essentially the same type and size. So that the intrinsics can adjust to any peculiarities of the calling programming language, one input sub-parameter specifies the language of the calling program.

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