HPlogo HP Data Entry and Forms Management System (VPLUS) Reference Manual: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 INTRODUCTION TO FORMS DESIGN



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This menu is used to specify function key labels that will be displayed along with the form. Labels you specify replace original labels provided by VPLUS. Each label consists of two lines of eight characters each, To specify a label, enter the first line in the first field and the second line of the label in the second field in the menu. Both lines can be specified on this menu. The color pairs fields allow you to specify a number, (1 - 8) to indicate a color for each function key. If color pairs are not specified, VPLUS supplies color pair 3 as the default. Functions keys are always shown in the inverse of the color pair supplied. That is, the foreground and background colors are exchanged.

Refer to Table 3-3 “Display Enhancement” for the correct color to number mapping.

If the labels are to be Local, they will be displayed only while that form is on the screen. If the next form does not have Local labels, the file's Global labels will be displayed. In the case of a frozen form with another form appended to it, the labels displayed will be those for the appended form. If the appended form has no Local labels, the file's Global labels will be used. The function key labels can be updated using FORMSPEC in batch mode. (See Section 7 for more information.)

Figure 3-19 Form Function Key Labels Menu

Form Function Key Labels Menu
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