HPlogo HP Data Entry and Forms Management System (VPLUS) Reference Manual: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Appendix M Application Notes

FORMSPEC Gives FS Error -99 at Compile Time


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Problem Description

When trying to compile my formsfile, I receive the following error:


What does this mean?


The FS error -99, is a FormSpec error. This error means your formsfile is at end-of-file (eof). To verify this, do a :LISTF formsfile_name,2 and look at the EOF and LIMIT. If they are the same or very close, this is the reson you are getting this error.

The maximum size of a VPLUS formsfile is 32767. If your formsfile is less than this size, let's say around 28000, you can try the following: The first step is to build a new larger formsfile:


Then do the following:

  1. :FCOPY FROM=oldform;TO=newform

  2. :RENAME oldform,something

  3. :RENAME newform,oldform (:RENAME newforms file to original's)

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