HPlogo HP Data Entry and Forms Management System (VPLUS) Reference Manual: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems

Appendix L A Programmer's Guide to VPLUS


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Table of Contents

VPLUS Intrinsic Calls
Opening Files
Preparing and Showing the Screen
Reading Data from the Screen
Returning Data to the Program
Closing Files
VPLUS Enhancements
HPTOUCH Support (Introduced on VPLUS B.04.10 in MPE G.01.01)
Cursor Positioning (Introduced on VPLUS B.04.10 in MPE G.01.01)
264X Function Key Labels (Introduced on VPLUS B.04.10 in MPE G.01.01)
VGETFORMINFO Enhancement (Enhanced on VPLUS B.04.10 in MPE G.01.01)
Batch Mode FORMSPEC (Enhanced on VPLUS B.04.10 in MPE G.01.01)
Color Support for 2627A and 2397A (Introduced on VPLUS B.04.15 in MPE G.01.04)
VCHANGEFIELD (Introduced on VPLUS B.04.15 in MPE G.01.04)
User Environment Control File (Introduced on VPLUS B.04.20 in MPE G.02.01)
VPLUS & Multiplexers
Using VPLUS on a Pad-Terminal(Connected to a Cluster Controller HP 2334A)
Optimizing VPLUS Utilization
Definition of Terms
Effective Forms Design
Stack Use by VPLUS Applications
Modes of Operation
Viewing the VPRINTSCREEN Demo

VPLUS is an HP tool used by programmers to design screens and implement an on-line application to collect and display information. With VPLUS, you are able to design screens which prompt the user for input in familiar business terms. VPLUS intrinsics are available to help you develop a customized application.

This note is intended for programmers who want to understand the purpose of each intrinsic and the sequence of calls. For each intrinsic, a discussion of the passed parameters, some programming tips, and some details of what the intrinsic does is presented. Also included is a summary of VPLUS enhancements which can make an existing or new application easier to use. A brief synopsis is presented on each enhancement. For more details on their use, please refer to the HP Data Entry and Forms Management System (VPLUS/V) Reference Manual. Note that in the remainder of this paper, this manual will be referred to as the VPLUS/V Reference Manual.

This Application Note covers two topics to help you code your application.

  • VPLUS Intrinsic Calls

  • VPLUS Enhancements

This note assumes that the reader has some basic knowledge of the HP Data Entry and Forms Management System (VPLUS).

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