HPlogo HP Data Entry and Forms Management System (VPLUS) Reference Manual: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems

Appendix K SNA DHCF with VPLUS Applications


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This appendix provides advisory information about running VPLUS applications from IBM 3270 display stations using the Systems Network Architecture Distributed Host Command Facility (SNA DHCF). Note that the IBM 3270 Display System features several display station models. Consequently, this appendix generically refers to this family of display stations as IBM 3270.

The sections in this appendix provide information about:

  • The purpose and function of SNA DHCF and its impact on VPLUS

  • IBM 3270 screen and keyboard characteristics that affect VPLUS

  • The effect of SNA DHCF on VPLUS intrinsics

  • The effect of SNA DHCF on FORMSPEC

  • The effect of SNA DHCF on other VPLUS applications

For additional information on these topics, refer to the SNA DHCF Application Programmer's Manual.

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