The HP 264X terminal family is the terminal default — you
do not need to access FORMSPEC's Terminal/Language Selection Menu unless you need to change the default. However, if you want
function key labeling for HP 264X terminals, you must access the Terminal/Language
Selection Menu and specify Y in the HP 264X Family field. Also, when designing forms to run
on these terminals, the following constraints must be considered:
Do not use column 79 if the form is
to be part of a form family.
Do not use column 80 if the form may have another
form appended to it or is part of a form family.
A multiline field must go all the way through column
80 in order to continue on the next line.
The security display enhancement is not supported
on HP 26 4X terminals.
All HP 264X terminals, except the HP 2640A and HP 2644A terminals
described below, run VPLUS with the default terminal strapping.
However, if the defaults have been altered, you must close straps G and H. These terminals are automatically
configured by VPLUS so you do not have to press the block mode key.
HP 2640B Terminal |
This terminal must be placed in block mode. When the terminal
is opened by FORMSPEC, ENTRY, REFSPEC, or an application, a message
is displayed asking you to press the block mode key. Also, when
the terminal is closed, a message reminds you to unlatch the block mode
key. The HP 2640B must be strapped as follows to use VPLUS:
Switch | Setting |
A | closed |
B | ------ |
C | closed |
D | open |
E | open |
F | open |
G | open |
H | closed |
Strapping the terminal in this manner allows BLOCK MODE/PAGE operation and allows you to use the function keys
without also using CONTROL. The backtab feature, which allows you to use CONTROL TAB to position the cursor to the beginning of the previous
field, is not available on this terminal.
HP 2644A Terminal |
This terminal must be placed in block mode. When the terminal
is opened by FORMSPEC, ENTRY, REFSPEC, or an application, a message
is displayed asking you to press the block mode key. Also, when
the terminal is closed, a message reminds you to unlatch the block mode
key. The HP 26 44A must be strapped as follows to use VPLUS:
Switch | Setting |
A | closed |
B | ------ |
C | closed |
D | open |
E | ------ |
F | ------ |
G | open |
H | closed |
Strapping the terminal in this manner allows BLOCK MODE/PAGE operation.